Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Mind food like that

 Astrology runs with you : I read a text that says that you don’t fear with star when you become yogi : Yogi meant you have a control upon your  nerve through bodily  activity : The system by which you get knowledge to your mind : what you eat it has effect to your mind :Mind is very sensitive organ it is effected by various out activities of human .your activities are negative you are effected by stars but you are mind has positive ness No star would effect you : you can turn even your bad star : The saints are not effected by stars when you leave a lust to any desire you are not effected by stars and your activities are limited under the control of limited sphere To make a limited sphere in body and also in outer region : This also makes you a different from others : some say it is a isolation from social activities : To act right work at the right time it’s a yoga but you should understand the inner Nurves : You are hungry and thirst of hunger can not be done through drinking water ,in the same way thrust of water can’t be satisfied through eating food : Thus right activity plays a vital role in satisfaction of mind which controls to run our body parts and works in proper nourishment of body :

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Search of creator

 Science helped a lot to understand in theory of creativity : There is nothing to reply the question who created the creativity : who came first upon earth and who created the beginning of this creation : Scientists are searching but some tasks has no solution and they also believe in omnipresent God : This unseen power which helps to people upon earth even in their difficult days while keeping a view that there is  no small or big person  until  the end of life takes place : This watch of life gives oxygen till death of person : I know I survived even in difficult time that was only a person who directed me and who was the person : I know some body may not see but I saw person who supported me in difficult time : I remember the person which I do not know earlier and he appeared for a while and did appeared later on after helping me What it was ? It was a sudden help of God which appeared in unknown way and helped me : I know once I saw a dream that cautioned me that some body would cheat me and next day that person came to me and I avoided keeping in mind the dream of night : what is this ? When you receive rays of occurrence earlier that to be happened in future it’s a god blessings : this may be a science of brain who runs forward and collect in advance the occurrences of next day : But still I believe that there is a creator of brain who filled the all extra ordinary things in  brain to grasp and to understand or to collect the future thoughts with a solution :there are number of answers not questions that are given by God 

Monday, 12 October 2020

Star how become path exponent

 What ever be your star Suppose I am a layman person to astrology : The process of how you would be guided by Universal it’s a neither magic nor any tantra but simply  search your  soul : Soul is a sun upon earth : when you wear rubi it does not say that astrologically it is beneficial whatever be placement of sun in horoscope it’s a immaterial ; Effect of original jewels are very heeling : when you wear rubi it gives a light to your work : So far as to take benefits of advance technology always wear rubi with cats eye : Traditional science says both should not wear in same finger but if you want amazing facts in  advance you would be benefitted : cats eye is a wireless who would show you a path in life :and would protect your soul : Single stars does not show you path it’s a combination that would show you a path : when wear with rubi it functions and it’s a explorer to soul : Miracles in secret or occult science are received from cats eye but never wear alone when wear alone it’s a like without head : like busy without work :

Sunday, 23 August 2020

To know the date of death

 Title of article somewhat attracts to person who are in old age and want to complete the work and duties which are in the interest of successors with regard to properties whether it’s are movable or immovable : it’s a like when station comes in rail journey and passenger used to lift their beg and baggage and come at the door of compartment:   The question is relevant for those who want  to complete their half work for the betterment of their family : it’s a good if you know the time of death enabling them to complete their work :Actually we never think about death because we don’t want to die and we don’t do even imagination for death but end of life is a natural phenomenon and fear of death if any one is having then he should pray to almighty God or a hidden power to help :  There is no solution to restrain death it’s a universal truth that death is a occurrence which is to be happened sure and sure no body stop the death , only a hath yogi can stop the death for a time period they know the way of extending life span : How to know the age of a person or the time of death : Ancient Hindu Astrology shows the method of calculation for occurring death : In birth chart the role of three houses are significant in the cause of death  .These houses are 2,7and 8th house . These houses becomes  active (Karak) when their lords period comes in life ; Period traditionally period of vinsotry period where human life being calculated 120 years and nine stars run in 120 years and these nine stars have their specific period and in vinsotry they run in serial like aa ,ch, bho,ra,ji,Sa,bu, k, shu ( sun ,moon,mars ,rahu,Jupiter,Saturn ,murcury ,Ketu Venus ):  These planet run after birth :  it is calculated how much period of planet being already run and remaining period yet to be now run :vinsotry period of star play a role showing bad days good days and showing the period of death : 2,7 & 8 house play a vital role for the age of people and year birth chart to be corroborated when muntha placement is in 8 house and vinsotry star is also going to marak :sometime house of 8 house do not become marak if lord of 8 house is well in own sign and well occupied in well house it enhances age and not become marak Thus conclusion is this that house lord of 8 th house posited in 6 th house its period would not cause death similarly the role of marak is very important its conjunction to ascendent lord and aspect of marakesh lord gives death and in yearly chart placement of muntha in 8 th house to be seen : The wisdom of astrologer gives a finality on the basis of navansh :

