Friday, 21 December 2018

Jupiter great star & it’s philosophy

Jupiter In Hindu astrology treated to be beneficial star but it has some particular nature which other star don’t have : Text says that where it occupies its effect are in negative nature for particular house where Jupiter occupies : why it’s so : It’s a nature of Jupiter but in two conditions it effects their nature : when Jupiter is debilated it gives favourable result in CENTER or Trikona and in rest house it’s result are not good : In fifth house debilated Jupiter gives 4 male child inspite of debilation it’s a surprise : In ninth house debilated Jupiter gives blessings of SAI Baba or a saint : it gives fame in law sector it gives praise from judiciary : conjunction with airy star (Rahu) it gives Chandal yoga but this debilated star conjunction with rahu gives traveling to pilgrims and extra ordinary mind : all stars between moon and Jupiter and Jupiter of owned ,exalted and posited in Center from
Moon gives in last Moksha : Jupiter in seventh house gives trouble in marriage but debilated it gives
fruitful result in Love marriage : There are number of factors are also associated with Jupiter it’s power also if its degrees are of eighteen to twenty five its benigicial result are obtained in the period of ascendent lord : of ascendent lord is posited in good house then Jupiter forming yoga would give good result ; if Jupiter is Atam karak star while having highest degree among all stars of hortoscope 

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Gossip in Democracy

To win the confidence of peoples through gossip is a very difficult way : Ruling party if adopts the way to become a liar and public weights the truth of talk and finds its trueness when promises are merely gossips then it goes the against the party who takes shelter of false promises : it’s impact upon  party goes very negative and affects the image of party its aim and objectives : Never creat false promises to public : short term it may have a good result to get the sympathy of peoples but opposite party always opens these cards : Those slogans which are not possible practically never rely and never opine these slogans :Opposite party may use those slogans against them : To creat the faith of peoples become very fair in democracy It’s rule by public for the public : Oppose in healthy manner no personal criticism it’s a democracy and all people have right of criticism against the policies but not personal criticism should be allowed but no body follows the rule : Healthy democracy would be when we have a civic sense of democracy: Childs are educated with a deep thought so they may grow  and become a good citizen then why we become a failure in placing us a good citizen having obeying the laws framed by us : Democracy would flourish in good sense when citizen knows the merits and demerits of govt policies and perfect to argue these policies framed by govt : Real result of democracy are seen when people feel that their votes would change the ethics of govt and they have a say in representation through their voting and it’s also have a responsibility of elected people to serve the public through their reasonable needs : Democracy would be when elected people would not make it a profession : No parliamentarian suggests law against their salaries allowances and other facilities which are going to be very high and expensive : There is no independent committee to frame these laws : Reformation of these laws are required through independent committee: For a healthy tradition after beginning of session party in power show their policies and fulfill those policies which opposition become failure in their regime : we should prepare healthy traditions not a bad tradition of personal criticism:

Sunday, 2 December 2018

Democracy & illiteracy

Literacy and political consciousness are very relavent part of democracy: The fruits of democracy have better result in the regime of these words where public knows practically meaning of these words in democracy: The literacy is not only a sufficient work to educate the people only for how the signature  can be reduced in writing but it’s meaning goes up to that extant that  they know about policies of govt which are in their interest whether it’s a domestic policy or foreign policy : In other countries other then India like USA and Great Britain the ratio of political consciousness is existing more then comparativily from india : in USA  the root of  democracy are grown from the people who are aware of their rights their political consciousness about democracy and judgement in voting right are factors which makes the democracy effective : How much govts are strengthening the pillars of democracy : The right to vote is not only a prime factor in democracy but whom to be voted for making better and efficient govt in the interest of public in whole and country can develop at every corner : Public should be well aware about of govt policies and their effect : To understand the policy of govt it’s not a simple task but it’s bounden duty of govt to show their effect of implementation of policies : To take it seriously it is esssntial that compulsory subject in study curriculum should be made for student : To enforce the experience of democracy it is essential that study course in
Basic study should be of these papers :Politicsl consciousness rises when people know about laws pertaining to constitutional wings :There should be a campaign of free education regarding political consciousness : Literacy gives a way to understand laws :A politically educated society is the fundamental need of democracy

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Democracy & liability of elected political Party

Elections are going on in states and after election who comes in majority would be ruling party : We have seen role of political parties since independence and comes to some conclusion  (1 )Political parties are elected as per their manifesto and how much they proved their menifesto as a successful and fulfilling the hopes of public it should be audited by independent auditor and if a political party doesn’t fulfill its menifesto that party should be stopped for fighting elections (2) Political parties should elect their candidate for eligiblity in contesting elections : that should be ,a social worker and having free time for doing social service  and also having knowledge of administrative policies and how he would serve public from a new policies : Elected members should have open talk with public and he should fulfill their menifesto along with new difficulties arrived from administration
Actually manifesto of political parties have no any kind of obligation:  The reply of political parties are that they worked in the national interest. and manifesto can be changed as per circumstance : there is no contract with voter and no obligation to fulfill the aim of manifesto: No voter reads the manifesto : Our courts don’t give verdict upon this point : legislation are framed by parliament not by political parties :Is it not a mockery in democracy:  To run democracy smoothly there is a need to understand what people likes and what would be beneficial to public at large : It’s not a industry to make money : Legislation should be framed but it’s a most impossible thing because every party who come in majority is brother of opposition party in the principle that they one time in power and other time opposition may come in power : Amendment in constitution may help with regard to qualifications of MLA and MPs : A social worker is a desirable person : Manifesto is an attraction for people they when peoples give their vote for an object in policy : what type of policies are liked by people: Thus the role of manifesto can’t be underestimated : Every winning party show what exactly they did in the interest or welfare of public : All sphere to be pressed by parties : Domestic and foreign affairs : This makes the more representations by public in democratic set up through their voting : More sharing by public in policies is a basic requirement in democracy :

Friday, 16 November 2018

Role of Emotions & Astrology

A persons called by us a stony heart who don’t have emotions, Sampathy ,pain for others ,feelings an : comes in the ambit of stony heart : The nature of person known from ascendent and it’s lord occupation ,aspected from other stars occupied in horoscope in other houses: Exalted ,or debilated or its own zoadic sign : two planets particularly Mars or Saturn gives people of stony heart they have no place of emotions : they make selfish nature : In astrology two yoga are Roochak yoga when mars acts as exalted or its own zoadic sign and sass yoga
is created when Saturn occupies as exalted or its own zoadic sign occupied in center while counting from ascendent or from moon : these two yoga makes a person very selfish in nature and they don’t believe in emotions : Emotions are media by which a emotional people can be made foolish and they are the people who make tools of emotions for their benefit : that peoples have other qualities according to their occupation upon particular house and conjunction and their aspect upon particular house and aspected from other house lord :  emotional people are those people who fear from God and don’t do such an act opposed to morality : when moon conjunction of Saturn with moon follows
Or mars with moon follows it creates emotions : feelings, in essence emotions that make a really person : up and downs make people full of emotions : without emotions persons may be called a stony or even animal who don’t know relations : Emotions creat obligations : without obligation no emotions : it’s a viceversa fact : Emotions are fountain when person thinks about other person : it’s a moon in astrology which creat emotions in persons :They express their emotions in particular way if they failed to express through voice Animals express their emotions through particular activity : thus feature of emotions are not neglected in animals but the difference is that they don’t control or they don’t know what’s good or bad : we people are having mind for thinking what is good or bad but the philosophy of good or bad are not expressed due to speechless it does not mean that they don’t know the fear of death but they are helpless :

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Philosophy of stars & Human life

Human development beginning from childhood youth and old age ; these three stage of life have peculiar activities of humans and every stage when transits to other stage : previous stage feelings goes to end in practically as childhood ends and entry in youth period :Humans use to follow youth activity and in the same way youth stage ends human do activity of old people and feel old ness it’s a practical phenomenon however it’s an another thing that we still fill child or youth in old age but activities of human organs goes to stop as per age of humans : This is universal we can’t compare the extraordinary people and here is not this subject : this is general : Mars and Venus two planets are quite young stars and there activities are related to youth activities for the human organ thus they are active in youth age and placement in horoscope gives better result in youth as per their aspect upon houses conjunction and their power but they are not effective in old age with regard to particular activity :if the period runs in old age it would be ineffective for a particular activity: Sun ,Saturn Jupiter are more effective in old age and it gives effect as per their placement in horoscope: In old age we can’t do for the strength of mars and Venus they are helpless in old age :Mercury is child star but it changes with the company of sun : it’s peculiarity for quick witty it runs till Moon is awakening : moon is mind and sun is soul which runs till our life runs 

