Saturday, 20 June 2020

Theory of exercise

The idea for remembering person , things , occurrences and our daily work defining important and non important things it’s a work of our mind : Mind if repeats a thing occurrences it called an exercise : some time we repeat the things so as to remember things it’s an exercise that helps us to remember a thing : In the same way every part of body requires exercise so as to developing and keeping healthy the part of body : The question of exercise that is the basic theory for development of particular part whether it is a brain or other part :The CENTER of body who controls the body is brain and without brain there is nothing in world this is the super creature of nature that do every creation or destruction : Exercise can be done in the disciplined manner or indiscipline manner what ever be : if you do exercise in disciplined manner you would have things likely to contain proper place and in proper and systematic way : A child writes a notebook and exercise in non systematic way then thereafter again he places them for systematic thus it requires again exercise and it is also a time consuming process : Thus a systematic way of learning help us to remember a thing easily and also help us the brain development :If you are not systematic or disciplined in your exercise of learning : it can be done through non systematic way and after selection of useful things through repeated exercise : Kind of brain concerned with how your habits are : if you are not systematic then you are the person coming in the category of non learning person and your memory would be less then the person who are systemic in their workings :Efforts for converting a lazy brain in the quality of brain it requires to become systematic : Repeating things through writing also help us to have the fruitful result in brain development:   It’s an exercise which keeps the memory young whether learning process is repeating through writing or memorising through thoughts

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