Friday, 22 November 2019

How five element works in Human body

Human body is runs  through five elements if these elements are in  equally

distribution then life is Okay :The mismanagement in body would effect human body and mind also  Daily life is governed by five element : work of  each element are different and to work opposite to element harms our body and mind activity: fire element required in stomach fire to digest food and always take food in fire element now question is ? how to know the fire element so time of launch and dinner would be in accordance to runing of element It comes from practise that would automatic show you when fire element would run : Bathing in fire element is beneficial for generating  jathragni
We know that after bath we feel appetite it’s all about generating fire element : now it should be noted that element of fire in which nadi is running if fire element is running in left nostril air then if we eat that would give you illness and you are doing adverse to system : Right nostril air is essential when fire element runs : this is a proper time for eating : Yawning with flow of air in right nostril show that element of fire is running :To work in element of fire when air in left nostril is running would be not beneficial to start a new work : Earth and water element are the only element beneficial when runs in left nostril air : it gives wealth and stability in business : The mystery of this science was used by yogi who know running of element in body knows the life and death :yogi used these element as per their running of element :

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Customary right & constitutional right

Customary right has support of masses of particular society : These rights are independent to constitutional rights and sometime customary rights are originated from negative thoughts or evils : The clash between customary rights and constitutional rights are not new for us and support of legislation makes defeat to wrong customs : Constitutional rights gives strength to law and order: and Judiciary have a pious role for implementation of these rights : But what would be when there is a clash between customary rights and constitutional right and custom has a support of society : To punish every person of society it would be very difficult : when the society becomes vitiated it hampers the democratic set up : This is a history of number of evils lying in the society for example The evils of child marriage : even to restrain child’s marriage here is a law but inspite of number of child marriage are still going on behind the screen : this has a support of a society : it requires education to educate those peoples to show them the law which would punish in case they do it : actually without force of law peoples don’t divert from wrong custom : Triple talak issue was the same when there was clash to constitutional rights : Sabarimala issue of entrance of temple was the same : a clash  to constitutional rights : The Question is that executive should obey law and legislative body should enact necessary legislation to implement in proper way the verdict of judiciary :Support of masses comes when particular law is enacted for eradicating wrong custom and wrong or right custom it’s a work of judiciary which should be obeyed by legislative.and executive body in democratic set up after judgement of judiciary: supremacy of judiciary in the sense to regulate the belief enshrined in  preamble of constitution

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

amazing effect of Basil & Alum

Alum have a  amazing property to remove negativity : So far as chemical composition is concerned it is a sulphate of Potasium and Aluminium : It has use of external in medicine for the skin purpose it cures skin desease but it has also magical property : it reacts when used externally and removes negativity :This is the enemy of desease originated from  belly air ::People believing in Tantra use it black cloth while keeping it st the door of house so as to prevent entrance of  negativity or bad soul : To prepare water mixture of alum while preparing in hot water it gives instant relief in skin desease originated from air generated from belly :It is so useful that when user use it and appreciates it : Basil a great plant and it’s leaf used in medicines but when prepared with alum it gives miraculous result in skin  desease and very benificial for external use : Basil also used to purify water in India ; There are number of health  benefits when used through a specific way : Basil leaf is used for curing number of desease The best use is that place leaf of basil in copper pot or bottle with water and drink this water it cures number of unknown desease even cancer also : use with belief and have amazing experience

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Half knowledge is dangerous

Social sites are informatory but to adopt any guidance solely risk of adopter : Take for instances there are number of Video upon YouTube with regard to medicines of various kind beginning from Deshi nuska to hurbs and other way of remedy through local application :These are not conclusive and it is simply informatory : Thrre are number of factors applicable to a patient : Patients history and what he feels and test of body have important role and application of mind by doctors (trained registered medical practitioner ) their opinion are guidance for a patient :Every Doctor Vaidya or Hakim thinks through their own way and their treatment are also different : Our body doesn’t give guarantee for a treatment which being received through a particular doctor : Actually every doctor Vaidya or Halim gives their best effort to cure the patient and their prescription may be different but it doesn’t give guarantee to cure patient : Patient has right to initiate court proceedings until
and unless negligence in prescription or treatment being proved : There are different kind of human nature and medicines are some time useful or sometime ninapplicable due to gravity of desease :In social sites deshi nushka are prevalent for curing but it’s a like half knowledge because it’s effect depend upon position of patient : some time it may be effective but there is no guarantee : We may use keeping in mind that there is no side effect : The word side effect of medicines is very penetrating  for us we fear from side effects particularly of English medicines :we have a fear that the English treatment has side effects that can endanger our life but still we believe in English medicine treatment that gives instant result : we can’t wait for a longer period of treatment as happens in Himiopathic or auarvedic treatment : whateverbe we are in illusion that no medical science gives guarantee in treatment of patient: we want to live more and more in healthy way of life : Actudlly our body accepts treatment which is right cure and even deshi nuska might be good but it’s not universal and social sites afraid and directs that take medicines through the help of registered practitioner:

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Interpretation & Judgement

These two words carry a long history in the field of moral scientific and legal world : How we interpret things and make judgement by our own way : when we interpret the things and judgement is delivered by other person then the judgement might have effect of right or wrong upon your interpretation it depends upon Independancy if views and independancy of views may be effected if the person giving views is your friend , bias due to enemity , not fit in knowledge: The role of independent views carries very importance and supported by mass : The value of views becomes more waightage when the question of judgement comes : Time immemorial  the concept of views by one person two person and last five person were regarded better decision : In villages Panch Permeshwar (Company of five people) was called and decision delivered by them was regarded to be decision of Parmeshwar (God) : The role of Five People in decision making was a final decision : The concept of
Panch Parmeshwar being adopted in judiciary when association of more judges delivers judgement then has more weightage in interpretation in law and it’s a debate upon  views delivered by single division form of judgeship and it’s a like a deep opening of mind having supported base in law : Law is read as it is : not added or amended :The duty cast upon interpreter is very large and judgement over it shows the breivity in interpretation in law : This is the real wisdom of interpretation which take confidence of whole masses who read it hear it : 