Age & Astrology

Predictions from astrology are solely based from the age of person whose horoscope is placed for predictions:  stars works in particular time at particular period of age : How the age factor is relevant in the science of Astrology :A child when comes before pamist , then some say your lines of palm are yet to be developed :An astrologer say after scrutiny of horoscope that child before18 only to be studied with regard to his health and education other factors are not relevant at this age due to immaturity
 A child requires better education for better development of mind and better health also
requires for better physical development : A horoscope of old persons is not crucial for his further planning : old people when health is not allowed how other activities would be carried on : The point of determination is that the predictions for a child can’t be said the surprising things. of young age : In the same way an old person can’t do work as a young person do the same : Question relevant for us is that the person who seeks answer should have complete details of birth and planet works as per age of people : A person fails to do work due to old age or their deficiency of any physical workings inspite of  major period of exalted stars : it has been said that the period of ascendent lord when comes it is called the cream period of life but if it passes in child hood then it’s time passed when person was child and full enjoyment of period couldn’t received which it might have received in youth or old age :  Effect of cream period may have in child hood but it’s impact remains little but in
Youth period it has more and in old age it has the fruits which are already earned : In yearly chart a old person has a same yearly chart of another young people and that young people goes to marries and old person becomes helpless in sexual workings : it’s all the age of particular effects the horoscope whether it’s birth chart or yearly chart : Thus the role of age in predicting some about person should be of our importance and predictions should be said in accordance to age of person



Thursday, 8 November 2018

Importance of yearly horoscope

Tajik Neel Kanthi a beautiful text written upon yearly horoscope:  It’s falit (predictions) are very much accurate Particulary prediction upon which year marriage would have to be consumed or solaminized : It’s very practical and yoga karak planets when occupies in yearly horoscope : It would be definitely predicted : It’s predictions are perfect and to be relied : In this modern electronic era we have codified electronic app where we can search the yearly horoscope of next years and while drawing yearly horoscope of next years in advance we can predict the year of marriage it’s very simple : what are the yoakarka star : yogkaraka stars are which are qualified for creating yoga : ascendent lord in yearly horoscope have conjunction  with 7 th lord then it can be predicted that there would be marriage and what kind of marriage would be ? If these lord occupies in 4 th 2nd 7th or ascendent  it creates yoga but if they are upon inimical sign or Malifics and conjunction of third star or location in 6 th house then it’s a marriage not stable and it may be breaked there may be when temporily friendship May occurred : Bodily pleasure May occurred it can be observed through very sharp reading of planet : conjunction of ascendent lord and seventh house lord shows that there would be a company of opposite sex but it would have a stability or temporary : second it would creat a married life or simply a relation : This require a sharp mind of astrologer who takes all factors in mind : exalted and stars occupied upon its own Zodiac sign or friendly sign stars gives good result in yearly horoscope : conjunction with lord of 6 or yoga created in 6 th house does not solaminized marriage :

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Question of supremacy

There are set of principles in democracy which are called justified in the general public interest and what are justified in the public interest : This aspect if given to executive it would be interpreted its their own way or its own end : The interference of judiciary is a must for better democracy and Role of judiciary always remained with justice: we are very much proud of judiciary when timely quashes the tyranny of executive but democrates should be vigilant about their rights and also have a Vigilence look to place the material before judiciary for proper adjudication : There are number of incidents when wrong prejudial ordinances passes and after making public enlightment are quashed by judiciary similarly laws are interpreted and if found against its object that are quashed or deleted from our legislation : The role of judiciary is no doubt very pious and it’s like God when our voice reaches for seeking shelter :The observance of judiciary upon other wings of constitution is very much liked by democrates : Justice can’t be one sided because it has logical base and gives strength to democracy : Democratic constitution gives some autonomy in their workings : Now a days much hue and cry placed with regard to interference in reserve bank of india Act particualarly in sec 7 for having capital in the hands of RBI it has been said that ratio of fund should be enlarged with govt by transferring fund so as to making financial institutions powerful : it’s a policy matter and it requires direction from Judiciary: RBI is having status through statute and if statute don’t say the deciding factor would be our judicial decisions or an amendment in law would be a second alternative : It
might be that it’s essential for our growth in this financial crisis and it might be that banks become a handy tool for playing game by executive : if interference of govt is for the betterment of public it
should be proved through logical base :it may be that hue and cry is through opposite party and party power would like in the interest of public but when we do against the provisions we must clearify either from judiciary or an amendment through parliament can have better impact or better running upon democracy: Govt is supreme and it’s not necessary to have consultation with RBI governor : Govt can issue directions in the interest of general public :In India this is a central Bank and what extent it’s role should be independent to the govt :In USA the Fed is an independent agency : it’s accountability with public and govt also The Fed does not receive funding through congressional budgetary process and audit wing also have independent outsider auditor : The Bank of England is also answerable to public and parliament : When law is not clear then who would be responsible : In this situation who would decide accountability to public : Democratic institutions where central Bank has a independent role and accountability to public and govt both it shows that in whole accountability lies with govt and public both : that is people who are in power through their govt and also people who are in opposition : this is a like a issue of total public not differentiating who are in majority or not in majority thus this issue would be heard and decided by peoples in whole : This is a matter of pros and cons and protection of interest of all citizens would be a better idea : It may be when law is silent : The majority party may interpret in their own way and people of opposite become helpless : Judiciary would be armed when there is a law or judicial precedent: The role of supremacy now goes to judiciary keeping in view democracy and independent role of central Bank


Thursday, 25 October 2018

Power of stars in horoscope

Power of star denotes the status of star in horoscope :  It’s a universal truth that capacity of old person & child are quite different to a person having young age : Similarly stars in old age & also in childhood fails to work due to decrease of power in old age or immaturity in childhood : their capacity somewhat not actionable in various actions of physical body or spirit : In exceptional cases a child becomes mature before the age of maturity and in the same way an old age person has a spirit of young person :  This universal principle being applied in astrological proposition : A star occupies in low degrees in horoscope called in child age and a star having degrees of last degrees called in old age : these star called inactive star : 0 degree to 10 degree child hood 11 to 24 young and last 25 to 30 called old age status : this principle has presumption only : Astrologer thinks at their extraordinary wisdom while taking other factors also : whether a star occupies upon inimical zoadic sign or friendly sign or exalted , debilated or its own zoadic sign : These stars occupation called upon inimical zoadic sign adversely effected  : friendly sign in laughing state : debilated giving bad result or ups and down : exalted and own zoadic sign gives good result keeping in view power of the planet and signifactor of good houses : these powers can be identified through particular calculation of planet : Digbali a star has good prominence in Navans chart :Thus the value of Navans chart is very much high in the sense to predict accurat upon any house and star :

Thursday, 11 October 2018

To define a person m

In our day today life we encounter the personalities of various cult and learn from their activities some time we understand the personalities ,their acts &
 how they attract to other person and win others confidence : actually before attraction we have to win the confidence of other and this creats faith by other person in the person who attracts : Attraction with motive and without motive no attraction is caused : when one person attracts to another it creats their ambitions primfacie and it may be both side desire for the attraction : actually this human attraction has number of desire and this is the motive behind  : Before creating attraction there exist a desire which matured in motive  : our world totally running upon theme of attraction : Yog develops when attraction of nadi develops : Sun always attracts moon and in yoga one person is running sun nadi or sun waive running in right nostril then person having moon nadi or air flowing in left nostril these persons when meet attraction would be caused :The great pleasure feels when a yogi does activity of susmana nadi meaning thereby meant that both sun and moon flows by way of right and left air flowing in nostril : This is mazic and amazing effect of susmana nadi : but this attraction feels yogi himself not for the purpose of other people :In our daily life we act with the selfish motive and to fulfill we do with the intention : some time we become failure to understand a men what he wants with us : there is a ingredient in attraction when any greed element exists there develops attraction when one side greed exists then it’s a persuasion by greedy person and ones authority becomes powerful upon other person who is innocent

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Your best choice

We love best in the sense that our taste always linked with the best: It might be scenario of nature or of human being but our taste always remains selected meaning by the best choice :our education choice remained  always top school our living standard remained top : this is ours mental status which defines the status : our thought of our best  choices made our status :this status theory makes a very difference to other status : we love 💖 best things beginning from personality and to make personality we make change our appearances through wearing highest type of  cloths and assossaries those gives good looking & glow to our appearances : Time has gone when traditional way of living was prevailed : if you have to live then enjoyment gives a life pleasure : As a waiv of pleasure started then we are searching pleasure in best hotels , best houses and best resorts: we are making our own place for enjoyment:  our way of thinking become changed we are unable to bear a bad mood : The Principle of charvak that eat drink and be marry  seems to a right concept:  This status theory created a competition and we are running in this lust for making status : The comfort attracted to us that we made a difference between a class : we feel and always act to become a super class : This has become a radical change in our thoughts : The word modern has quite resembling to our living eating and be marry behaving also : stars activity become totally changed what Jupiter used to show their moral lord now it has come in contact by rahu or Ketu by aspect or conjunction: earlier rules now changed due to change of life everybody is king in the sense a particular class of our society is fully flourish with regard to necessary aminities : This is physical world number of peoples live in high society : Earlier there was a shortage of finance and peoples used to believe in collection
Of fund but now people used to make expenditure upon their prosperious life : The way of thinking has totally changed and predictions are correlated with the modern era

