We have a thrust of living ,& earning for survival , we don’t want to die and in the same way we don’t want to become earning less ; Earning and living runs parallel if earning of money becomes meagre it creates a huge problem in better living : This is a physiological concept that happiness makes a desire for living and unhappy people invite number of disease and disease makes shorten to their life : In essence happiness enlarge the scope of longevity: some people in disease becomes painful and makes prayer for uplifting their lives but sometimes body remains constant with pain and sufferings and don’t leave the crucial stage : What is this , some people wants to live in world and some people wants to left the world but it is not in their hand , some people forcible die from un natural way : Natural way of abode has a principle that people peacefully left the world : The concept of peace to be understood in the parlance of discharge of soul in peaceful manner : The last concept of discharge of body when a person wilfully leaves food water at the last time when he wants to left the body : The process of santhara in some religion has a pious and scientific way to left the body when mind remains in the state of understanding and takes Sankalp ; whatever be death is not in hand of people and fate decides it pain and sufferings for the people : The role of past and present deeds makes the people in the normal peaceful state or in the state of pain and suffering at the last time of age as per their deeds, The reliving factor from pain and sufferings for a people remains in peace when sounds of prayer of God diverts his mind and he makes confession : The thrust of life living is a universal natural factor given by nature not differentiating to other creatures :
in peace :
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