Sunday, 6 October 2019

Necessity is mother of invention

Necessity is vital factor but it does not mean that we should only work out a plan to fulfill our necessity from ordinary thoughts : it requires a way for adopting the process which not coming in ordinary course : To think about residue it’s an great idea : Multi millineors always search the process   How to earn money from waist : Low investment & High earning gives a product which like invention in economic strategy: Why the intelligent scholar leave the  empire of service because they used to go further ahead and their thoughts are somewhat different to ordinary student : Residue calling the waiste material it’s a source of better earning : In the stream a scholar researched how to prepare a new product from waistage matetial : Flowers are waiste material after Pooja and used to become part of waiste material outside the place of temple but a scholar thought it that it can be used for making product : This is the only one example : To say more it would be true when how a method adopted when on line service for every thing became a part of business : solar energy was our necessity of alternate way of electricity: We are so lazy in our life that we need our electronic Servent  who can work beginning from awakening in morning to sleeping in night and researches would also come soon when our tools would do work under our direction and we would be only viewers :

Thursday, 3 October 2019


Mantra ,chanting Holi words originated from seed mantra : Time place number of time of repetition of mantra through  voice is a way for siddhi of mantra in a tradiditional way  with a complicated process of purity which in modern era is not possible but there is a method which shows the path of siddhi of particular mantra : First to understand the word mantra which logically shows that it’s a combination of  Mon +. Tantra our mind is the best tool of mantra siddhi not voice : Mantra should be chanted by mind not by voice : it’s a inner way for siddhi of particular mantra: It has very powerful way when mantra is chanted through mind without sprouting lips 👄 it’s effect transfers in 100 times : This is simple way for siddhi of mantra : Chanting of mantra through mind without sprouting lips day and night sitting or sleeping without counting number of mantra paves the way for siddhi of Mantra : Lord shiva dialogue with Parwati narrates Ajapa jap in yoga shastra which directs the same way : there is no time place for siddhi it should have place in your mind which is a like Brahmand and repetition of mantra through mind becomes after a period very powerful weapon in our arms :

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Attraction & Influence

Universe is totally running upon attraction and this principle also applies in every creature upon earth whether we are humans or other creatures : we humans are dependent upon breathing eating drinking and dependent to meet out our daily needs required for survival : All activities contains attraction and some time influence ; These two words plays a vital role in life of humans :these are the source bestowed from nature : Suppose the activity of mind is without the element of attraction and influence then what would be the result : Mind is like universe or. Brahmand and all activities are governed by mind like stars in universe : The philosophy of two element is so wide that philosophy becomes a true scientific fact at this point : Here we can presume that philosophy has no independent base and science governs the philosophy: However what ever be but it’s true fact that when attraction or influence  are flourished our life runs : 

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Sympathy & Empathy

Sympathy & Empathy have same meaning in dictionary but on experiencing it has different meaning one is related to emotions which are expressed not affected by affected person and other word empathy is related to adapting emotions : The process in which emotions are produced through sympathy by a person and not adapted but in empathy these are adopted whether it’s are negative : one are positive and other are negative : Clever people don’t adopt emotions they only express : sympathy practically feel up heart with positive thoughts :The controversial point between these two words are to  adopt or not  to adopt emotions : Effect of sympathy traversed to receipient and receipienr expresses his emotions but he don’t adopt but in other case receipient adopts the emotions while expressing his emotions : it’s a empathy: A poor men comes and he shows the relations among them  and person receipient  shows his sympathy and he helps by donating to other but the person comes  comes another day and  every day person donates to other and here is a case when person donating received negative energy and poor person being benefitted from reflecting negative energy : family members are so afraid that people shoring his poor ness being benefitted through symathay but  that being traversed in empathy due to use of this tool by that poor people : In India proples
are religious and are cheated in the name of religion by peoples who plays with their emotions and take sympathy as a tool :  False publication and message about some body don’t have money and require money for cure  : it is a impossible phenomenon to verify each and every task of this type of publication :


Thursday, 26 September 2019

Sharaddh days

Sharaddah days in Hindu mythology have a place to honour  Pitra : Hindu mythology in
belief that our family members after their death becomes pitra when they are unsatisfied and  sharradh period gives us to satisfy them and blessings are obtained to giving them proper invitation through preparing food and calling Brahmin to give Tarpan : Some person believes and some may not in the belief of Pitra : The theory of pleasing Pitra is very amazing : It’s a belief that nonperformance of ritual process gives a problem in family : It’s my experience that if you love to demised family member then always do tarpan in sharradh it would give you prosperity: remember your family member in sharradh paksh on their death of Vikram savat Date (tithi) they will help you definitely : I had an occasion when I forget tithi of death of my mother : my mother came in my dream and I weaped a lot and in morning I asked to my family members that what is the tithi of death then I amazed to note that it was the same day of morning and I realised that sharradh should be performed to receive the blessings of Pitra : it’s an amazing and it’s a truth that Pitra always help the person :

Sunday, 22 September 2019

Hytech technology & old laws

We have changed but our laws are still traditional: Aadhar is a product of human natural thumb impression where no parallel proof in strict sense being evolved : World is changing but laws are still traditional : Hytech technology brought us that we can work without Human Resource’s , Men power : Govt using hytech technology for saving fund while avoiding wages to beaurocacy : Mechines are working in place of men power : whether it’s a Bank sector or other sector but still requires changes in law where we are waisting fund upon unnecessary workings which mechines can detect : In western countries there means being changed: Motor vehicle act provision are still old : The panel provisions are still the same as earlier except the quantum being changed : Method of vehicle checking with regard to Custody of document and their panel
Provisions for not having vehicle document is also a traditional way of checking : A thumb impression and numbers lying upon engines can easily tallied and  requirement of possession of document can also be completed through photographs in mobile phones : Digital India requires the complete change in our traditional laws : In western countries there are consonance to laws with Hytech technology :