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Positivity of Gemstones

 Myth ,that Gemstone creates positivity:  Astrology governs the myth : How stones effects the human behaviour but it is something that compel us to wear Gemstone either it’s our manifestation or it’s a faith in astrological science : we don’t have any endeavour to discuss the same , whatever be ,wearing of Gemstone having positivity are of major demand and wearing Gemstone became part of life with our deep faith for getting the best result in day today life through Gemstone : there are precious and semiprecious Gems are available in market of various quality : Gemstone becomes precious when its effect are tremendous and jewellers know better and we believe the price what he calculate : it depends upon the skill of jewellers :so far as laymen is concerned , the particular Gem would be high quality when 1 it’s a stone 2 it has  good flow of water 3 ,bright looking to eye : Hardness also determines the value of Gemstone : Laboratory report of Gemstone support the quality of Gems : Eyes are the best detectors of Gemstone : Traditional way along with certification from laboratory makes our faith in Gems purity : The question is this how effects the Gem stone and how we should adjudicate the positivity or effect after wearing it :Changes in better life shows that it made so , and it is good Gem stone : it may be happened that precious stone may gave the adverse result : we can’t say any thing about any happenings : However we hope always bette our thoughts and imagination is governed by positivity : whatever be we search in precious Gem stone that would make our life without worries and make life prosperous : Ruby is a king of Gems and related to Sun in astrology: Best Ruby can be compared with pomegranate : Number of Gems which can be compared naturally : Emerald can be compared with dark green leaf or parrot :

Friday, 7 August 2020

Amazing peoples in world

 There are amazing peoples who are having ascendant of Taurus in birth chart : The only birth chart is which have commands of luck and karma in one chord : To enhance luck karma automatic would be enhanced and this is vice versa also :To travel religious places would also be beneficial for storing karma : Meaning is very centralised if a person is having Taurus ascendent he should travel holi places to have a benefit of  10 th house. : Philosophy says your deeds are good and you would be benefitted as per your deeds : Saturn lord of 9th&10th house he himself is decision maker : luck is purely conjoined with karma or vice versa : if the karma is wrong your luck would be accordingly: The decisive factor is that a person having ascendent of Taurus what should be heavy whether 9 or 10 house who would supersede: The lord is same that shows there cannot be dominating  of houses both are controlled by Saturn and diary is maintained of karma and Bhagya :karma house or Bhagya house are two different houses : if a thing is not in luck , the fruits cannot be achieved but it is also true that the accounts of karma can’t be deleted : The equilibrium decides Saturn ; Any help without any consideration would be considered : The principle is that  deeds would not be go waisted: There are two accounts : one is related to this birth and second is what he did in last birth : The accounts never closes : The fruits of good deeds can be achieved in this life : Taurus ascendent gives result at once no delay in deciding accounts : Some results are delayed if those deeds are secret : The secret work star keeps secret if it has been done with the consent of both parties with the nature of help in positive way : that also may be secret account of past life : The value of secret donation is also connected with 10 th house : if your deeds are secret the result you may get at once but the person is not in a position to clear the account that would be paid in next life : We have dealt the concept of birth and rebirth in the light of 9and 10th houses of birth chart : 

Monday, 3 August 2020

How to connect with occult science

Occult world 🌎 we invite for guiding us and to control our brain and soul for showing right path and to work accordingly : we have produced faith upon god and he does so in right manner ,through controlling our brain even soul : The procedure here is laid down through cats eye : it requires lab tested cats eye and it’s energy to be fit to your body : it takes time for setting up its energy in accordance to your body vibrations :This is antenna in stars but it requires catching power through it’s gem : Vaidurya mani ( cats eye stone) : it should be attached through feather of peacock and it would be placed before lord Ganesh : Vaidurya to be kept in green grass water before to use and request to be made lord Ganesh to guide in opposite situations and no indications only but should be implemented as per your seeet will of lord Ganesh :  The procedure is hand made but it is totally depend upon lord Ganesh who is the main controller of your activation and implementation of your workings : Cats eye indicates about placement of Ketu and with connected house whether it is lord of house where Ketu being occupied or if there is a conjunction of other stars with Ketu it would give you results of that stars mixed it aggravates the conjunction and shows the right path when good cats eye wearied