Friday, 5 October 2018

Leo ascendent & Rahu in Leo sign

Leo ascendent shows that people is having extraordinary qualities as Leo is animal which has some extraordinary qualities of Leo : Thus this zodiac sign :contains braveness and enemies being afraid by Leo ascendent: It has been said in many astrological texts that Leo ascendent creats forcible effect to enemies and enemies of that people used to lower down of them : so far as Rahu is concered if rahu occupies in Leo ascendent it makes the person greedy and egoistic and if ascendent lord occupies in trikona with murcury it makes person very wisdomful : Leo peoples are egoistic people and there quarrel doesn’t end due to their honour & pride : They work for selfish motive and makes friendship for their aim of selfishness: they people also take shelter of state for their end ; if the third house occupies by melific planet then these peoples makes litigation and wins the cases fought against injustice :Leo peoples are generally rewarded by state in lifetime or after their death : Posthumous reward being awarded by state : they are prestigious people :if the Leo lord sun becomes debilated in fourth house it gives negative effects with regard to mother and land also :Sun upon Leo is a basic powerful effect that gives powerful force to people 

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Zodiac & sun or moon

Indian astrology bases prediction through moon where the moon occupies upon particular zodiac sign. : Western countries bases sun zodiac sign when sun runs in particular month upon particular zoadic sign : Indian astrology bases prediction upon which zodiac sign ascendent at the birth time runs and where moon occupies upon particular zoadic sign : The basic difference between Indian and western astrology is that Indian astrology take deep effect of ascendent birth chart and moon and in western astrology they solely depend upon sun and predict while assuming people born in particular month would be affected with that particular zodiac sign : Both traditional and western science rely upon transitory effect of planet :Transitory effect meant by that planets have effect upon peoples as they changes their zoadic sign : Sun changes it’s zoadic sign every month and moon two & half day other planet Jupiter changes zoadic sign in one year Saturn two & half year : murcury Venus mars changes their zoadic sign as per retrogradation and rising but their transit are more then month and between two and three month except marcury :Ketu and rahu runs one and half year each : Both tradional and western astrology belief are same with the transitory effect of planet :

Monday, 1 October 2018

Sun posited in Cancer Ascendent

I came in contact with two persons having identical sun posited in cancer ascendent: The same characteristic I found : These personalities are having a distinguished character of how to make fool
to other person : they used to take confidence of other in such a way that other becomes fool
They are not stupid but they have a quality how to persuade others : their industry runs without finance meaning thereby they know how to wear cap on others head : This we may call it clever person working with the motto of extreme selfishness : No body can understand them
because they expose sympathy to others and also expose love and affection to others : Peoples who are having Rahu in cancer can easily beat those person and they hesitate to meet these persons : The scientific and astrological truth behind is this : that these persons who are having sun in cancer ascendent are as like burning heat and we make it cold : the fusion state where a magic created it is a same character : If any person wishes to break their circle : The first requirement is to say roughly them with regard to their cleverness and avoid them while they have no interest them
Otherwise they used to make you tool in due course for any selfish motive :

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Trikona house in Astrology

The foremost house in horoscope is  5,9 houses :if these houses are occupied upon own sign of planet  or lord of trikona occupies in trikona house for example 9 th lord occupies in 5 th house or 5th house lord occupies in 9 th house it’s a yoga if trikona lord occupies upon friendly sign it’s a yoga :  trikona is a place which has been boosted by godessa Lakshmi : godessa Lakshmi would not leave that person : trikona position of a star having lordship of 9th occupies in 5th house t gives a high position in life: There are number of example when it’s unique position : trikona lords occupation in trikona it’s  a highly beneficial position and best result are obtained in the vishotari period of ascendent lord which is a starting point of trikona : three points in trikona 1,5,9 and when it’s added through line Trikona formed : A text says that debilated planet in 9 th house not good : trikona good the horoscope is good and godessa LAXMI will not leave you it’s a sign of happiness pleasure free flow of finance : Tajik Neel Kanthi a text of yearly chart says if in a year ninth house is occupied  by debilated star then Indra can’t stop to becoming a person without finance it’s so negative function of debilated star in ninth house

Saturday, 25 August 2018

Overcoming the bad yoga in astrology

There is a way to overcome the bad yoga prevailing in your horoscopes:  From time immemorial text has been written such as Lal kitab and other texts suggesting the method to negate the negative effect of bad yoga : The basis of negation of these yoga are that if we donate the particular goods to particular person then the effect of bad yoga could be minimised or relieved but there are some yoga that works till life and whole life is totally effected and there cure is required : Nothing about written for eradicating these yoga : My article is totally written in originality on the basis of principles behind   these yoga : it’s a thought which comes out after a long internal discussion with the truth which can be called an eternal : it’s a priniciple that when we donate some thing our intention is not to take return of that goods it’s without consideration :In Astrology donation have very much
Place for eradicating the bad effects of stars but when yoga is there it’s very difficult for curing the star or effected house : suppose a person is having Saturn + Moon yoga in horoscope this yoga creates trouble for that particular house where yoga created or planets are occupied : In astrological remedy it has been said that Lord shiva Pooja on Monday through milk
and Black til is desired it’s so right but it requires more :This is more effective when Saturn +Moon yoga presents in ninth house it’s totally effective and in other houses it’s less effective : when there is no remedy then the temple is a last resort for curing the bad effects of star : To donate in temple gives the remedy : LAL Kitab chooses the things for throwing in dirty water for 41 days : This is a mental
exercise that bad things are thrown by us There is a difference between throwing or to donate some thing :Useless things are thrown or if they are useful but are harmful pshyilogically : Dinations are useful to others and it’s return back every donation returns 10 times Thus the point of discusssion is that donations of particular goods of particular star if given in temple or religious place where person take shelter in bad luck or bad time : Saturn + Moon yoga eradicated or cured through a particular way : first the person who belong to which religion and if he donate the particular goods to preaching prayer house where he believes that there is the only means to cure the yoga : Saturn +Moon
Yoga which is called vish yoga or poison yoga Lord shiva is the only way for remedy but if this yoga has been created in 2nd house it creates obstacle in marriage and the best procedure to overcome this yoga is donate the blue cloth with Swastik along with rice in particular temple or preaching house and it would be more effective when it’s all ceremonies are solamenised in temple ; Believe in God nothing is impossible in world


Monday, 20 August 2018

Five elements and human body

Our human body is governed by five elements and to identify these elements is the precondition to know nostrils waive ,these five elements run in both nostril waive and these elements are air ,fire ,water, earth and sky :Sky element is only  element that runs in both nostrils waive : amazing effect of  these five elements are :  our  body is  guided by these elements and any element disturbance in body gives the indication of deficiency of particular element:which can be cured by changing nostril air through sleeping and mouldings our left knee for that purpose: balance of elements are necessary for better health : when both nostril air runs in human body  then avoid all activity and the only act desired which is concentration of mind and watch the activity of nostril ; How susmana nadi runs and  watch  the time limit in minutes when susmana runs its colour and flow of nostril air in the measurement of fingures for example four fingures eight fingures twelve fingures sixteen fingures : sky element runs four fingures ,air element eight fingures, fire element twelve fingures , earth element 16 fingures ,water element 20 fingures ; these last two element are most fruitful for success : if a work started during earth or water element in left nostril air flow : then success are assured : Hath yogi used to watch the activity of these five element : it’s all is not one day job : several year passes to identify these element but it’s not hard to learn : The first lesson to learn is to identify particular nostril air meaning thereby that which side flow of air is flowing suppose right nostril is running then it’s called sun nadi or sun is running and then you identify the element and it can be easily identified through flow of air in fingures measurement 

Monday, 13 August 2018

Astrological Yoga

Yoga in astrology  meaning thereby meeting of two or more stars to creat a particular event : Yoga occurs when meeting of mind is there : Friendship is a result of minimum two persons : single person can’t do friendship to own entity Thus two persons is a basic requirement for yoga :In astrology if there is no conjunction of star there is no yoga : Aspect upon star also creat yoga and exchange of houses by stars are also a yoga :if enemy exchange there houses then they don’t spoil there house and it’s a balancing their houses : A single man can’t expend the family : Scientific way in modern science is available through test tube baby but it’s also a help of science and it’s a meeting of two person one yourself and another scientific process of enhancing family : yoga in Astro science or other science is a factor where 1+1=2 and new formation or new occurances : when your stars are positive in horoscope but they are not yogakarka then it’s no use : yoga is a part of life ,a happy life can only be achieved through yoga karka stars ; 

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Bases of Predictions in Astrology

Prediction varies or non applicable when we are solely dependent upon Birth chart : There are many factors relevant for accuracy and true prediction : There are some guideline for accuracy in astrology:1 Burth chart 2 Navansh chart 3 yearly chart 4 Gochar 5 vinsotary : you take them parallel and Never base result upon one out of these : your stars are good in birth chart but in Navansh stars are debilated or bad stars are exalted in navansh : stars posited in their own house exalted in both chart or upon same sign called good due to vargotam : Birth chart and Navansh read them sharply : there are signifactors of predictions : Yearly prediction also a perfect way of prediction :The placement of Muntha in particular house : Suppose a person want the date of marriage : You draw year chart of regular of next up to 5 years : The Question of marriage soleminization  is related to change in family and this would be when ascendent lord in yearly horoscope made conjunction with 7 th house lord in any house except in 6th  which is 12th from 7th house :2nd house also shows increase of member in family : This factor can be identified through consecutive next 5 years horoscope : suppose you don’t find yoga in next 5 years : you can further draw next years yearly horoscope and when this conjunction of ascendant lord +seventh house lord found : Predictions would be perfect :Muntha in 7 th house also helpful in marriage :karak period of vishitary and sub period of Navansh star occupied in 7th house also gives positive result and it all depend upon wisdom   Of astrologer : Gochar period transit of major stars that is of Jupiter and Saturn which are most predictive stars in transitory period : 