Saturday, 21 September 2019

Role of Media in democracy

Media is called in democracy A representative of freedom of expression: Freedom of expression is meant expression within the four corners of constitutional limitation or constutional framework : There is a pitfall in freedom of expression out of sphere of limitations : we practically feel
the sword of media which can change the views of masses : There is a law for spreading false information and it has punishment : Democratic govt uses some time sword of media for taking confidence of people in right manner but some time media expresses wrong statics to show good administration : The role of media in democratic countries some time happens to be tool of administration :Media should act as a responsible agency for showing real picture of freedom of  expression within the constitutional limit : A political party requires strength from media when workings of institution are fair and without fear .they reflect the public consciousness : what fair is or
What favoured by them really reflect the real picture of masses under democratic rule : The scale of measurement fits to public when public has good conscience for democratic set up and in absence of it , there can not be a good experience of democracy : Media has ample and wide effect upon good conscience it generates good conscience when work for the people by the people :

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Professional // Buisness morality

Professional & Buisness morality are the subject where customer being handled  by businessmen or professional in a manner that it’s effect goes to morality of these people : False advertisement publishers , publishes their content to attract the traffic : here is the motto for more earning  : Some advt  of medicines  gives  a note that use of medicine should be taken as directed by registered medical practitioner : Here is  last resort comes in the hand of practitioner : If the medical practitioner supports the medicine  with a view  to earn more and more he used to  support  despite of  patients undue desire in cure  In USA there are laws to control to  immorality  of these technilties  it’s a like a Vigilence  in the interest of public : Doctors prescribed costly medicine so as to earn more commission: it’s against the moral values but how to check : use of medicines have equally beneficial to low cost medicine but role of immorality persuade them to sell costly medicine so as to receive high commissions provided by medicine suppliers : In the same sense Fees of Doctor a private practitioner is not fixed he may charge at rests totally upon his sweet will :!They use their intelligences in their profession : thus they charge fees accordingly :The Question is not of higher or lower fee but how we keep morality when we see that cure of people is not possible despite we do experiment : there is no scale to know a people working with morality or immorality: Technality is medical science only provide presumption but still the duty of doctor is guided by morality :No body wants to play with human body in risk factor : despite of morality plays a big role in cure :Patients should have their own decision after experiencing effect of medicine and also to understand the results of tests : Dicision of two doctors are also fruitful for making an independent dicision :


Saturday, 7 September 2019

Danger of Radioactivity

World is crossing in the fear of radioactivity nuclear war : countries are making these  nuclars so as to show powerful and making balance of power in union of countries : An insane country can demolish the whole world despite of that countries are expanding fund upon this strategy : To creat fear in state it’s a policy of the sovergion states : No body thinks about that how to deactivate these nuclear weapons for the protection of humans :  Researches required to deactivate this danger of radiation effect in advance : It was said that allovera plant was the only plant which was survived during II nd world war : it may be untrue but there should be a effort by our world scientist so as to protect our nature and living peoples from the nuclear world :

Fear to humans started since the invention of nuclear material :A modal
house to be constructed equipped with all aminities and having no effect of radioactivity : we are going to Moon but the nuclear world would creat a world of distraction : we are not applied our mind to protect such nuclear world : When we will remain in world then who would go to moon

Friday, 6 September 2019

Googal a best friend for innovation

Days although not gone when there were a saying that books are best friend : Pattern changed when we have all collection and information upon a desk where all information available : scope of learning much changed : We can say that these collection not lasting and science has given  us friendly a wide field in every branch of study : What a great imagination with support of google : Books of google are ready for learning writing ✍️ and expressing your thoughts : Google is a best friend for those who have deep innovation and devoted for learning : Life is settled but money is not last resort : your peace in mind is so valuable comparatively to bare money : All person can leave you  but google would not leave you : my nights are devoted to google when my sleep becomes disturbed and google is my pious book when I learn from guru google : Cool
atmosphere in summer and my search upon google gives results update thoughts : my thoughts changes when vibration becomes changes : who guide us no body but google catches our vibration in the midnight , The word midnight its an amazing time when poets loves their poetry and writer loves with full moon : some time no full moon but imagination of full moon can be invented : 

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Fake world

We see around the world Fake items which are produced in the name of economic prosperity by humans :These product are both edible or non ediable :Humans are searching more money rather then peace :Laws are enacted to curb this fake world in every country for the shake of health of humans but inspite of that peoples are endangering the health of peoples by making fake product : Animals products are also in the grip of fake world : Many countries ,in this type of products are very advance :Edible products are very serious due to humans life making in peril: Fake world invited to serious desease that are not curable :Effective laws are needed and observation of fake world should be made from higher authorities whether laws are implemented properly :if proper laws are not implemented then the object of enactment goes to end and without implementation laws are none : Every things are  adulterated : There is no way for recue of this fake world :Humans are like tools of govt and no legislation strictly made for curbing adulteration :we feel even air is polluted : Unless we obey the rules our society would never survive : Govt is helpless when citizens don’t take responsibility:


Monday, 19 August 2019

Philosophy of Expenses

Earning by humans in the form of recognised state currency generally made for expenditure for livelihood but there might have causes of waisting the currency by virtue of negative thoughts which related to bad habits of humans : The classification of what habits are bad or good are wide :The subject of title has concerned with good habits : Expenses by humans are made sometime for not their livelihood but for others without thinking a business for return like investment: sometime expenses are incurred for the need of others or for the cause of betterment of life after death :  Donations are made for betterment of this world or other world : some believes that what they do expenditure for others help that returns back : some think it’s all our mental thoughts nothing returns back : All these understandings  are creation of thoughts but actually it all comes for experience of life when expenditure are incurred for others without any need  it’s a not any type of obligation and comes in the ambit of waiste of money : where obligation comes it would be pious duty of  people to render services without any selfishness : If a person or other creatures waits for you and without your help it would be impossible to survive then your help is very precious and you must do help it would be return surely : it has been said that if your earned money had a bad source then it would go for bad expenditure: there is no names of source upon currency inspite of that it goes in good or bad deeds expenditure : who controls this waive ? Or flow of money for the cause of good or bad deeds : I brought some seeds for growing plant : these seeds were obtained from a shopkeeper after paying value of seeds in currency and story begins here : shopkeeper earns money intentionally while giving low quality of seeds he does so for his livelihood : thus accumulating money through bad intention  makes a wrong expenses and it would have a wrong place of investment :

