Title of article somewhat attracts to person who are in old age and want to complete the work and duties which are in the interest of successors with regard to properties whether it’s are movable or immovable : it’s a like when station comes in rail journey and passenger used to lift their beg and baggage and come at the door of compartment: The question is relevant for those who want to complete their half work for the betterment of their family : it’s a good if you know the time of death enabling them to complete their work :Actually we never think about death because we don’t want to die and we don’t do even imagination for death but end of life is a natural phenomenon and fear of death if any one is having then he should pray to almighty God or a hidden power to help : There is no solution to restrain death it’s a universal truth that death is a occurrence which is to be happened sure and sure no body stop the death , only a hath yogi can stop the death for a time period they know the way of extending life span : How to know the age of a person or the time of death : Ancient Hindu Astrology shows the method of calculation for occurring death : In birth chart the role of three houses are significant in the cause of death .These houses are 2,7and 8th house . These houses becomes active (Karak) when their lords period comes in life ; Period traditionally period of vinsotry period where human life being calculated 120 years and nine stars run in 120 years and these nine stars have their specific period and in vinsotry they run in serial like aa ,ch, bho,ra,ji,Sa,bu, k, shu ( sun ,moon,mars ,rahu,Jupiter,Saturn ,murcury ,Ketu Venus ): These planet run after birth : it is calculated how much period of planet being already run and remaining period yet to be now run :vinsotry period of star play a role showing bad days good days and showing the period of death : 2,7 & 8 house play a vital role for the age of people and year birth chart to be corroborated when muntha placement is in 8 house and vinsotry star is also going to marak :sometime house of 8 house do not become marak if lord of 8 house is well in own sign and well occupied in well house it enhances age and not become marak Thus conclusion is this that house lord of 8 th house posited in 6 th house its period would not cause death similarly the role of marak is very important its conjunction to ascendent lord and aspect of marakesh lord gives death and in yearly chart placement of muntha in 8 th house to be seen : The wisdom of astrologer gives a finality on the basis of navansh :
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