Monday, 23 July 2018

Search in pleasure (2)

Introvert process of pleasure makes storage of energy whereas extrovert process makes decrease of energy : Introvert the first process only deposits energy whereas in extrovert process energy after production only decreases : there is no alternative to stop the energy : Both process gives pleasure but   not similar process :  Extrovert pleasure gives feelings to mind as rescued from burden and this is a like pain reliever it’s a cloud of emotions nothing else : Emotions are accelerated when our body works with full of blood : spirit more or more runs with the young age of people : but introvert people  never go to outer world and don’t take taste of bodily pleasure : The basic difference between these pleasure are one centralises their mind upon bodily pleasure and other goes to leave bodily pleasure while controlling the body and it’s organ : meditation when goes to a high stage of introvert people forgets the outer world and even forgets his body some time : This process to prepare the mind to go introvert is a process where people feels a pleasure that is not available in outer world it’s a kind of pleasure where people ones adopted the path or process neither leaves nor returns : The tools are different in both process : Introvert process is a process where persons desires goes to end and people wants to leave the body : there is no connection with body : the main difference in both pleasure are that one takes shalter of body and other not : The fundamental principle that one takes tools of bodily organs other not : organs of body creat hurdle or obstacle in the process of going introvert : Hath yogi  how goes to introvert they stops the activity of organs of body through preparing the body from the way of Asana an yogic activity Pranayama : Poorak Kumbhak Rechak  :The way where people goes inside and see about occurance of happenings : The picture of happiness where pleasure feelings comes on the mind : The activity of mind becomes so powerful like a computer and every thing is possible but after going Introvert returning for bodily pleasure is most impossible task :Introvert people know that our mind works in two way one inside and other in outside :The way of going  outside have a difinite stoppage but inside there is no stoppage and this is a long journey :Those peoples who adopted the path of inner world get success to achieve the goal when they leave their body 

Search in Pleasure

There are number of sects who professed the way of pleasure : How to feel pleasure : what are the factors that evolve pleasure and change our feelings : there are two factors one is introvert and other is extrovert : this is simplified : The taste of pleasure whether is same or other type of test feeling :it’s an amazing field for analysis : Introvert feelings gives the way for the objects outsides  the human body : In our world there is only two ways for obtaining peace and pleasure  :  The first way is that we measured the gravity of pleasure but pleasure means the peace and peace how we can have ?subject of peace is limited to our feelings : The taste in feelings of happiness is called pleasure : In whole world every body wants pleasure and in search of pleasure number of texts are written about there personal experience : In fact the secret of pleasure is our feelings of happiness : there are only two ways to obtain the pleasure : we search in outer world from our relieving our labour and in
 Our inner world absorbing what we are having : this process of introvert feeling of pleasure wherever we don’t separate the pleasure but we absorb it : feelings in both way are common but in outer world or extrovert there is a process of discharging where in introvert process no discharge exists but absorbation of happiness appears : The basic difference of pleasure  are feelings of body and soul  that is we feel ; Osho what says it’s pleaure when we enjoy the bodily pleasure the prefer the way of ending of pleasure of outer world and that next way of pleaure is our pleasure of soul when our ambitions goes to end our way for searching of pleasure of soul becomes effecious

Friday, 20 July 2018

Life & Last chapter of my book (3)

No body wants to die and wants to live more & more but some peoples are of view that the pain & suffering are so much effected their lives that they don’t want to live but It’s not in their hand : Thus life & death are universal and nobody can stop this phenomenon : I know this event but it’s thinking might bring fear but I am not feared but to write in last chapter of book it is necessary to do complete the book whatever be: Last pages were not ending : It was a novel for me to have experience but I wanted peaceful end of chapter in the same way that no body wanted to end their life tortured or in the  hospitalisation manner : there is a debt when you are ill then your body needs help from others and persons give service but I know that this debt has to be paid in another way in the next birth : I don’t want help to write in last chapter of book : To drive in the sea of death it was an amazing idea :
but no body could have drive the sea of death It was meant that you have win over death : Neither scienctist nor yogi won this race of death : Yogi can exceed the age span but after all death is universal : Think you can understand the philosophy of death when and where? These two words every body wants to know :because if it would have known they can arrange the last bread which they have earned during life and they can meet with their dears : It’s most impossible to take notice of  death  : if your heart is clean some body would come and bring you happiness you will astonish it’s due to your good karma : Two principles are well prevailed that death should come peacefully and we don’t want to go in hail : we need heaven and if I become competent to know the door of heaven then  my last chapter would be with happy end

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Life & Last chapter of my book (2 )

Life is like voyages and I was waiting of my station :it was a like train stoping upon station  ; airoplane landing for earth  : ship searching port : all were similar and stoppage was the last theme for   the closing of last chapter : I was in hurry in the sense that before reaching at any station I should be ready while lifting my bag and baggage :It is a human nature that when station comes we take our bag & baggeges to complete our journey and give space to others : Last chapter also included that I have arrived safely in journey : This was content in my last chapter that I arrived in my journey safely  Last chapter of padges compelling me to write more or more about the view of journey and experiences took placed during my journey : It was not a time for elobrating all the experiences of journey because it was last time and last destination of life and time was short for writing more : My imagination power not helping me to write for future dreams :Actually the last time of journey knocked me to think in limited sphere not out of sphere : I was thinking in my limited space of time how I could complete the last pages of my book it was an adventure which I couldn’t get in my whole life : some say that in the last time body becomes cured and soul goes to other body leaving prior cured body : It was not the time for me to think about next journey My book was waiting to complete the last padges of book : I remembered that I should read the book again so as to rectify the mistakes what I made during my life but it was not possible for me to rectify the mistakes it was a time for apologies and it would be better to write about apologies : some apologies were such type the I don’t want to narrate it was a secret and I don’t want  to share the secret I want to die with secrets but I know that the book of Universal God is different he takes note of all occurances :that compelled me to break the secret  :To disclose in the last chapter of my book was akin to issue that neither raised during my life book and now it is narrated it would cover a new thoughts not relevent to book :

Monday, 16 July 2018

Life & Last chapter of my Book

Today it was intution for me to write the last or remaining pages of my life book so as to complete
the work with an objective to review what I have written during my life and completing also for reviewing others when the end of life is universal : It’s a not a kind of fear but the work I started should have a meaning in the form of substance so as to appearing to others that my work was completed :actually work if not completed it’s has no meaning : so it’s a very hard time for me to complete the last chapter of my life : It would not be proper to review myself for the book without writing the last pages of my book : it was a novel for me to complete the last chapter of my book :it was a last work which I don’t want to leave for others to write or add the pages after my end of life : Life is like a book and every people want that his book have take a place in the liabrary of others : Life is just like a example for others it’s chapter gives the direction to others in the sense of your unique personality in the field of literary or socially,other fields are so complicated that have logics but literary and socially. have no opposition ; My article may not be helpful for those people who want to become overnight mayor : it’s a last chapter of my book that compelled me to write something in the similarity of book not any material which doesn’t corroborate the book : it’s a not a time to mix the other material which is not the subject of my book : It would be better to read the previous chapters of book so as to complete the book with a happy end : It was a natural phenomenon that end of life should be with happy end in the same style that I finish last pages of book with the happy end : Imagination has no place in the last pages of book it’s a synopsis in the sense to complete the book :These last pages of my book are very laborious to write words or sentences : Time was short and pages are also few but writing of a single word seems to write a epic : I don’t want to write what was just or unjust : I left this work for others for review my whole life book :

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Honesty & Stability

Honesty meaning thereby how we act with good intentions in our human behaviour: This subject is more or less related with our legal framework assigned by national laws : our code of conduct should be fair in the preview of our national law : morally some things are not good  : laws are also framed to check the loop hole : Money earned through dishonesty have no stability : It would be checked by laws enacted to check dishonest peoples : People wants to become multimillionaire or become overnight mayor it’s a habit of people who are dominated by negative forces : Money earned through illegal means have no stability: Thief’s and decoits are not rich people : Stability comes from your good system which provides a definite right way : BIRLA and Bangers are Indian rich people known by their name as rich : Actually they followed the system of honesty and that they earned prestige in their commercial activity : honesty gives prestige and stability : money earned through illegal means doesn’t have prestige : Thus the corollary word honesty stability and prestige are in similar footings : State are told honest in international behaviour when they follow the treaty among them but if they are not honest and don’t follow international conventions they are not prestigious state and there can’t have stability in their relations with other state :It also affects the internal state of that type of nation who have no stand in international sphere and they do it upon the cost of that nation or their public : Diplomacy and honesty are two different words and their impact are also different : In international sphere its good to have good diplomacy in relation to other nations but dishonest diplomacy also can’t be said good diplomacy : The role of honesty are treated to be more pious in international sphere