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Miracle of science

What we see it’s all miracle of science : whatever be the branch of science : all
Science attracts humans due to providing comfort which we feel in practical life : There is all about
Science based upon certain principles : so far as science about future incidents is concern e.g. ; science of farcasting : there is nothing true it’s a half truth :It might be happen or might not be : if it happens exactly we treat it real farcasting : there may be when we add some future incidents with some incidents from our imagination : Exact science of farcasting
still we are in search : Number of texts are written but still exact science is still missing : The famous text which was written by Brigu Rishi called Brighu sahinta : Original text is missing and if any body says he uses for his livelihood : whatever be but it’s true that who seen the texts they much influenced  from its farcasting : there is a lot of difference between old era and present modern era : The experience of  human life is not limited but so wide that people not presumed like
this when science made a revolution : The Question of developed farcasting  science is concerned  we have not touched the impact of shadow planet in broad terms : Rawan Sahinta which describes that a person born in particular month , tithe and ghari Would be of certain nature : The texts uses tools of month , particular time in tithi Paksha through lagna (ascendent )transit of sun moon and ascendent:
and calculating ascendent from time of rising sun  : We are living in modern era where we can reach one place to another place upon earth in few hours : we need new tools in farcasting science : we don’t have those Rishi who had the power of voice which on farcasting become true : We are enjoying old tools that requires to be read in modern era :



Sunday, 11 August 2019

Impact of Rise of Sun

Earth living humans receive a common reaction from rays of rising sun : Sun
rays gives sprit of courage in humans as well as all occupier of earth in which plant animal and small
 creatures are also altogether involved : what is the time period when humans obtain common feature of reaction from sun rays :It has been said in texts that 48 minutes from sun rise humans heat developes in stomach that is called Jathar Agni which which digest food and eating this time would digest the food: I remember that a person went to doctor and said that my appetite for. food not developed then doctor advised that you take meal in morning not breakfast :then patient did so and after a short period patient become cured by this tactise : Time of 48 minutes from sun rise is very important for the purpose of digesting food : if we link this period from hatyoga then it appears that sun rise transforms energy in all creatures and humans feel its presence through rise of sun nadi in right nostril when flow of air begins : if a person feel air of nostril in left nostril then it would be presumed that human is not healthy and he has deasease rising from stomach :If we keep body in according to these natural phenomenon we would be healthy :

Friday, 9 August 2019

Preamble of constitution

The most unique feature of every constitution is related to state integrity ,sovereignty and welfare of the people :Time immemorial concept of Rule of law running upon the basic concept : In the monarchy King was supposed to rule in the welfare of state : Peace in kingdom was object and soverginity integrity of state was more important and to rule in kingdom every effort used to be prepared for making strong border : It was a concept that the state should be safeguarded from the invasion of outer states :These two responsibilities upon state ruler were significant and war was used when there were no alternative for the ruler :Policies were meant for the purpose to widespread the kingdom or to protect the enemy war : In the era of democratic state United Nations an organisation has far reaching effect and possibility of spreading the borders are minimum : However there are fields of occupation when country use there power to protect their borders using their aid to buffer states : The role of Balance of power of states still prevalent and this keeps away from war to states : it was a time when state experiencing crisis used to deviate mind of public and   centralise policies upon danger of neighbours invasion and to strengthen the borders public used to forget domestic crisis and sovereignty integrity of state always preferred : Concepts are same but the compulsion of democratic state and its obedience now rules the states and balance of power runs in the democratic way : People of democratic state still believe in the integrity and sovereignty of state : Protacting borders of state are still for survival and peace of state :Peace in state would be created when  borders of country are safe and if any state does it would be their national interest : Provisions which are temporary or transitory are always changes as per changing situations of a state : The object of constitution makers was for incorporating those provisions as teumporary shows that can be changed as per changing situations for the very purpose of preamble of constitution : Thus the place of temporary / transitory provisions takes place in constitution so as to made changes in future in consonance to soverginity and integrity of a nation

Saturday, 3 August 2019

Anger v/s Patience

Anger is opposite to patience : we experience it in our daily life but inspite of that we are helpless to control anger : it’s a natural phenomenon of our mind : Evolution of anger scientifically it’s a change of hormones and science says number of harmones changes and it’s deficiency or exceeding the balance of harmones results the inbalance of mind : The theory of harmones help us to control the anger and to balance the particular harmones : Theory of balance of harmones makes a mind in perfect nature of wisdom : Yoga meditation are way for controlling imbalance of harmones : Inbalance of harmones gives imbalance of mind and it affects the blood flow and heart beating : Number of desease begins when inbalance of harmones exists :We can predict the nature of deasease a individual is having by way of noting the nature : When anger begins patience go far away and one part of mind losses in keeping fair judgement: When we keep anger we loose our patience for determining the real judgement : How to control anger its a natural but it’s also due to change of harmones and what’s a way to control these harmones it’s all in nature : To keep mind on rest and keeping mind with such an activity where mind gets relax : Morning walk ,Yoga Meditation:  Reading books where your taste of mind likes : writing articles also relaxes mind because it’s a kind of meditation : it gives peace : when an individual spends his time without any worries it
relaxes mind and it enhances patience and minimise anger : Holy places temples and doing religious activity for the Benifits of public it gives a patience and minimise the anger :surrender of mind gives relief from anger : To beg for excuse is. Surrender of mind ,it help us and rescues from anger