Sunday, 2 August 2020

A surprising stone cats eye

This is a stone having extraordinary power to guide in the sudden strategy : Instant decision and time consuming decision differs due to their result : Instant result some time are adopted due to blessing of god and cats eye is a like power house which compel us to have instant decision : we feel some time that if we would have delayed if instant decision was not taken by us : Thus. It’s power can be feel by us when we wear tested cats eye :it protect us from  sudden difficulties to be arrived and right decision are originated ;  Knowledge some time lagged behind and instant decision become forward champion : This is called occult science when we do from the power which we don’t know how our timely action prevented us to become none : this extra ordinary power rests in cats eye it gives wisdom : if stars conjunction with Ketu are shown then activity which other lord does then Ketu supports in activity and protection or Sheltor is created by Ketu : Philosophy of Ketu is quite different as people think that their presumption that if Ketu is made conjunction with debilited Star it would give wrong result : it is not such type of activity but it protect even stars are debilated : it help in bad days in positive manner not negative: it’s a fear of persons who wear it that cats eye gives bad result if associated with stars occupied upon inimical sign but that is not principle it protects in bad situations 

Saturday, 1 August 2020

Secret of positive energy

Positive energy received from environment and feelings are changed as per environment effects : Mind is a tool of grasping positive or negative energy : Some peoples have their own circle and no body can enter in the line of demarcation having positive energy : Positive energy if weighted in Comparison to negative energy then positive energy would restrain negative energy : Instrument for developing positive energy are hath yoga , tantra  which are self processed but one also instrument is which find in purification of soul : Pu  try indication of soul gives positive energy in tonnes ; It is very difficult task and path is very difficult : Buddha Mahaveer had a powerful means of generating positive energy and this process they achieved through purification of soul : People's not going in complicated process can generate positive energy by means through happiness and to prepare happiness mind activity goes in a circle where happiness generate : We in simple language speak about your good health would give you positive energy , keeping in view where you live or what environment you have , This particular environment is a radiator of positivity and this can be mechanised : Good decisions are the source of positive energy : People wears Rudraksha and also real Jams : which rays guides to people to creat positivity: water element is a source of positivity : some people for getting fruits of positivity drink water and keep a glass of water upon table :lemon , is most used for avoiding negativity and for generating positivity : this is a part of tantra : In astrology Moon is a creator of positivity it’s a Amrit and to make favourable moon in water element which knows hath yogi : they do for creation of positivity 

Saturday, 25 July 2020

Aura of planet

Every star have their own aura which protects from other stars influence : Aura word synonyms to a layer rounded to stars that neutralises the bad effects and influence of other star it’s like a shield and it’s strong ness appears from the sign which the star being occupied : Exalted and own sign planet have strong aura and even combination of other star have no effects and conjunction of star makes no difference and they help to associated person at every corner further on the contrary debilated or star placed upon inimical sign gives bad results and they have no strength in their aura : Philosophy of aura may be a logical explanation but when we follow these principles ; number of quarries are solved: Degrees of planet upon particular sign shows it’s actual power where the degrees are low then  performance of star weak due to child age and performance from 15 to 20degrees are of good power and stars become effective , from 25 to 30 degree star shows it’s old ness :Navansh shows the power or effective ness of star : when good posited star in horoscope may give bad results if it has turned in navansh chart adverse : Result of planet cannot be assumed good until it has not been seen at every corner : Prima-facie stars are good but results has deviation then it shows in brevity that stars looses power by virtu of conjunction, aspect ,its degrees ,ownership of bad houses and occupation of friendly ,inimical , or neutral sign  :An astrologer should have patience in prediction :knowledge of yearly chart makes astrologers prediction upon well founded root 

Ketu a transmitter of waves

The beauty of Ketu lies in the fact that where Ketu makes company of other star in horoscope and if does so with Jupiter in its own sign ; Sagittarius sign where it creates nobility past present and future : The reason is this that Ketu being exalted also become powerful with own sign of Jupiter and it’s company makes source of deep knowledge Here is like a transmitter helps to search in past : Ketu is called past lord : it elevates soul towards moksha also : if Jupiter exchanges other good house with ascendant lord it gives good result :The role of Ketu in Indian astrology like a company : when itself Ketu makes good company it gives good result : there is no independent status of Ketu it works  as per company of house lord : A men is known by its company he keeps : This is a material thought which expresses the version of Ketu : So far independent position of Ketu is concerned it is like a men wondering without head having no mind and full of fear : it gives the result of that house when through good or bad aspect of other house lord aspects to Ketu : if there is conjunction of 3 stars and one of star is Ketu then first it creates problem and makes solution by the good company of evil created by him : He is the lord of creating problems when occupied in enemy star sign or with enemy and if exchange being made with other house of company lord it makes hard labour to cope with problems : it’s a lord of emotions , under control of airy souls and even it’s under control of unknown things which occurs suddenly : we can’t imagine it’s a sudden occurrence: this is the world of unknown soul also : Ketu if debilitated gives bad result ,bad company even creates bad luck ,monitored  by a bad thought which a person unable to  avoid : Ketu controls inner soul which is very dangerous : The mind has no controlling power except in control of other world or unknown world : this is the result of bad Ketu : To avoid transmitting. waves it is very useful to keep peacock wing at head :wearing of cats eye supports if cats eye projects good waves or adopts good waves :use of saffron tilak upon head gives best result : it gives good result when effected by Ketu then give green grass to cow which is having new born baby cow : Ketu works adopter of positivity and transmitting positivity: if produces negativity it would seriously damage the star which comes in contact by way of occupation aspect and exchanging house lords : The miracle of Ketu in negativity can be changed when practically we use formula of LAL Kitab it’s effect for avoiding bad results of Ketu are distinguishable and practically are true :it has been said that in bad days best friend of ours is moderation : who is lord of moderation who can support in case of bad Ketu : it’s a Saraswati mantra Ganesh mantra that helps to overcome the dreaded effect of Ketu : The most troublesome result of Ketu are found in Gemini sign which is a debilated sign of Ketu 

