There are number of yoga accrued from positions of planets through occupations in houses of birth chart : The principles giving rise to yoga in Astrology are related with planets to planets We start how the houses have their role : There are three type of planets in Hindu Astrology 1 Benific (Subh) and other melifics (ashub ) star :third are neutral stars (ineffective) moon mercury Jupiter are benific star and if these occupies in CENTER (1.4,7 10) or (5,9)trikona it gives nice results when these planets are sitted upon their own sign or exalted ,the effect in their own sign or exalted it gives enhancement in their peace prosperity financial matters when these stars are sitted in debilation it gives negative results but they don’t spoil the house due to benific in nature : but if one star is exalted and other is debilated for example in cancer mars is debilated and Jupiter is exalted then the bad effect of mars becomes diluted by combination with exalted Jupiter : second example is when a planet sitting upon their own sign and other is debilated then their friendship gives also dilute the bad effects of debilation for example mercury sitted upon Pisces sign and Jupiter combined with : then also bad effects of debilated mercury are also diluted : there are other principle that if the lord of debilated star occupies in CENTER creating other yoga then also the bad effects are diluted : Mercury is the only star which exalted in own sign ; Virgo that shows mercury have very strong in nature upon Virgo: Virgo sign denotes that this sign being ruled by mercury and also exalted : mars upon Capricorn and combined with Saturn : mars exalted upon Capricorn sign and Saturn own sign also this association although they are bitter enemy inspite of that they don’t ruin the house because no body wants to destroy their own house and they balances each other
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