Law without implementation

Law is supreme but without implementation it’s a none : statutory duty of law framing body to watch
Whether the law enacted being rightly implemented or on implementation has serious flaws that makes the law nonest :The role of media and the role of legal correspondent and law agitators through bringing the flaws or implementation through judiciary while filing public interest litigation before our high courts and supreme courts are very vigilant in applying our rule of law existing in our democratic set up :Majority in democracy some times gives much power for enacting a law where some kind of abuse of power may occur: When there is no opposition then law enacting body may pass any type of legislation that may endanger fundamental right of an individual: there may be
a position when fundamental right would have no place in comparison to our safety : thus the question is debatable in the sense that our safty should be given priority :


Thursday, 1 August 2019

Benefits of comparative study & Observation

Comparative study of particular science is very important for the new Tecnique developed from
Comparative study and observation: We are here concerned with two
Medical sciences one is related to homoopathic and other ayervadic : The hard core question
Is a comparative study of medicine gives a new approach for curing the desease: experiments along with continued observation makes a line of perfect changes  in curing desease :Humans are tools what organ is effected from medical dose it can be noted from comparative study :This comparative study gives a new dimension in the field of inventions :It may be that Homiopathic medicine would have a good result then Ayarvadic or vice versa : we should have good practical approach for our conclusion: scientific methods are not static but become changes with the flux of time ;:
There are number of factors that helps to understand the analytical study of comparison and its benefits can’t be ignored :

Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Theory of Moksha

Moksha word denotes that after death human body not returns in any way :in any form of living people  :soul mixes  with universal  God : So far as Moksha is concerned when individual gets rid from traffic of birth  and death which runs for number of years . Our Hindu texts shows that there are number of ways for getting rescue from our repeatedly birth and death of human system : Principle says that we change our body according to our deeds : To believe this factor we experienced the number of peoples telling that in past they were and born in particular family and it has been tellyed and after Enquiry story proved right : reborn of soul
In other people it’s a like people born in other dress : we make changes our dresses :then what’s way to get rid of this traffic : Indian Hath yoga says unless you become Digambar you can’t get Moksha :we prepare for it but still it’s all depend upon fate when after becoming Digambar a person gets accident then death from accident Moksha can’t be possible due to unnatural death :Moksha can only be possible when a person dies with natural death and releases his body without any pain and without  any wishes :The procedure adopted in yoga stimulate the span of life years :but to increase the life span is not the way of Moksha : Moksha happens when people leaves every desire : when you have no desire then it’s a kind of Moksha from desires : thus the cause of bad deeds when goes to end it’s a kind of Moksha from bad deeds : To prepare human nature Ina way that individual smashes in any kind of wishes I’ll thoughts and believe in helping others Astrology says a human doesn’t return upon  earth in any form of body when all stars are posited between moon and Jupiter and 12 th house remains vacant : astrology says the Ketu is signifactor of Moksha : but it is not only one responsible for Moksha

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Submissive Nature of humans

Submissive nature is a characteristic of noble persons : It comes by birth or doing practise while adopting alike nature in life : submissive nature influences other individual , masses subordinates it gives a cult of high personality : submissive nature of a human brings another person very near and makes cordial relations affection and attraction : this is a high mental position above the understanding where people has a element of self confidence & self control in voice : self control where  mind directs to be cautious in aggressive nature and to ruin this nature it requires patience in human behaviour : Moral duties and ethics  becoming religious through adopting principles of religion ,hearing lactures of saints mould the nature of individual whatever be the religion : all religion don’t say to become aggressive in nature : submissive nature of an individual qualifies the individual in human relations : it gives respect from other persons and creat a place in society :

Saturday, 20 July 2019

Do Positive Mistake

positive mistake is a best exercise for brain and mistake are not done habitually it happens when we don’t know the whole working but we try to learn and it makes to understand the gateway it’s  a chapter of learning by a simple procedure : we know method but effective and efficiently we immune from the best method then we do some thing to get the best result and this makes us sometime mistakes and there after we used to avoid those mistakes for the best result : it’s a best method to develop the brain : Repeatation of mistakes shows your memory tissues are not grasping the technique and it requires repeatation of procedure where you need cure : curiosity makes cure : it develops brain power : scientist are born from element of curiosity if you don’t have this element you are being stopped by brain power  Thus the most amazing result of brain comes from curiosity : it’s a necessary element to absorb in our habit : The second element which support the curiosity is our planning  for observation: now it’s s wide area for scrutinising and learning : Speed in learning makes a person very fast in understanding the things : suppose you read book not for the purpose of reading only but for the purpose of grasping. and understanding and the time period for finishing the book for the purpose of understanding ends in one hour and other person do the same exercise in 30 minutes and qualifies the questions raised by observer , this is a speed of grasping which decides the power of brain :

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Our living style

Healthy mind and body enhances age of a humans : Longivity also happens when desease remains very far from healthy body : Desease is enemy of longivity : To remain healthy A person adopt the way of living which includes eating : Our body is neither dustbin nor post office : we should understand the internal culture of body : A men not  becomes healthy while eating more  food it’s a energy that enhances the function of body To eat in discipline way while understanding the language of inner body through controlled mind makes body healthy and that immunes from deasease also :: we use plastics container and pesticides born wheat which generates cancer and that dreadly desease spoils health and wealth of a family : A member of family effects whole family :To search , the germs of cancer we should aware of pesticide wheat ,chemical born fruits that is root of desease we are aware but we ignoring the future consequences that are very horrible :Number of patients are increasing : No legislation being passed to curb the origin of cancer : Research says that our competition for earning more money by means of pesticides made the whole danger : if govt stops the use of pesticides then the growing statics may go down but of generation remains safe then there should  be an enacted legislation to prevent humans from use of pesticide in edible crop : Every body is not rich who can afford their own field for growing edible crop through without pesticide : thus there should be complete restraint upon field owner for using pesticides in their field :