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

To know negativity

What is just or unjust similarly what is positivity and negativity: The whole world is guided by construction and destruction : Rising of happiness lies in  positivity and it should be through good means : If means are good then the fruits of positivity are stable and beneficial to us :Positivity what is? The first thing is to know positivity it’s origin and effect which makes our relations  harmonious and useful To analyse positivity we narrate it in following heads  1 what is positivity 2 it’s origin 3 How to generate positivity 4 How to use positivity 5 How to store positivity 6 How to influence through positivity 7 Natural source of positivity 8 Yoga and Hath yoga 9 Inner source of positivity 10 outer source of positivity 11 To convert negativity into positivity 12 To refrain from negativity : 13 To minimise and to end negativity : we are living persons and every time attacked by negativity whether it’s natural or unnatural : Natural attack is through human beings having surroundings  of negativity or they themselves have negativity : Negativity is an effect which changes our mind towards those bundle of activities which are not fruitful or justified for the existence of our society :To safe our mind from negativity it is essential to awaken our mind not to grasp or adopt negativity : There are easy ways to refrain from negativity avoid place of negativity where negative peoples are living :Even saints use to avoid negativity for meditation : Saints are having aura which automatically avoids the negativity :

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Mars & Saturn conjunction in birth chart

Mars and Saturn are bitter enemy and their conjunction gives boldness braveness even they are bitter enemy :Their placement in CENTER  houses makes difficulty to that house and if their placement exists upon exalted sign among one star it results different and if posited this conjunction upon debilated sign of one of star it gives a different kind of result but it’s true that if there is a neech bhang. Yoga of this conjuncture it gives good result : The person having this yoga should have shelter of goddess Durga while preaching mantra of Durga saptsati :Negative effect may be turned in positivity : This combination occurs when some tantra being created upon person and to break it is essential to use mantra of Durga saptsati : This mars and Saturn conjunction in birth chart stops the progress of that house where its posited : The aspect also occurs due to opposite mutual aspect and it’s result are also same : 

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Theory of exercise

The idea for remembering person , things , occurrences and our daily work defining important and non important things it’s a work of our mind : Mind if repeats a thing occurrences it called an exercise : some time we repeat the things so as to remember things it’s an exercise that helps us to remember a thing : In the same way every part of body requires exercise so as to developing and keeping healthy the part of body : The question of exercise that is the basic theory for development of particular part whether it is a brain or other part :The CENTER of body who controls the body is brain and without brain there is nothing in world this is the super creature of nature that do every creation or destruction : Exercise can be done in the disciplined manner or indiscipline manner what ever be : if you do exercise in disciplined manner you would have things likely to contain proper place and in proper and systematic way : A child writes a notebook and exercise in non systematic way then thereafter again he places them for systematic thus it requires again exercise and it is also a time consuming process : Thus a systematic way of learning help us to remember a thing easily and also help us the brain development :If you are not systematic or disciplined in your exercise of learning : it can be done through non systematic way and after selection of useful things through repeated exercise : Kind of brain concerned with how your habits are : if you are not systematic then you are the person coming in the category of non learning person and your memory would be less then the person who are systemic in their workings :Efforts for converting a lazy brain in the quality of brain it requires to become systematic : Repeating things through writing also help us to have the fruitful result in brain development:   It’s an exercise which keeps the memory young whether learning process is repeating through writing or memorising through thoughts

Sunday, 31 May 2020

How to change our mind

Mind do all wrongs and right , positive work or negative work : There is great need for minimising quarrel harmonise the relation of community people : The statistics of many countries shows the ratio of crime : Countries makes harsh punishment to deter the people for making peace and progress : What we are searching to preserve law and order through making law and punishment : The source is mind and we never thought about for making a software which might have power to control the negative thoughts and deeds :violence and nonviolence are subject which is a reading material but in practically states or international communities not prepared the device for controlling the minds of peoples :If their minds are checked at early stage no violence would be a factor of punishment ;There should be compulsory education of yoga meditation and recommended plan of diet : Mind prepared what we eat : If state makes a law that pure vegetarian people would be benefitted through state  and  education which had in Gurukul time where the teachings were included fast , vegetarian food meditation yoga and good thoughts : Good thoughts had a process which took a long stage of Gurukul : Down trodden class where the crimes starts due to poor ness , state should take first step to educate through Gurukul system : so far as privileged education has concern : countries can apply this principle uniformly not making any distinction between caste and creed : some countries have no place to caste but groups of communities are prevailing there : when mind becomes pure no crime violence would be originated :

