Power of star denotes the status of star in horoscope : It’s a universal truth that capacity of old person & child are quite different to a person having young age : Similarly stars in old age & also in childhood fails to work due to decrease of power in old age or immaturity in childhood : their capacity somewhat not actionable in various actions of physical body or spirit : In exceptional cases a child becomes mature before the age of maturity and in the same way an old age person has a spirit of young person : This universal principle being applied in astrological proposition : A star occupies in low degrees in horoscope called in child age and a star having degrees of last degrees called in old age : these star called inactive star : 0 degree to 10 degree child hood 11 to 24 young and last 25 to 30 called old age status : this principle has presumption only : Astrologer thinks at their extraordinary wisdom while taking other factors also : whether a star occupies upon inimical zoadic sign or friendly sign or exalted , debilated or its own zoadic sign : These stars occupation called upon inimical zoadic sign adversely effected : friendly sign in laughing state : debilated giving bad result or ups and down : exalted and own zoadic sign gives good result keeping in view power of the planet and signifactor of good houses : these powers can be identified through particular calculation of planet : Digbali a star has good prominence in Navans chart :Thus the value of Navans chart is very much high in the sense to predict accurat upon any house and star :
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