Monday, 15 July 2019

Effect of Eclipse upon Earth

We people living upon earth :   Eclips happens when sun or moon partly or wholly shadowed : There are number of versions about impact of Eclips but nothing seems to be accurate : this is only manifestations that compel to believe idiology : there are number of factors responsible for any event or occurances : only one factor of Eclips does not affect the humans but position of stars along with vinsotry period ,transit of signifactors running stars and their impact determine the occurances : To minimise the bad effect of Eclips Hindu mythology suggests some donations like giving wheat to shudra : whatever be reasons but it’s true that it effects to pregnant ladies if they comes in the sphere of Eclips rays : When humans don’t come in touch of rays there is nothing which can harm humans life and Hindu texts advices not to go outside of shelter house :Sun is atma and moon is mind : there are number of factors gives rise to struggle but single one factor has no longer effect but it effects upon wombs child and effected  child in woman womb borns with some ailment : Some texts describes that Eclips time is very much important for collecting mantra power and siddhi :

How experience edited in Books

Experience is universal it’s a matter of debate because how we feel is an experience and feelings changes as per thoughts : my hard core subject is here with regard to those books written about medicines when writer cum scientist doctors Vaidhya homiopatician used to write after collecting experience : This large experience codification became the verdict of experience applicable universally :  condition of patient is a matter of observation and a medicine can be used after observing the condition of patient : However what the writer composed it was really a great for humans use : it’s right when we take it according to symptoms : Symptoms are the basis of using medicine Thus the connectivity for a medicine is symptom : Like an observer medicinal books were
Written with the great experience it was not a one day task it was work of day and night : several time  written and omitted and lastly with the several experience books were edited it was a traditional way now the time being changed : Symptoms of desease are now changed  its due to use of chemicals and
Medicines are in effective upon these symptoms: Nature of people became changed how we can win upon chemical addiction : we should think over it : way of living and eating become changed : addicted food is now part of our lunch and dinner : searching of medicine which could encounter
With unhealthy food is necessary

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Our do’s & don’ts

The whole life of human is depends upon do’s and dont’s : What kind of do’s and dont’s are :Which are outcome of our  knowledge:  knowledge is common sense provided by nature and it’s a simple device in life but how we can use common sense : some time common sense wins the high race of life : A person develops his common sense through learning process : Scientist develops their common sense while keeping observation:and applying principles of why : How : When : A simple villagers make invention by the method of developing common sense : Number of books are edited for the education but a villager who even donot read and write learns from the environment and techniques prevailing : This technology of understanding things is not written in texts : this is the feeding and developing  of common sense : we know how to eat food and how our hands  help to eat food  this is common sense provided by nature but what is helpful for nutration food it’s a developed common sense we learn it from our taste and through practical experimenting about food giving us energy : thus energy is basic factor for developing common sense : villagers use engines in cart and use as tractor : this is the development of common sense :

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Pleasure can be defined

The question of quantum of pleasure generally related with how we spend money and against the expenses how we fetch and bring the pleasure for our mental  satisfication  : Money what ever be the currency of country it’s value for exchanging pleasure for our mental satisfication varies from the taste of an individual : it’s a universal fact that our organs of body are natural and function of healthy body are similar and there is  no dependency upon any Curran you : so far as taste is concern we purchase pleasure while purchasing through currency a variety of pleasure and this makes the difference of people rich or poor : The developing the ratio of rich peoples generally shows that peoples are happy because their mental level of happiness became rise and their capacity of expenditure in their daily life became more then earlier they had : The people who are won the mental status and they don’t believe in pleasure of organs of body like saint : their feelings about poor  or rich don’t comes in their path and way of living don’t effects their pleasure and their feeling are somewhat same in both condition : this is the condition where definition or experience of pleasure make people generating  a different thoughts : where no kind of money wealth effects the mental status of people

Law relating to attraction

Attraction word scientifically says that attraction occurs when opposite poles are
there : magnet attract iron due to evolution of megnatic energy : Astrology says person of same zoadic sign have similar mind and they make friends and they attract each other as a friend in common thoughts : so far as Hath yoga is concerned: it says that opposite person attracts :  Sun attracts Moon and element of earth keep attraction :Humans attracts to human through their voice ,eyes and activities of organs :Tantra and Mantra attracts through human organs activities : Hynotism
Is an activity of eyes :

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Venus only one star of luxurious life

Venus in this modern era gives experience of modern things : it’s habit is not traditional it gives luxurious life bestowed by modern house vehicle touring taste of hotels : living life with all emenities   It affects the thoughts of people who is having Venus lord in CENTER PLACE whether it’s freindly  zoadic sign or exalted or its own zoadic sign and ruler of houses except 6,8,: The best position
It should be in Center and ruler of Center houses : it’s only star which gives good marital life when occupies in Center : Moon if occupies in adjacent house in horoscope it’s most affected star would be moon and quashes if moon is affected by Saturn :this is the only star who diminishes the negative effects of horoscope : so far as Jupiter is concerned it has been said that the only star that diminishes the bad effects of horoscope whrn occupied in Center it’s right but role of Venus is equally same whrn  Jupiter in earlier period gives difficulty but Venus is contrary in this version it always gives good result when posited in Center or trikona with own ,friendly or ,exalted  zoadic sign : it should not be upon child degree or old degrees which effects in saxual life only and does not effect in other activities :

Sunday, 7 July 2019


Logic is more then explanation although it’s a basis for judgement and the principles of logic are derived from positive thoughts : To say logically sound meant by a common men basis his thoughts upon common sense : If logic is based upon particular text then logic is limited to particular text : what text says it’s a logic : this is the logic based upon particular text but logic is independent and thoughts in universal not limited to particular texts : This logic must have identity of univarsility in thought and based upon solid principles where no reply of logic is found : logic coupled with law strengthen the logic and judgement passed upon makes the precedent of courts : Mischief  is adverse to logic and no place found for mischief in judgement and mischief can be challenged and it never become logic :