Monday, 25 May 2020

Faith ,blind faith & knowledge

Element of knowledge constituting faith have a force of confidence :Blind faith has no contain of knowledge it is some type of previous assertion of opposite people regarding behaviour that created blind confidence and it may be due to some time third party when blind faith goes to third party and on behalf of our intimate person  we made our blind faith to opposite party ; here is no direct nexus between us and opposite party :This is a serious blind faith and contingency may arrive and blind faith might have effect of breach : The role of knowledge in deciding or making faith can’t be forgotten it shows the real path for faith because it’s faith where human relation in day to day life are subsisting : our faith makes our life happy when we faith in god it helps us at every corner : faith in negative power shows a person diverted from pure knowledge : The pure knowledge have a place of truth that never becomes negative power : The element of knowledge also relied by negative forces but it’s use for not constructing work thus destructive knowledge have a force of negative energy and faith emerges for negative purpose :its exposure is not useful for mankind 

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Secrets of Longevity

There are some secrets of life and to enjoy life you don’t want to die : Whatever be of your present age it’s a morning of your life when you have determined to walk upon the wheels of following points :  1 Become Doctor of your body : This is what I say in the sense to control your body and check your function of body : how it is working : The main function of living body to have proper balanced diet what have to eat and what quantity we have to eat and what time to eat and thereafter what is the function of your eating it’s called observation: Every person has a choice of food as per their suitability to digest the material you selected as per your dietary plan and what is the result in your energy feelings and if not digested what kind of feelings you received from the diet you and lastly the residue What you eat and what says your stool to watch whether organs of body are properly functioning : Stool brown natural colour and in tied state show that your liver intestines are working properly : These observation are primary for enhancement of our age : (2) Longevity is a process which is not a process of a day it’s a process developed by you with a disciplined manner of functioning of your organ of body :it also depend of other human activity : worries make your functions of body inactive and invite diseases and whatever you eat it would be waisted :thus longevity depends of number of factors which to live happy it’s a kind of medicine for longevity :3) Physical exercise : it helps to develop body and proper functioning of organs of body :(4) Yoga : Pranayama Asan and Observing air of your nostril to know the real time of abdomen fire so what you eat could be digested and for developing  immunity power of body : To live according to working of organs and it would be known through function of time of Nadi and element : The subject of nadi and elements and their time although it’s a difficult but if you observe your nostril air you would find that time of flowing air in right nostril suggest the time of eating and time of air flowing in left nostril suggest time of drinking water or liquid : we should sleep in moulding left arm : this would creat running of sun nadi in right nostril : (5) Medicines : Doctors gives medicines what you tell them or what your test says : generally we are faced by fever pain in body organ ,deficiency of any kind and after it’s suitability of body we provide result to doctor and he act accordingly : actually we are bring tools of experiment and medicines help it’s acceptability of body : To conclude and to make longevity  we have to follow the paths as narrated above:

Monday, 20 April 2020

Resolution Plan under IBC 2016

Resolution Plan has an important place in IBCode : It has different category compared to Liquidation value of asset : whether the resolution plan can be lower then the liquidation value of asset ?: this has been discussed by apex court in the case of K Shashidhar vs Indian overseas Bank and held that there is no prohibition to approve the resolution plan which is lower then the liquidation value of asset : Financial creditors and operational creditors are being given equitable treatment : Apex court held in the case of Swiss Ribbons about equitable treatment : This has been rectified by amendment in law on 16/8/2019 in sec 30 of IBC which directs that lenders operational creditor should not be given the amount less then the liquidation value of asset :whether they are dissented to the resolution plan : The another judgement of apex court Maharastra seamless Ltd vs Padmanabhan Venkatesh decided on dt 22/1/20 it was held that there is no requirement in code about similarity of amount of resolution plan with Liquidation value  of asset : similarly it was held by apex court in the case of Essar steels India Ltd vs Satish Kumar Gupta that there is limited  power of judicial review available to adjudicating authority in connection of resolution plan approved by COC ; So far as resolution plan approved by adjudicating authority is concerned it is mandate under sec 31 of IB code that it should be approved in terms of sec 30 (2)  :& 30(4) .

