Monday, 30 May 2022

Super Power

 The whole universe is controlled by balance of power , when balance of power deteriorated, upon the earth from any cause created whether natural or from the living creatures , calamities appears ; In the same way balance of power when goes to deterioration whole earth being affected : Two powers are regulated upon earth : 1 magnetic power in universe which regulates the system 2 ecological balance of power that regulates balance of power in earth when unbalanced it becomes danger  to living creatures : The same principle being applied to humans , animals , birds and small creatures humans are regulated by Five elements and whenever this composition becomes irregular , body goes in illness and lastly if goes in serious condition ,death caused from such illness : The earth is also made of five element : unavailability creat the non survival of living peoples : We becomes ill whenever the regulation of five element goes to imbalance : Ayurveda says the imbalance of vat pitta cough creates illness in body ,the digestion power Jathar Agni (fire) has an independent role  in body , when the element of fire retarded it creates illness in operation or regulation of organs : The working of air   Fire , water , earth and sky are required for survival if humans : Whole body is controlled by super brain who controls Prana : when super brain becomes ill or uncontrolled , death being caused : Super brain has vibration of earth and it has quality of very sensation : Yogi is  regulated by super brain and receives the signal of vibration from Braham : Peoples lives in longevity those understand the wisdom of five elements : People eat in fire element in surya nadi , drink water in Chandra nadi , sleep in night in surya nadi and regulated Chandra nadi in day : Those people who regulates Chandra nadi in day and sun nadi in night gains unlimited age : crossing 120 years : 

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