Where you find God

When ever I encounter difficulties I find some body come and helps me I always think that he comes in different way and different view either helps me directly or some time indirectly : I think that God is omnipresent and he is ready and willing at every time but why he comes for me either he is very kind keeping in view my service to others : Thrte are number of factors relevant for searching God : some search reveals that God is present when you serve to another who can’t express their voice: sudden help where no body reach if you make presence it’s all about God when you see presence of God in helpless person : some persons believes in good karma (good deeds). The story reaches at the same destination : it’s good deeds are itself shows the presence of God : Good deeds are facilitated by virtue of Gods  desire : In horoscope if your atma karak star is exalted or its own sign it would give you God blessings in the period of ascendent lord : Jupiter and moon are stars where all stars are posited between these stars in horoscope and ninth tenth lord occupies in trikona 5,9 upon friendly exalted or own zoadic sign it’s good yoga for getting blessings of God 

Prediction of Zodiac sign with Sun & Moon

East and west has two different arm of earth : People occupied in east are follower of the effect of moon upon Zodiac sign whereas in western countries effect of sun upon zodiac sign are  followed : whatever be reason but it’s true that people living upon earth in different region have are variance in culture language and way of life and rising of sun and moon are different: People born in western countries they have impact of particular running  zoadic sign of Sun called it’s zoadic sign of birth whereas in eastern countries moon have a place to say birth upon particular zoadic sign and name of individual pronounced on the basis of alphabat of particular zoadic sign but there is no relation between name and zodiac sign of sun : Bases of  prediction in Western countries are with the sun who at the birth time occupied upon the particular zoadic sign The point with western countries is relevant
Sun changes his zoadic sign after 30 days and moon changes his zodiac sign in two and half day :Hindu philosophy believe in moons theory :


Friday, 5 July 2019

Ruling star of horoscope

Mind rules upon body : it controls the organs of body : similarly planet having highest degree rules upon body : It’s called as an aaatma karak planet .This planet is high command in astrology :Evils of horoscope are cured by giving power to aatma karak star : The right decision can be obtained when aatma karak star is made powerful : Aatma karak star if occupied upon melefic zodiac sign or debilated then to cure its negative effect it is necessary to control through significance of donations of that star and by chanting mantra of that particular aatma karak star is required :aatma power is most powerful power in horoscope and by wearing of jawels of particular star help us to opine right decisions : our activity of  day today working is all dependant upon aarmakaeak star : aatma karak star of every one without going to depth of astrology and who don’t have right time of birth can do Pooja of sun and shiva : Life can be full of joy with the Pooja of sun and shiva for making and to genrate self power :

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Stars conjunction with number of stars

The difficulty arising in farcasting of particular events whether it’s your individual horroscope or regional national or international occurances : The point for determining the factor when which star have a controlling authority when there is a conjunction of more then single star in a house : The principles of farcasting are general and changes as per degrees of the planet : The most revolutionary principles are evolved by Krishnamurti Paddati
(K.P.Principles or theory) :Who are signifactors of houses in hortoscope : it’s all depend upon degrees of stars : Where sub lord consttilation lord are to be taken in consideration also :The relevant discussion neither related to principles nor it’s a novel as narrated but it’s a general & common principle which we don’t take much painfully : This is who rules the house and who have a say or commond upon house : Naturally a powerful star have a say in deciding the occurances of house : zero degree star or lower degree star has no place in decision and degrees after 25 to 30 have place as mature star but their views are not mandatorily obeyed by young stars : it depends upon their friendly nature and if they are enemy house would be view of tension :These all depends upon wisdom of an astrologer :

Moments Past and Present

Moments play a beautiful role in memory whether it was a sad occasion or happy occasion:  Sad occasions recalling the memory bring feelings touching emotions with heart : Both feelings have attachment with heart but in happy occasion it fills the pleasure and a freshness to heart whereas in sad occasion it feels with retardation to heart : Moments always becomes changed and to recall in memory the happy moments it’s a beauty of life and attaches more with the company had : Photographs vedio plays vital role in understanding the nature of people :Positive moments are very attractive to writers who wants to write upon moments : How the feeling  runs from moments : Life also is alike moment : when people alive it’s a moment and dies it’s end of moment : Poetry is also moment when a particular time idea begins to birth :Reading books are also an activity which has a particular moment : To recall moment upon books does not  go in depth due to elobrate subject but to remember natural moments gives us strength and spends time in learning : it also develops memory

Sunday, 30 June 2019

To evade astrological assumption

Some thing very hot in current affair and peace of international community is in peril : Some people don’t have faith in Astrology where human civilisation is afraid of war then we should keep out of these  Astrological aspects: No war required and all states are with majority in peace and UNO also make efforts to develop peace : Stars are meeting in one sign saggatarious These stars conjunction are against the peace and astrologers far casting circumstances for war : In this connection no body is in favour for war situations, Actually peoples don’t require war: and in the eye of diplomatic relations no situation would arise and UNO would make peace all members have the treaty and binding natural law of balance of power : The imminent danger of war fills the fear of end of civilisation : However whatever be no body wants to be go on death whether it’s individual or state : To say war would be its imagination is very dangerous and it’s conclusion is much fearful and dangerous: it is true we can farcast the fear of iii rd world war but astrologically we should remain away for conclusion it’s not in our hand it’s all upon nature and we are unable to farcast upon these issues : These stars which are in conjunction at a saggatatious sign is a sign of Jupiter and Jupiter makes peace and there situation would arise where balance of power would make peace in states and universe also

To write upon dancing knowledge

Knowledge couple with experience is purified knowledge and to teach such knowledge is exemplary: whereas knowledge based upon imagination is not practical knowledge and it’s logic may be true or not to be true it’s your fate that decides much : Our analysis hard core related to astrological thoughts principles presumptions based upon earlier circumstances and we conclude that similar conjunction of star would give the same result : I think it’s a still not surity : The occurance May be or may not be :why certainty not come with the astrologers : Dancing 💃 knowledge meant by that wrong or write both : Astrological aspect are calculated through similar occurances upon stars retrograde conjunction    While keeping in view inimical or friendly positions : Some logic bases their theories that a debilated planet can be made exalted : it seems that we can overturn the astrological effect : there are two aspect that we conquer upon our bad fate through making exalatation of planet by some actions with the help of Tantra : All theories goes to a simple way that if you overturn your bad fate then you leave upon your good deeds and good deeds are the source of good luck 