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Tips of IBC code 2016

Initiation of corporate insolvency resolution process (CIRP) by financial creditor (under sec 7 of code), operational creditor (under sec 9 of code) or corporate applicant ( under sec 10 of code) should     be filed with an application under sec 60(5) of the code read with rule 11 of NCLT rules 2016 requesting to court for restraining the corporate debtor from alienating ,encumbering or creating any third party interest on the assets of the corporate debtor till the time insolvency petition is not adjudicated upon by NCLT : This is the first tip to restrain debtor for keeping the assets safe until the CIRP to be completed :

Monday, 13 April 2020

Abdominal fire

Abdominal fire required for digesting food : Decrease of abdominal fire gives gases in stomach and number of diseases rises irrespective of persons age : Abdominal fire is a must from child to old person : Some kind of natural medicines which are applicable to young and old age person and which is freely available : Number of persons used to waist money for the cure of stomach gases and it’s cure is very simple and no side effect : Our food when not digested it creates gases which not controlled it makes and disable the function of body : when food not digested the further juice blood marrow seamen function would not be properly functioned : Thus to see our body function is needed for our health :Medicines is not proper remedy for increase of abdominal fire : This is medicine now being recommended and placed in the line of turmeric ,tinospora cordifolia (giloy) : In Indian dishes it’s a part of our kitchen:  we are searching medicines for our stomach and it’s cure lies in our kitchen which is very simple cure for decrease of abdominal fire : This abdominal fire is a origin for a good health and we goes to doctors for it’s cure where no cure is possible : Take small piece of ginger and add jaggery of one spoon and crake paste and take it before half an hour of taking meal and use it for a week or as you like it : it has no side effect and your abdominal fire would be balanced

Monday, 30 March 2020

Astrology predictions about National leaders

When once a leader elected and gets highest post then astrology presumption starts whether he would take top post of the state or nation : No astrologer choose to predict a person who would become a head of state and also nation in future and if astrologer gives prediction earlier before being elected for member of legislative assembly that makes a fame of astrologer but in practical no body predict : what ever be the reason :we here analyse the horoscopes that makes a person King ,ruler and in our democracy person having quality of running nation : The analytical study very much depend upon vinsotry period of Karak star of karak house and that should have well posited stars in horoscopes:: if you are going to predict some one horoscope without fear and favour you are true analyst in the field of astrology but your prediction should have basis of far casting based upon universal principles of astrology :No body claims a perfect predictor of future incidents :The reason behind is that we are not Brahma : We do our best effort to predict while applying principles mentioned in our ancient texts in this science  :Horoscope of one national leader running vinsotry of moon and moon conjoined with mars posited in ascendant upon Scorpio :That created Raj yoga in horoscope in the state of end of debilitated moon with the conjunction of mars :That debilitated moon got good quality With the conjunction of mars : This yoga has two powers due to occupation in ascendant : Moon horoscope is same as ascendant horoscope : A person who controlled mind (Chita) a yogi , really we are thankful to god who gave such a person who is having such a power or quality who thinks about our nation with a third eye : The next question that compelled him to rule the nation which is that lords of trikon combined with CENTER LORD  and creating Raj yoga (Mars +Moon in Zodiac sign Scorpio ) Number of yoga present in horoscope and all yoga gives fruit in vinsotry period of beneficial star : Here is moon become Beneficial star due to conjunction with mars and next period in 2024 he would again come with thumping majority due to vinsotry period of Mars and rule nation with boldness : So far as advisory person is concerned the support of people who would have exalted Rahu in tenth house in horoscope and vinsotry period would give him the best control through his deplomstic tactics to our national leader

Saturday, 28 March 2020

Role of Ketu when conjoined with Other stars

Rahu & Ketu are also counted in Hindu traditional astrology as a stars : Western Astro science or astronomy don’t count in stars : Hindu traditional astrology counted and  severe impact of these stars shown to world : These stars have a different kind of nature and identity and gives result as per their transit in zodiac sign : Gemini zodiac sign makes exalted to Rahu when Rahu transits in Gemini zodiac sign : Sagittarius zodiac sign makes exalted to Ketu when Ketu transits in Sagittarius zodiac sign : They are less effected unless they conjoined with other stars : They used to make their influence when exalted and conjoined with other stars : Ketu transit upon Sagittarius zodiac sign with   Other stars for a specific period resulted much gravity of fear due to exalted position : Fear is the second name of Ketu : Fear of epidemic diseases would likely to be end when other stars gets rid of its influence after changing positions of other stars in short time from Sagittarius zodiac sign : India would lead upon world due to Jupiter leaving Sagittarius zodiac sign after 5 April 2020 fear of epidemic disease would likely to end : The safest way of controlling would be appreciated in world : 

