Saturday, 23 June 2018

Saturn & Jupiter Major Planet for prediction

Saturn runs two and half year and Jupiter one year upon a sign : These are major planets and their effect upon humans are wide and enormous Their impact is recognised by us due to transit in particular sign for a long period and it’s more helpful for predictions : Those peoples have Jupiter and  Saturn upon good placement in horoscope are lucky peoples there prosperity would be enhanced as per good transit in year chart or it would be seen transit in particular sign that also seen position from horoscope suppose Jupiter placed in Pisces in 11 th house in birth chart presently transiting in Libra then it’s placement in 6th house keeping in view the ascendent of birth chart and the lord of 6,8,12 are treated to be  good when placed in trika house similarly Saturn placed in birth chart upon Virgo sign and in 5th house then in transit presently running upon sag sign that means Saturn running in 8th house keeping in view ascendant Taurus : then it would creat troubles in financial matters and delay would be caused in marriage of family members There is a permanent relationship of lord of house in birth chart and there transit in particular house : Predictions are based upon vinsotry period and transit of that planet in particular house and yearly chart position of muntha etc all predictions are based upon vision of astrologer further the positions of retrograde star, less degree child star .mudit star ,astagata star Mitra khestri stars satru khestri star ,judging their power we can arrive at conclusion: The role of other stars also shows occurances but it happens when Jupiter and Saturn helps in transit

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