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Saturn & Jupiter Major Planet for prediction

Saturn runs two and half year and Jupiter one year upon a sign : These are major planets and their effect upon humans are wide and enormous Their impact is recognised by us due to transit in particular sign for a long period and it’s more helpful for predictions : Those peoples have Jupiter and  Saturn upon good placement in horoscope are lucky peoples there prosperity would be enhanced as per good transit in year chart or it would be seen transit in particular sign that also seen position from horoscope suppose Jupiter placed in Pisces in 11 th house in birth chart presently transiting in Libra then it’s placement in 6th house keeping in view the ascendent of birth chart and the lord of 6,8,12 are treated to be  good when placed in trika house similarly Saturn placed in birth chart upon Virgo sign and in 5th house then in transit presently running upon sag sign that means Saturn running in 8th house keeping in view ascendant Taurus : then it would creat troubles in financial matters and delay would be caused in marriage of family members There is a permanent relationship of lord of house in birth chart and there transit in particular house : Predictions are based upon vinsotry period and transit of that planet in particular house and yearly chart position of muntha etc all predictions are based upon vision of astrologer further the positions of retrograde star, less degree child star .mudit star ,astagata star Mitra khestri stars satru khestri star ,judging their power we can arrive at conclusion: The role of other stars also shows occurances but it happens when Jupiter and Saturn helps in transit

Friday, 22 June 2018

Writers always go to heaven

Heaven is a most attractive word upon this earth and every body wants to know what is heaven :and also want to go Heaven : Heaven and sky word are mentioned in English dictionary as a same meaning : writers always love to heaven and poets always talk about imaginary things which is totally subject of sky :In astrology sixth house is related to sin and also is house of writer : who writes something about factual facts or imaginary world for the love of others it’s writing lies in your heartily voice and voice kills vice due to this house aspected by 12th house in horoscope: it is true that 12 th house should have vacant position so any obstacle in moksha or heaven may not arise Path of heaven is very clear to writers because they accept their sin in writing : How heart combines with mind  and they used to write for a better likings : Heart beats and mind works : sensitive touch in writing stimulate action like a cup of coffee stimulate the working :
Who goes to moksha it’s a philosophical and religious thoughts but it is no doubt when your temptation are no more you are supposed to move on the path of moksha or heaven : writer more or less
12 th house is related with moksha and  moksha and heaven is same thing thus sin are crushed due to they aspect 6th house : conjunction of sun and mercury is a best position in 6th house for a writer Peace comes when sin are  distroyed : writing of name of God upon plain  paper keeps the doors open in heaven :if there is a vacant house  of 12 th house :and all stars occupies between moon and Jupiter
It flourish the path of heaven : 

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Taming of tongue

Tongue lives in mouth similarly a person lives in a house :
To Control tongue is very difficult and cause of evil is tongue when tongue speaks negative words to any person then it might result In quarrel:  To purify tongue it’s a necessary to speak few words in
Conversation There are many ways to control the tongue but easiest way is ,you dedicate mind heart and tongue to God by prayer : anger makes no control on voice it’s a result in fight : These are some drawbacks which result in voice negative effect : In astrology lord of 2nd house when combines with debilated star then harsh voice indicated that some time is causes of fight & quarrels : further ascendent lord occupies in 7th house debilated or upon inimical sign it also makes argument in every aspect in behaviour: The remedial measures in Lal kitab whatever be :but principles of remedy is that tongue becomes uncontrollable when anger emerges and mind becomes helpless : Dog animal helps us when your food after eating if leaves some foods residue then drop it to black dog on Saturday : Meditation and closing door of mouth through piece of cloth for a few hours : In jain religion particularly in swetambar sect it’s a tradition in priests to control the tongue : Practically if we are affected by curse of bad stars and helpless then what makes it issue of debate that stars remedial measures should be adopted to make away from bad effect of melefic stars ; It is true that forgiveness is a practical remedy of bad speech rising from tongue but some time other person if ignores and does not accept forgiveness then the result ends in enormity ; sweet tongue makes people very near and people forget the animity : thus the role of sweet tongue have a important place in human life The value of tongue is very much appreciated in human life ;The lie and truth are source from
tongue and  if tongue becomes black then it has been told that words originated from black tongue it would become certainly occurred in future : this black tongue when becomes when it’s guided by Saturn and 2nd house lord combines with sun or ascendent lord occupies with exalted sign friendly or own sign in 2nd house Yoga has the best theory of restraining nadi that is called hat yoga. :To know the bad time from Swara shastras avoiding the bad time also helpful when some body provoke you for becoming anger

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Easy way of Prediction in Astrology

There are some peculiar events for example marriage ,birth of child ,source of earning ,illness ,accident etc some of these events makes changes in life : Way of astrologers for prediction are different keeping their practical experience : Predictions are totally based on long experience and experience has no last point but it grows day by day : so far as my exeperience is concerned I used to take these tools for predictions which are most authentic: Firstly birth time birth place and date of birth should be right so as to draw correct horoscope , You May adopt AstroSage app for ready made material :now see the vishotary period which is running : whether you are running benefic star period or benific house period its knowledge and after its sub period would help you to know the events : Thereafter go to yearly predictions Varsha Kundli and know the position of Muntha : The role of muntha in Varsha Kundli is very important and it shows the accuracy of events : Marriage follows when you are having vishotary period of benefic star and lord of benefic house further in Varsha Kundli you have a combination of lord of ascendent and seventh house at fourth house and muntha posited in 7!th house it gives marriage and lord of seventh house and ascendent lord combines in 6th house and some melefic star posited in 7th house then  : ist engagement would not be fruitful but after break of engagement,marriage would be fruitful : all decisions depends upon high skill of astrologer but it’s a simple proposition:  but it is a universal truth that marriage ceremony has a unique place in life either it makes life good or it spoils so astrologers suggest manglik or non manglik type of two Kundli and suggest marriage manglik to manglik persons and non manglik to no manglik : this type of categorisation helps them a happyand prosporious  life : Birth of child is second event after marriage and it happens when in yearly Kundli 2nd house becomes auspicious it shows the family becomes spread due to coming of new member : Varsha Kundli very much helpful to know these specific events Role of muntha in
Yearly Kundli also very much effective for predictions : illness and accident shows when birth lord of  ascendent falls in 6th 8th house and muntha also falls in these houses it gives bad results : these are simple points by which we can predict our peculiar events :Tajik  Neelkanthi
written by Ganesh davaghya it’s a complete and authoritative book upon yearly predictions through a scientific calculation and it also describes the number of yoga in yearly Kundli and basics of yoga in questionarry Kundli is that moons degree and conjunction with other stars degree gives predictions how moon runs fast and reaches to
Other star due to transit upon one Rashi
For a period of 2and 1/2 days : we donot go this aspect but it’s a fundamental that yearly Kundli depicts specific events : the cardinal principle is that when a karak star posited in birth chart and takes  same place in year chart : specific events would be followed surely

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Seventh house in horoscope

Seventh house have a unique place in life : It makes changes in life either peaceful or life with struggle and some time makes the end of peaceful journey of life  : It’s a social need and recognition from our society to become married : It’s true that society gives recognition to married people but what happens when they are not true in themselves either in habit , way of living or mentally not fit for cohabitation  : Ego and disturbed mantally position influenced by wealth expenses modern way of living have a critical position in life : there are two ways : one is traditional way of living life another is a way different to tradition and you may call it modern way : Logics are also issue of irritations in life : Seventh house where life partner resides : In astrology placement of karak star shows in their karak house shows good but philosophy for seventh house is quite different : Even karak star gives bad result : Venus placement in seventh house treated karak of that house but it’s not good due to the very reason that this house should remain vacant : this house don’t need explaination , no different logic : differences occurred when difference of opinion evolved:  seventh house when occupied by rahu or Ketu it gives love marriage and Gandharva Vivah generally fruitful : if marriage is solamanised through functions customs it’s result in struggle we don’t go in depth because this only factor is responsible for the result but if aspected by good stars it makes balanced to seventh house 

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Supremacy of constitution

In democratic setup constitution gives the direction for running a state : Three organs of constitution works in their sphere :if not works then judiciary may direct to follow the constitution : Supremacy of
Judiciary survives constitution : Judgements are not debatable but appealable so as to protect constitutional rights : It would be a position of  instability of democratic set up  when there is struggle  between  executive and judiciary :: Public in democratic set up have faith in govt for a period they chooses them and after coming  in power govt works according to their policies but when policies are enacted for the betterment of public  but the public become helpless when policies are not implemented or if implemented public have to pay the amount of corruption : Public voted to particular party or people for the smooth running of admistration without corruption : legislative enacted laws but laws have many flaws to implement them : Citizen have right to implement  by knocking the doors of  judiciary but it’s a process where time consumes while attempting lower court to higher court and some time number of years passes in searching justice : there is no short cut where  a citizen can seek fast remedy : this is all in accordance to our framed law : Our overt act  against judiciary would make a  regime where there would be no law and order: when we  pressurise  or  influence the pillar of judiciary through executive interference we are spoiling our constitution : There is no privi council like set up : Our pious obligation is to protect our constitution :  If executive becomes  supreme iit would be that you can’t say against the govt and it would be a  state of monarch or it might convert in dictatorship : no rule of law : but what monarch or executive head say it would be final we are distorting our democratic set up : Legislature enacted law in accordance to constitutional provisions but so far it’s implementation is concerned it’s upon executive and its administrative mechinary and the elected people never see welfare of people who electef them : there is no proper implementation of law and judiciary also weak when a poor citizen where would go : It seems we are running upon a path that would make weak of our rights