Jupiter & Ketu upon Sagittarius zodiac sign

Jupiter and Ketu conjunction upon Sagittarius zodiac sign would end on 5 April 2020 and Jupiter would be relieved from bad conjunction on 5 April 2020 due to change of Jupiter upon Capricorn sign : The effect of corona disease would be controlled in world after 5 April 2020 and normalisation likely to be begin after 5 April 2020 :
Epidemic and famine disaster comes when combination of Jupiter with 5 or 6 planet comes in transit upon Sagittarius: Mercury upon Sagittarius zodiac sign along with Saturn gives these results : Saturn transit 2and 1/2 year and Ketu transit in one zodiac sign for 1and half year and combination of six stars comes in a century :

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Signal of invasion of disease in human body

Our mind gives signal of outer invasion of contagious disease : In universe every body beginning from animal plant and every thing which runs by nature has a extra ordinary power which shows that some invasion of outer disease is coming and it gives alert but some persons in humans doesn’t recognise it : our body is so sensitive that gives symptoms :Hairs ,skin eyes ears nostril mouth gives symptoms: Allergic attack through virus goes inside of the body and spread inside : In cold and rainfall the virus of disease are spread : when you are going to caught any allergic Your hair would have skin irritation in hair ,a liquid would go through your nose ,irritation in eyes :cough in breath and so on : if you feel one of the symptom then make your body protective through making strengthen by immune power : you are your doctor up to taking only natural things but not other medicines : medicines should be taken with the advice of doctor : these are the limitations : every country issues licences of use after testing medicines : our home remedy have no side effects : these are not medicines but it has no side effects that can be used with no hopes as a remedy : Some people’s body accepts some medicines and contrary may be : Home remedies are not authoritative but we take it as a experiment with no side effects : mustard oil ,garlic ,Parsley sulfur camphor alum are some outer measures for use out side for skin allergic : these protect as a guard of body for restraining  virus to go inside : Mask is the best remedy for restraining allergic virus : Our body is so sensitive that gives news of storm rainfall and change in nature through changes in our body but we don’t think about more : your body would give signal if there is a change yet to be occurred  : Allergic meant in the sense ,by change of our human nature any limb of body may give signal by short of breathing coughing irritation in skin and skin: In the same manner Peacock gets intuition and shouts before rain fall and crows cries and informs some information with regard to change in nature : when bird take bath in soil it gives message that rain would come sooner and number of factors that we are very sensitive to nature and we receive signals when change in nature comes : 

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Nostradamus about astrological events

Nostradamus a French astrologer predicted about astrological events and these astrological transit proved that his calculation was accurate and he linked the transitory planets with events : A student of astrology needs linkage of events with planets : He wrote his version in the shape of poetry : He wrote that transit of mercury in sagittarius and fade in of Saturn would result in epidemic disease originated from a country now matching with China : The astrological transit of mercury in Sagittarius zodiac sign  and Saturn fade in meant by Saturn would combined with other stars that actually occurred on 25 Dec 2019 when Saturn combined in  Sagittarius  Zodiac sign  with Jupiter Ketu sun moon mercury and moon : These six planets combined in one Zodiac sign called Sagittarius  : It is a fact that mercury planet transits in zodiac sign Sagittarius in every month but crucial things which connects that Saturn which told would fade in and word fade in meant  that Saturn transit with 6 star combination in zodiac sign Sagittarius would effect Saturn and Saturn would fade in :it is true that it has not been mentioned that epidemic would be  occurred when combination of six stars would be in universe : However to say about Saturn that Saturn would fade in : when Saturn becomes fade in ? In astrology when the light of a planet becomes fade it is called that natural colour of planet became fade : now what are the reasons of becoming a planet fade : it shows scientifically when a planet becomes fade when shadow of other planets appears its like a eclipse : We conclude that the combination of six planets on 25 Dec 2019 upon zodiac sign Sagittarius  which resulted in fade of colour of Saturn and transit of mercury upon zodiac sign Sagittarius was accurate prediction :

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Beauty of isolation

Beauty is not known from what is seen by us but logic goes beyond and touch with our understanding  it’s far reaching effect upon our vision : Theory of isolation originated from its principal and applied to protect the contagious disease it’s like a gods gift and guided by our scientist policy makers in the interest of human safety : when we would not be in gathering we would make ourselves safe : It’s a great decision and we should obey in the interest of whole masses arising from our society ,state and nation : When nation is faced by critical epidemic situation , unity is required to face the situation through obeying our govt orders : Theory of isolation based upon scientific principal :  Fundamental right are not abridged but in the interest of public restrained for a particular period : Theory of isolation scientifically resists the outer invasion of contagious decease which spreads from human to humans : Citizens thinks that it’s a worthless but when our scientists says it’s a contagious disease and precaution is a best remedy then we should give thanks to our govt : this is not a time of quarrel about policies but it’s a time to help to people’s by advising the impact of theory of isolation : we would not die in theory of isolation without meeting people’s but we would certainly die in case we failed to understand the theory of isolation : We will win the race definitely through the theory of isolation : God bless us 

