Monday, 3 August 2020

How to connect with occult science

Occult world 🌎 we invite for guiding us and to control our brain and soul for showing right path and to work accordingly : we have produced faith upon god and he does so in right manner ,through controlling our brain even soul : The procedure here is laid down through cats eye : it requires lab tested cats eye and it’s energy to be fit to your body : it takes time for setting up its energy in accordance to your body vibrations :This is antenna in stars but it requires catching power through it’s gem : Vaidurya mani ( cats eye stone) : it should be attached through feather of peacock and it would be placed before lord Ganesh : Vaidurya to be kept in green grass water before to use and request to be made lord Ganesh to guide in opposite situations and no indications only but should be implemented as per your seeet will of lord Ganesh :  The procedure is hand made but it is totally depend upon lord Ganesh who is the main controller of your activation and implementation of your workings : Cats eye indicates about placement of Ketu and with connected house whether it is lord of house where Ketu being occupied or if there is a conjunction of other stars with Ketu it would give you results of that stars mixed it aggravates the conjunction and shows the right path when good cats eye wearied

1 comment:

  1. Bhagchand Ji. Hope this finds you well. If Ketu is with Mercury in 9th House of Kumbha Lagna / Kanya Rasi?