Friday, 4 May 2018

Storm of illusion

Illusion is a  word that suggests the state of mind at
Perticular  time but in experience it’s a judgement of mind on
the footing of illusion and illusion when breaks reality emerges :my love is not for its attempt but my love when you broke the ice frozen : things what you see doesn’t appear that mean e.g. what we think not truely appear and the role of breaking illusion is a great when we see the actuality what is truth : To see illusion it’s a imagination and to break imagination it’s truth : To give example and to understand illusion it’s a kind of love I love to a people but it’s my illusion when feelings are approached it gives result that the person who do not support now it was my illusion that has been broken by my friend but it gives me new way that I have been able to see the reality : The hard core of the principle is that when illusion of love & emotions comes to an end the realty comes and that gives me new light and help to understand the people what the people is having views with me : The role of illusion thus very significant in life this illusion develops some time wrong assessment of a person and this comes from the people who show and act as he works according to our choices but it’s our illusion either we failed to understand the people by their activity behaviour false promises and making you passionate so as to win your will :we aspect from
other people but other person knows your will and creat illusion but when illusion breaks we found things which breaks our heart ; The main issue in this regard and relevant is our assessment is weak and we act and guided by emotions and emotions have no reality :The other feature of illusion is that Tulsidas Indian great writer climbed catching snake while understanding it a rope : This illusion is example of when emotions makes a person blind and dominates upon their will :This example does not say that illusion makes you an adventurist but it shows that your mind is guided by emotions and proper assessment is far away due to illusionary thoughts and feelings 

Saturday, 28 April 2018

Actionable claim & society

Legislation are formulated for the benefit of society but when society is not aware of laws then how laws are benefitted to society : To concentrate the Data Protection laws which are originated in Europe through regulations but that were so effective without sanctity of law because European public was so vigilant to their rights and now it has come to legally embedded from 25 th May 2018 when the date of enforcement of law is announced : UDPR  regulation become effective as law in Europe: Every country has its own characteristic they have sovereignty and peoples also have liberty :The subject of privacy is not debatable because privacy is always subject to laws not above laws and liberty is also have same limitations : we are not authorised to do an act which is against the law in the grab of privacy or liberty : The contention is that your attitude and philosophy although have the right of privacy but not beyond the laws &
limitations are always prescribed by law which always supported in the interest of society and in broad sense national security:  Data protection laws are evolution of our fundamental right of privacy or some may call it liberty in views : valtaire said that you have right to express your views : In the advent of nationality you have right but you don’t have right or express views against your nationality  this is in the interest of our sovereign nation : Data protection laws in India are enforced from the formulation of Information Technology Act 2000 further it was amended in 2008 and rules were framed in 2011 : Data protection where a people submits their data to social site and to restrict these data for unlawful meanse or disclosing to third party so they may use it in unauthorised manner then actionable claim arises : Social sites now making agreements for lawfully publications and they are bound  for not disclosing to third parties in any manner the so called data’s : In European countries peoples are very vigilant to their rights and judiciary watches these laws which abridges the law of privacy and liberty and gives pecuniary punishment when actionable claim arises but we don’t care about our privacy laws and also we don’t go in court for damages : There is a necessity of laws which   are still not enacted enabling for high amount of damages by judiciary :  Indian penal
Code and Information technology act are more relevant for ciber crimes but not sufficient for breach of privacy right 

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Google & individual right of privacy

Google knows every thing but it doesn’t mean that our freedom being curtailed : Google respect the individual right of freedom but we are checked by google we are feared because we are under surviallance of google and so many opinions are adhered but true picture is that we love google in our  daily activity: Helping nature of google represented a new path of skill in every walk of life : No stone unturned: Is google supreme in his activity : As a multinational company it has its values : who rules the world : The utilisation of science in our daily life day today life is so much influenced that we have become its salves : failure of internet gives us very much depression loss of our working capacity : Banks are fully guided by internet when server doesn’t responding we wait to respond quickly and we became helpless :science created developed techniques and every thing has its merits and demerits : Every country has its own laws and google respects all laws conventions and their traditions also : The Question arises the misuse of google company record by any country : Every country gives direction to work within the sphere of laws and infringement of security gives actionable claim against the company : it works within the national interest abiding The all laws of every nation :and data protection laws of every country 

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Ruined Fort & spirituality

It was morning when I saw that the fort was standing in it’s ruined condition : It was time when the fort remained the collection of art work & enjoyment place :Now it’s neither having art work nor it’s  a place of enjoyment :I saw my newly constructed bungalow which is still in process with beautiful paintings and modern aminities : I viewed in past the ruins of fort and also in present of my bungalow  I thought when every thing is to be diminished then why should take care of the new bungalow:it’s surely to be diminished in future when I would not be on earth : There is nothing in world which can give us the unlimited pleasure because our age is short and pleasure is endless :then why we love it : The Question again arose that there is a life where person don’t have any physical world people say it’s a lovely world where spiritual temptation goes :spiritual world where age is also determined and spirituality meant by to love God by any process where we can see God through easiest process  : what's easiest process no body can say that easiest process of spirituality is totally rest in enchanting spiritual words or to do help others by way of donation or through any means with the motto of help : to other people and all creatures: The fundamental of spirituality shows pleasure to see God in the form of religion with their principles ; There are so many religion and their principles but all are united upon this point that help to needy person and every creature is a product of God and God
resides in them but how you detect it’s a devotion of understanding : I am remembering a person from western country told me that he is doing practice to see God in animals :really it was a service rendering to animals and they don’t speak but to understand their language it was a matter of research  it’s a kind of service which is we say service to nonspeaking creature and blessing comes from
their heart : it’s a blessing that gives you a new strength and it comes no doubt from God : there are number of sects in religion and philosophy and also in particular  activity :In Hindu religion to know God by two means first they believe that God has some image and other sect says that their is no image of God : one sect says that God is sakar and other sect believe in nirakar :nirakar and sakar both sect believer says that the believer of Ganesha believe in both sect : where nirakar we see the believer have pleasure in Hath yoga and see brahm in their yogic activity and feel pleasure to watch brahm and they used to go in samadhi activity in last for this pleasure :they used to do extraordinary activities by winning five element air water earth fire and sky : these activities although very secret but it’s true that they do these magical activity which an ordinary man can’t do : we heard from
Very immorial time that a Hindu saint rided upon water from bare foot and also we heard that a Hindu saint fly’s in air  :we also heard that a Hindu saint stopped the fire with a water in his palm


Friday, 6 April 2018

Life secrats

Our deeds are some time appear to others and some time disappeared ; what we do only God knows meaning thereby we tend to do a secret work and that the only judge is God who knows every second of our life what we act and what we do : we act always in a manner that no body knows what we are doing but it’s our misconception : The best evidence noted by almighty Universal God :it may be that we don’t believe in God and this is a very reason that we act without any string without any fear : The  strong fear of God suggests that you have a faith in God and you can’t work against the will of God you love God and God would love always it’s a scientific truth that fear some time changes the identity of personality here you are not doing wrong deeds because you are having fear of God and this fear protect you from dangerous occurances : Fear is for your goodness not for your badness: Role of fear from God makes us to do rightful activity : if we think that no body seen what we have done  it’s due to our lack of knowledge and it’s a darkness where mind goes to sleep or did not work because in darkness we are unable to see the things what they are: Tragic point of life is we think that no body see us or nobody knows what we do : some time we use the tool of sinister motive we used to give logic that we acted in rightful manner for a particular people but it was his or her luck that occurances appeared and it was not their intention here no evidence and logically we like to prove that we are good in all sense but actually our act was not good and the God knows the inner conscience and the punishment would be reserved by God and this punishment gives God and realises when the last moment of life comes : our beliefs are not true we used to give false statement and take benefits from others it’s we used to say it a diplomacy 

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Pleasure of thoughts

We have love of reading novel but it takes time to read and our life is so busy that some time we read novel in holidays or just to kill time of holidays : If the theme of novel produced in short way not in numbers of Padge but in single padge then you would get number of novels in your holidays :It’s a thought that a writer wants to present not for your entertainment but more then that to awake your mind and heart : message inherent in novel can be produced similarly in one or two padges :This technique  is not new but has been used from immorial days : Thoughts are provoking emotional and changing your way of life : it’s positive it’s charachter it’s theme are attracting in the sense it touches your heart and it’s not boring :it’s so suggestive that it shows the ways how to conquer struggles and how to wins people : it’s realistic in nature it gives high standard of emotions it’s creation and it’s implementation also : creation of emotions in a character it’s a cardinal principle of story poetry and also  a blog : Beautiful people say beautiful thoughts and everything reflects from your thoughts and views what makes you a different people when your thoughts are different to your workings : how thoughts assembling of ideas becomes only in books when that are not utilised:  Emotional books and emotional people are only take pleasure of their own but in practical world we have no place of attached dream we need realty and that is only possible how we implement our plannings