Monday, 23 March 2020

Source of knowledge in Indian old texts

Lord shiva and Goddess Parwati dialogues are found in Indian old texts : The secrets are told and explained in these dialogues: The pertinent question which has been asked by our internal soul : That this texts who narrated as a writer from where he inspired : Whether in original they are really told and heard by writer or these interpreter of books are running from a time immortal in a same manner and in same line : These texts no doubt are very secret and showing deep study and analytical study upon the subject which we people fail to understand in practical in absence of proper guru : these books are treasure of knowledge :Number of books were written in which secret topics are explained
yoga yantra mantra Tantra and  number of religious topics are explained : Shiv Samhita Shiv savrodaya are said about Hath yoga : These texts are very authentic upon the subject but it requires practise and discipline to control our body in th guideline of proper trainer (Guru)

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Immunity power

Immunity  of human body enhances when particular dose of natural substance used by way of oral intake : There are number of items showing enhancer of immunity power : We categorise in two section one those item are enhancer of immunity in general and other are particular : General are some vitamins like vitamin ABCD. and zinc omega 3 and particular category comes garlic turmeric basil etc The subject is intermixed with immunity which protects body from invasion of sudden disease originating due to poor immune system : In Ayurveda some medicines are like makardhawaj a mixture prepared from burning elements like gold silver copper and so on through a Specific process : In Homio Pathic arsenicum album used for enhancing immune power : Shilajit helps to improve enhancing immunity power : Pranayama yoga enhances immune power of body : Cow milk of a cow used intake without delay after obtaining from cow : Immunity is a subject which creates a power in body to fight contagious disease : these diseases spread through air : we can say that this is an extra ordinary power generates for protecting body from invasion of sudden contagious disease : some dry fruits are also source of enhancing immune power like fig , dry grapes , honey which enhances immune power when intake during weakness of body :

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Transit of Lord of 8th house in vinsotry period

Every body wants to know the age of death but no body wants to accept death : Whatever be the reason but it’s a true fact of life that we don’t want to die: There is an unending pleasure in life and before die we want to complete our liabilities towards our family ,beloved people :it’s our life which is attached with our emotions : we are not saint which don’t have any attachment : Astrology depicts the way of calculation of age : To calculate age is a subject of astrology : Horoscope have eight house related to death and it’s lord transit in vinsotry gives death and persons who crosses this period are persons who wins death : This period again comes after 100 years total period of stars in vinsotry is 120 year and it depends upon which star is lord of eight house and in which age it crossed : My object   Is to show that role of eight house lord is not only of lord of death but it is a lord of enhancement of age also : if some body crosses the barrier of vinsotry of lord of 8th house it’s a winning of age : 3rd 7th 2nd lord is behind the 8th lord : Eight house lord especially deals with death :

Saturday, 8 February 2020

Prediction by born month people

Today is 8th day of month fub  those people born on this day 8 fub between 6 to 8 AM in india : what  ever be the year it does not make difference; This is based upon the occupation of sun : transit of sun between 6.00 to 8.00 AM shows on the sign of Capricorn and sun would be always Occupy upon this sign between 6’00 to 8.00 AM : this is the sign when sun rises in the month of Fub : keeping this factor a text was written earlier that people born in particular month and particular time between two hours of day or night due to reason day and night have 24 hours and one ascendant changes after every 2 hours ;

Friday, 7 February 2020

Venus in Pisces

Venus a star bestowing to people highest degree of Luxurious life it indicates that the person receiving such blessing definitely of Venus in exalted position with good conjunction with benefice star of good houses in birth chart :There is a yoga that called a Panch MAHA Purush yoga which being created through Venus in Pisces occupied in CENTER representing good house :In transit Venus is running in Pisces from 3Fub which is more beneficial to Taurus and Libra :✍️Venus  reflect power of luxury through its highest degree in young age Venus become enlarged in the presence of Ketu star : Birth chart having debilated  Venus would not effect when Venus runs in Pisces it gives normal effect to those people : The best result would get those having piscas

Monday, 3 February 2020

Intuition a subject of feeling in subconscious mind

A crucial study about the subject which guides us through subconscious mind : some say it faith and some act in blind faith : To demarcate in what is right or wrong it’s our experience that done in right manner it purifies the crucial subject : This is a subject which we can’t believe due to non experience :when we experience the working of intuition it’s a guide that help us to determine the right way to follow :western author Steve job narrated it that Indians have blind faith and connected the subject while giving example that when black cat comes in our way it shows for Indians by way of blind faith that restraining to act for any purpose :This subject became the subject of secret science no body tells ;if tells no body believes : The question of experience, & belief attracted : Intuition in broad sense a guide to person and it has procedure while awakening it : When a sub conscious mind wins upon our mind it gives a right path : it’s a neither manifestation nor blind faith : Role of Hath yoga is more specific guide in matter who exercises hath yoga it has better experience of sub conscious mind