Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Venus planet and astrological propositions

Venus is called Karak for 7th house and in the contrary it has been said that 7th house should remain vacant these are two propositions and what experiences is more to be discussed in this article : Venus is a star which like pleasure in humans that is meant by pleasure of organs related to bodily pleasure it shows a distinguish taste whatever be it may be related to a high quality of food sweets entertainment of music love of artistic nature hotels with extra quality luxurious life all are related to Venus : Venus occupation in 7th house is very controvercial ; one text says that Venus is good in 7th house one says it’s karak but other text says that 7th house should remain vacant both proposition are contrary : experience says that 7th house should remain vacant further if an ascendent having two or three lord it creates delay in marriage and opposite person have two stand that also creat negative position against harmonious relation if seventh house is aspected by benific star then result would be favourable further Venus gives good result and creates malavya yoga when occupies in Center from
Ascendant or from moon upon own sign or exalted : Malavya  yoga gives luxurious life and its definition is wide : way of living and using all materials of high standard it all covers luxurious: Venus become more powerful if it comes in contact with rahu and attitude becomes passionate and same result is with mars when Venus debilitated it diminishes its nature of luxurious life and shows bad habits :

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