View of SunSet Point

Nature blessed us a lot to see it’s originality :Every body loves to nature and what he searches it’s view in origin : origin meant by where we feel a feelings that what we didn’t find anywhere :it’s a evening  very close to hills I used to go there but one evening I found that it was sun set very near to us :actually sun set point reflecting rarely and those feel sun set point while admitting the fact that sun sets behind the hills very close to earth : I saw sunset point at mount Abu and also saw at kanya Kumari where sun sets in water it reflects that sun touches the surface of sea water and disappear : I saw similarly sun rise where sun rising from earth point and it seems that sun is rising very near to me I am remembering that place and I would like to say tourist friends to watch the sun rise point : This is not a story where I pick up the point to just to write something to attract the reader :Really it’s feeling that I felt there when sun rise happened : When there is sun set then sun rise also :  without sun  rise there cannot be sun set and when sun disappear in earth then it would be appeared from earth also ;it’s so pleasing when birds relieves from tweeting each other when sun rises from
earth :so beautiful envioronment I never saw but I want to see sun rise every weekend

Human Life & Protection

Laws are formulated to protect to all creatures :we especially here deal with the word protection which gives shelter to us due to our right to live as a civilised person : ours are member of society  where we search love friendship passion and even more where no limitation goes : There are some our duties and duties some time rival each other and what’s right in this struggle is also called duty in their eye we sometime help logic and what logically is right it’s our duty: Laws protects minor ,womens and people insane and gives right through next friend ,guardian in case of minority :Majority when comes people have their own control  : In our Hindu society every member of Hindu family is protected by every family member whether he is minor or major :women’s are protected also by their Hindu families: The concept of protection all is treated well it’s human nature to seek protection and to have protection : Fear of non protection becomes weighty when in our Hindu family  girl become major and family persons searches partner for her :she have her views in selection but despite that the fear of non protection after marriage still persists : It is true that modern values prepares women’s to stand on their foot in the field of self dependency but the fear which comes before marriage and ends after if marriage becomes harmonious but when the result are negative then question of protection by her family or in laws becomes a demarcation of boundaries in life :

Sunday, 25 March 2018

How the proposition comes in astrology

The basic ground of prediction lies in facts that how human beings behaves in their social life : there are some basic principles that gives rise to prediction in Astrology : As human beings behaves in their social life planets also do so : Nature of humans are having various or different quality : some people are by nature very helping religious soft spoken having patience some are by nature damaging and of evil nature : what create this nature: some are by nature from by birth evil they got their nature from their paternal or maternal hood but some people get from association of peoples after their birth : Here is a principle that makes propositions in astrology :Principle number 1 Naure of people also suggests the nature of planets : Benific planets are moon mercury Jupiter and  mars Saturn Venus are treated to be malefic planet and sun and moon always give result good except they are not debilated and  their nature becomes changed when they are debilated :this benific planets are by nature are good and give result as per sign they occupied if the sign is friendly it’s result are good if the sign is inimical then nature of planet becomes changed its own sign or exalted it’s good by nature : Principle number (2) when a person associates with evil person then it gives the result of evil star : it has been said that a person is known from his company he keeps : similarly the bad association with planet even melefic sign gives bad result of evil nature :  Rahu and Ketu are called in Hindu astrology flag of stars whom they associate : even upon inimical sign they changes the nature of people : Rahu in ascendent upon Leo sign gives rise to greedy people and this naure also make him liar because these two quality are interdependent : suppose a people is greedy then for the cause of greed he may be liar for fulfilment of the very cause of greed :: Sun upon cancer sign occupied in ascendent also makes person a liar : there are number of aspects of our human nature which makes propositions in astrology  and  from these propositions we predict in astrology

Life like art of an artist

I saw an artist making his painting upon canvass :I don’t know what he is making in his drawing : My imagination is different because I don’t know the issue or emotions which an artist want to show through his colour : Life is somewhat fully coloured by an artist without the colours of love emotions duties  do’s and don’s made a life pleasure although it’s way is sometime full of struggle despite of that the role of these factors can’t be ignored : Artist is on the way he just brushed upon his canvass this was totally white colour :I am feeling this white colour very calm and cool it was just a colour of full moon’s light this moon light colour has no activity due to calmness :Similarly life is without action is like a cool what does it mean that life should have some activity otherwise it’s a like a saint or a widow who don’t have any happiness due to loss of colour :I saw the artist making colour upon canvass it’s a like he was filling colour of happiness in his art : I saw there were various colours some colours were colours and some were mixed colours it was on other hand I saw peoples were enjoying with music  it was a different type of enjoyment: one was artist painting which attracted our eyes but music attracted our ears but both things attracted to our mind and attached to our emotions : Emotions  played a vital role whether it’s a painting or music : In the same way our life without emotions is colourless

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Venus planet and astrological propositions

Venus is called Karak for 7th house and in the contrary it has been said that 7th house should remain vacant these are two propositions and what experiences is more to be discussed in this article : Venus is a star which like pleasure in humans that is meant by pleasure of organs related to bodily pleasure it shows a distinguish taste whatever be it may be related to a high quality of food sweets entertainment of music love of artistic nature hotels with extra quality luxurious life all are related to Venus : Venus occupation in 7th house is very controvercial ; one text says that Venus is good in 7th house one says it’s karak but other text says that 7th house should remain vacant both proposition are contrary : experience says that 7th house should remain vacant further if an ascendent having two or three lord it creates delay in marriage and opposite person have two stand that also creat negative position against harmonious relation if seventh house is aspected by benific star then result would be favourable further Venus gives good result and creates malavya yoga when occupies in Center from
Ascendant or from moon upon own sign or exalted : Malavya  yoga gives luxurious life and its definition is wide : way of living and using all materials of high standard it all covers luxurious: Venus become more powerful if it comes in contact with rahu and attitude becomes passionate and same result is with mars when Venus debilitated it diminishes its nature of luxurious life and shows bad habits :

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Astrological Yoga

There are number of yoga accrued from positions of planets through occupations in houses of birth chart : The principles giving rise to yoga in Astrology are related with planets to planets We start how  the houses have their role : There are three type of planets in Hindu Astrology 1 Benific (Subh) and other melifics (ashub ) star :third are neutral stars (ineffective) moon mercury Jupiter are benific star and if these occupies in CENTER (1.4,7 10) or (5,9)trikona it gives nice results when these planets are sitted upon their own sign or exalted ,the effect in their own sign or exalted it gives enhancement in their peace prosperity financial matters  when these stars are sitted in debilation it gives negative results but they don’t spoil the house due to benific in nature : but if one star is exalted and other is debilated for example in cancer mars is debilated and Jupiter is exalted then the bad effect of mars becomes diluted by combination with exalted Jupiter : second example is when a planet sitting upon their own sign and other is debilated then their friendship gives also dilute the bad effects of debilation for example mercury sitted upon Pisces sign and Jupiter combined with : then also bad effects of debilated mercury are also diluted : there are other principle that if the lord of debilated star occupies in CENTER creating other yoga then also the bad effects are diluted : Mercury is the only star which exalted in own sign ; Virgo that shows mercury have very strong in nature upon Virgo: Virgo sign  denotes that this sign being ruled by mercury and also exalted : mars upon Capricorn and combined with Saturn : mars exalted upon Capricorn sign and Saturn own sign also  this association although they are bitter enemy inspite of that they don’t ruin the house because no body wants to destroy their own house and they balances each other

Sunday, 18 March 2018

Foresightness and Astrology

Foresightness gives the satisfication of your goal or aim objective : Foresightness if connected with logical and visible surface then it’s fruit are no doubt resultant of your positive. planning secondly if your foresightness gives you result in short period it’s a good idea : suppose you know the planning of state ,with regard to policy which is to be implemented then to take benefit you act accordingly to develop your land and this would be beneficial due to steep rise in their rates where no development was before the policy implemented: This is foresightness that you being benefitted from policy of govt : some foresightness are that you planted tree of sagwan wood which give you result after 10 or 15 years later on : here is foresightness is good but it might be endangered by act of God suppose any storm comes and all your foresightness becomes untrue : So far as astrology is concerned if your birth chart shows that your First fifth ninth tenth eleventh house have relations and ninth house is occupied upon friendly sign ,exalted or own sign it gives best result :Foresightness is a subject related to your extraordinary wisdom how you see and adopt your action with quite understanding keeping in view it’s benificial result :

