Friday, 16 November 2018

Role of Emotions & Astrology

A persons called by us a stony heart who don’t have emotions, Sampathy ,pain for others ,feelings an : comes in the ambit of stony heart : The nature of person known from ascendent and it’s lord occupation ,aspected from other stars occupied in horoscope in other houses: Exalted ,or debilated or its own zoadic sign : two planets particularly Mars or Saturn gives people of stony heart they have no place of emotions : they make selfish nature : In astrology two yoga are Roochak yoga when mars acts as exalted or its own zoadic sign and sass yoga
is created when Saturn occupies as exalted or its own zoadic sign occupied in center while counting from ascendent or from moon : these two yoga makes a person very selfish in nature and they don’t believe in emotions : Emotions are media by which a emotional people can be made foolish and they are the people who make tools of emotions for their benefit : that peoples have other qualities according to their occupation upon particular house and conjunction and their aspect upon particular house and aspected from other house lord :  emotional people are those people who fear from God and don’t do such an act opposed to morality : when moon conjunction of Saturn with moon follows
Or mars with moon follows it creates emotions : feelings, in essence emotions that make a really person : up and downs make people full of emotions : without emotions persons may be called a stony or even animal who don’t know relations : Emotions creat obligations : without obligation no emotions : it’s a viceversa fact : Emotions are fountain when person thinks about other person : it’s a moon in astrology which creat emotions in persons :They express their emotions in particular way if they failed to express through voice Animals express their emotions through particular activity : thus feature of emotions are not neglected in animals but the difference is that they don’t control or they don’t know what’s good or bad : we people are having mind for thinking what is good or bad but the philosophy of good or bad are not expressed due to speechless it does not mean that they don’t know the fear of death but they are helpless :

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