Friday, 3 June 2022

Activation - A secret mystery

 Activation of a thing through a procedure followed by reading of text : mind is activated by reading books , although mind should have a capacity of grasping : The mechanism of grasping require the healthy mind : Healthy mind is pri- requisite of grasping of things : The power of chanting by which activation of idol is created through vastu and Pooja : The scientific truth lies in Pran Prathishta of idol : our Hindu philosophy and procedure mentioned in texts relating to this procedure : The idol when properly activated and there after Pooja followed with proper  time and proper procedure , after a long period , result comes of activation : Wrong chanting spoils person in reality : Purity requires in chanting of holi words : Activation is only does when acted words are pronounced in proper way : It requires proper Guru for learning the pronouncement of holi words ; Loss of memory shows that the position of brain for grasping is not fit or not healthy ; Activation if mind is very necessary and it can be done through repeating words or remembering words through alphabetically ; Proper Blood flow in nerves of brain makes it healthy : Sarvangaasna a healthy aasan for brain health ; Activation of brain can be done through yogic exercise and medicines :Parts of brain becomes deteriorated in old age and refreshing memory through happiness , proper sleep

& pleasure are other means of keeping healthy mind : 

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