Friday, 9 March 2018

Fear of Death

We have fear from death and more feared by unnatural death : we don’t want unexpected death :If the indication of death suggest us earlier through any secret power we may able to manage our family whom we love : we want that after our death our family become secured from money point of view : it’s true we don’t want to go for death : some time people go to death under circumstances where law don’t permits it’s a social law :we don’t discuss what’s right or wrong but it’s a also a true fact in human nature that we want to know our life days although we don’t believe in it because we don’t like to accept death what ever be but death is a universal fact and we can’t deny it : if a people becomes ill from a desease curable or uncurable we pray to God to cure us : Some time we take astrological advises from an expert although astrologer is not God but he predicts what is best calculations : we here discuss : The houses which are relevant to activities of death : 2,3 6,7,8 12 are
considered in this field and most dengerous houses are 2,3 6,7,8 houses : Major period in vishotary lord of eight house gives death but if eight house lord is benific and occupies in its own sign then it gives illness but not death because eight house is also relevant for age and it helps to increase age but if the eight lord is melefic and occupies upon inimical sign then it stops the age : now we come to very deep theory of Markesha (2,3,7)lord and their aspect to houses and their role :These lord when comes in antar sub period they give result so and when they come in touch of eight house lord through aspect ,conjunction or by exchange of houses :Predictions of death follows : Transit of  planet from birth planets it also help in calculations and satisfactory predictions are accrues : Yearly
horoscope are also helpful when Muntha occupies in eight house and the lord of year becomes a malefic planet who is also lord of eight house in birth chart :there are number of factors are relevant for Indian astrologer and they apply their own wisdom :The most perfect way of prediction in Indian astrology is that the astrologer should be of God fearing and Should be devotee of Lord Ganesha :


Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Taurus extraordinary ascendent

There are twelve ascendant but Taurus ascendent have different extraordinary power : This artical totally based upon the power of karma and Bhagya and this Taurus ascendent shows that houses of Bhagya (Luck) and karma (deeds) are ruled by Saturn :this is the single ascendent where Bhagya and karma ruled by only one planet saturn : what you bow : what you reap : Saturn here is a judge in the sense that he has two powers and he balances in a manner that deeds +bhagya =result The house of result is eleventh house : you are owner of your destiny meaning thereby you do your work destiny would not make any hurdle but it would support you : Taurus people if believes in God and it’s authority : to help the animals camel 🐫 cow 🐄 it would enlarge your sphere of luck : to go in religious place and make donation there , will also enhance the luck : To press 9 th house by utilisation the goodness in life would increase the sphere of work ,reputation , occupation benefits
There are several ways to have the benefits of 9 th and 10th house : you don’t need to go two lords it is a one lord that would help you for both houses: You can devote your timings for Saturn Pooja :Saturn is a decisive planet for luck and deeds : Saturn will make parfect tool for enjoying some perio

Saturn is a mature planet and it’s impact largely affect our un balanced decision  .and gives judgement  ; In horoscope of Taurus : venus  is a ruler of Lagna and sixth house and if it Conjoins
With ruler of9 and 10 th house it gives a unique power : To enhance the power of Saturn it would enhance the power : 9th and 10th houses are never run by  single planethiti

Friday, 2 March 2018

To know about a personality

We don’t know about a person who introduces himself in first time and if we believe in first. time about him and we act upon his belief we may act upon his false belief due to unaware of their inner
personality what he is ?  My article suggests the persons identity  and knowing it we may become cautious in behaviour  and we may not creat faith blindly : Generally we take note about a person from his past act ,their good will ,their prestigious personality but despite of their outer personality it is very difficult to know the inner personality or inner dominant conscience : My act to know about a person through a process from astrology : The main process to know about a person attracts our mind to position of ascendent lord  in horoscope it’s placement & conjunction with malefic or beneficial star  ,aspect of other star : A good character Never makes  false promises  and sign of good characters  is  how the ascendent lord works : A person lives in good society and he fears about his defamation thus he works in honest manner : that force makes a person in society a honest worker thus the impact  of society no doubt has a vital role upon a personality : In a horoscope character is to be reckoned from  ascendent lord ;further occupation of stars in  Trikona meaning stars occupied in triangle houses 1,5,9  these houses have impact upon mind luck belief and status ; if a person has melific star in ascendent or lord of ascendent make conjunction with malefic star it’s identity may be crucial but if placement in trikona of a star which support the trikona then his good will would not be doubt ful : there are many cases where a person have dual personality and this kind of personality persists when mars is in conjunction with Venus and Ketu or rahu : Person of Dual personality behaves in different way at different time changing colour according to atmosphere : sometime this type of behaviour creat hurdle in understanding the character of person but conjunction  of mars with Venus and ketu or rahu as associated with ascendent lord shows person of having dual personality : In palmistry ring of Venus present in palm also shows the identity of a person as a dual personality : Melifics stars present  in ascendent shows cleverness but if lord of 5 th 9th balances then person fears to act beyond civilised act :

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Dynamics of horoscope matching in marriage

Hindu tradition believes in Indian astrology in marriages and they take support of astrology in Hindu marriage ceremony while matching of  Spouse horoscope Horoscope are. matched through following factors : The position of mars occupied in 1,4,7 8
12 should be in both male and female horoscope these horoscope called  Martian horoscope it is to be seen from ascendent ,moon and Venus positions also

Matching of horoscopes are reflected in each other with reference to position of mars when mars is occupied in 1, 4, 7 8 , 12 in both hotoscope then these horoscope are called matched and if ceremonies of marriage are done they are good & happy marriages and if the position of mars from
Ascendent ,moon Venus are not occupied in these houses they suffer many hurdles in life : In the same way if mars is not occupied in both male and female horoscope these horoscopes are also matched horoscope due to non Martian horoscope : The next point that comes in matching of horoscope is the matching of points these points are calculated from their 1varna 2vasya 3  Tara 4 yoni 5 Matri 6 gan 7bhakoot 8  nadi and thereafter calculation begins from this fact that every people when takes birth that time particular Nakshatra runs  and that Nakshatra ( constellation) period I ii iii iv are to be seen that gives eight type of characteristics and it has been seen friendship compatibility of male &female from their constellation : this theory when applied in matching of horoscope there are numbers calculation are treated good afterwards 18 :there has been so much confusion in Hindu astrology with regard to matching of horoscope who are not well worsed in astrological calculation ;it has been said in texts that when saturn occupies  in 1,4,7,8,12 in these houses of horoscopes The Martian effect of horoscope goes to end further in 1st house mars occupies upon Aries or mars upon scorpio occupies in 4th house or mars upon Capricorn in 10th house or mars upon cancer in 8thhouse and mars occupies in 12 the house upon saggatarious

 then there is no effect  of mars upon horoscope further if mars becomes retrograde or in dawn condition  or upon
Melefic sign and Jupiter aspects these houses :effect of mars would be none importance if the points in matching comes more then25 then no mars negative effect  further it has been  said that if mars occupied upon Leo cancer saggatarious and pices sign then there would be no negative effect further mars would have no effect when it has conjunction with moon or Jupiter and occupies in 1,4,7,8,12 it would not have bad effect inspite of Martian horoscope subject to condition that 7 th house lord occupies in 7 th house : there are much confusion upon matching of horoscope : Nowadays even experts avoid the matching of horoscope from birth name they prefer the school name or famous name present in records : even some astrologer suggest that don’t go in complexity of horoscope matching : we should not be feared the different opinion of matching of horoscope but in true sense what should be mode or criteria : When you are searching a pair they should have in friendship after marriage and friendship can be recond from friendship between stars of signs and houses of horoscope benifics in CENTER and  Trikona and Melifics in trick
3,6,11 then it’s a best placement of star some time a horoscope is matched good in the sense that both horoscope have same star at the same place that enlarge the scope of that house

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Unknown world

Unknown world where the subject is not known before : we from very inception are anxitious to know about the world that where our life ends then which is a world where next life begins and whether we have a knowledge about our next feelings in our life which would be begin after our death : firstly we don’t know about death when it would be occurred if it would have be
Known we would have arranged our wishes to person
Whom we love or for the next generations :it is true that we legally executed documents , will ; gift or transferred our movable or immovable assets in our life time but still we are very anxious to know about our death : The mode of Death has been classified as natural ,accidentally  by desease or sickness by act of God : We don’t know about what would be mode of our death : we don’t want to end our life through unnatural death covering accidental or through sudden act of God through havoc flood , fire meaning the curse of sky air fire water & earth : Our death might be caused through negation of these elements : These elements when oppose us our death is being caused with the evil negative effects of these elements : Medical science now much developed for saving the life of sick persons but still we are helpless there is no medicine except the medicine of God : suppose you have better doctors better hospitals but the time our hospitalisation needed our negligence may cause the end of our life : every thing should be okay meaning that every second to become vigilent we have to
avoid negligence but no overt act persisting on our part still death occurs what is this : Then we pray to God or that world to help us : Natural death with the good age leaving behind all happiness with family people movable and immovable properties vehicles servsnts are a good choices of person going to heavenly abode : We don’t know what would be life after death : this other world is very interesting and we Never think about this world :The reason is this that we don’t think about the next life because we Never thought about our karma :once we would know that our deeeds are related to our next life and if our deeds are good next life would be good But if we are ignorant about our next life and our deeds are against the law of nature then we may be dragged in other sinful life Deeds are having role for next generation