Saturday, 29 June 2019

Nothing impossible but act positive

Theories may not possible but practical doing gives always result : this world is not only tool of entertainment but it’s a more then that : imagination are theories whereas practical are the actions that goes to result : Manifestations are hurdles for an actions : work when implemented it gives result : Hard labour with honestly either mentally or physically:gives the same result it may be that it’s result are physically minimum in the return and more in mentally : The weight of mental people are heavy in the sense of money and in comprasion to phisical work people : The Question is not for comparity how mentally people look like vip of society and  people always guided by strong people who have brain and called brain people : this extraordinary quality of brain gives command to organise people and gives status also : Influence is not outcome of any mazic but it’s a brain quality that controls the peoples who comes in sphere of voice emerging from brain  :


Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Pri knowledge of future incidents

The captioned subject is very difficult subject : Neither it’s a course for students in reading nor it’s a science disclosed: its a secret science and felt by person who make efforts for knowing it through knowledge of five elements : It’s. a sixth sense or awakening of Kundlini : it’s a subject not based upon any astrological science it’s a quite different and based upon inherent power when your inherent power makes a path to bring knowledge of things which are not happened till today but would happen in future: This is so exact who take you very near to future incidents : some say that to
Tell about future incidents is to decrease the power : There are two things 1 when person gets knowledge but never tells to other regarding future incidents and one tells this may
be called as Bhavisya vani : astrology may become failure but bhavisya vani said by sixth sense is quite different it’s basis is not any arithmetic calculation : There were a science developed in ancient Hindu texts and JAIN texts where they used to caste bhavisya vani from
Ecological changes: Bhadrabhau sahita have chapters with regard to changes in nature : suddenly changing nature of animals and changing colours of cloud and even the statues changing colours or
tears from stone statues :were some future symptoms : But the other science which had a hard labour for obtaining knowledge from self knowledge:Hath yogi were not magician but they had a knowledge from working of body : Hindu texts particularly Lord shiva directed many texts but they are shown through dialogue between Shiva & Parwati  and these texts namely shiv savrodaya gives a comprensive guide for this secret science for the excellence of inherent power ;

Death An unknown thing

Nobody wants to accept the realty of death and wishes to live more & more : Death is not pleasure and what happens when death comes it’s a very horrible occurances : Even sound of death fills the fear and people even last moment donot accept the realty of death and wants to overcome upon death Religion says it’s a last point whether cause of death would be natural or unnatural : Unnatural death is when unsatisfied person forcibly goes to accept : There are different category 1 both deaths is where one person complits the age while enjoying child hood young age and lastly old age and dies with the knowledge of death : secondly whereas in other death person goes to death when he don’t  know the sudden occurance : Time and force qualifies the phenomenon of death in the definition of death resulting natural or unnatural: accidental death comes in ambit of unnatural death which is forcefully untimely taken away by nature :

Friday, 21 June 2019

Innovative thoughts

The value of innovative thoughts goes to multimillion : No body can think about the value of innovative thoughts but the real master who take it for grasping and use it for multimillion : These Innovative emerges from common sense and it doesn’t require any qualification it’s a pleasure received from by birth that ends in invention : How it generates it’s a origin where vibration of thoughts comes : You have noted that there is a very hot temperature in Rajasthan particularly : Did you think the use of hot temperature exceeding the limit : it’s a innovative thoughts and it’s use for humans in excessive hot conditions is a real innovative : How we can use nature acting in reverse : This basic thoughts gives a road going to inventions : There is a scope where you can get fuel free of charge : several industries can be run from the sun energy. There may be an other device of collecting
Solar energy : Number of essence of plants can be collected from direct sun light :This is a not invention but it’s a innovative thoughts that is a worth of multimillions

Saturday, 8 June 2019

Brain food

The things required for the development of brain is learning exercise: we eat food for body
Growth but brain food is books primarily to read and learn some thing : Brain exercise is a : process of learning which gives strength while doing exercise through learning process : Lazyness is a enemy of  brain development: two things are : firstly we don’t want to learn and if we learn but we don’t have a capacity to store what we read :Brain has two quality one related to laziness and other we keep for learning but unable to grasp it :mind lives in body and what we eat that all goes to whole body system
Including brain still the exercise for body and brain is quite different : Repeatation of things for learning helps the brain like doing physical exercise:To keep memory young brain require  free from laziness and repeatation helps it for development: fear anxiety weaken the brain : writing habits develops the brain ; Meditation and yoga exercise keeps brain healthy :source of vitamins required for brain development like almond keeps the brain healthy: Almond is helpless when brain is affected by natural deformity or any kind of deficiency: this part of body most complicated part and very difficult to understand for scientist also : to know the efficient working of this part like the brain of Einstein : It’s a natural gift that comes from your way how you keep the brain after it’s develpment but in case of deformity there is nothing reformatory to change its parts :

Secret facts

secret facts if disclosed to any one it would be harmful to him ; two types of secrets are :  one is connected with good deeds and another connected with bad deeds : good deeds if being disclosed it has no impact to others reputation  but bad deeds if being disclosed it would hamper dignity prestige and lastly endanger the existence of a person : Chanakya said that secret facts should not be conveyed to others : but which secret he is silent :The question is deep and to be understood in terms of interrogation:  Every person has some secrets but so far as good deeds are concerned there is no fear if being disclosed thus the most pertinent question is this , that we always have fear about our secrets that some body will know it and it would affect their reputation : Good deeds never affect reputation : The definition of bad and good deed is very discriptive  but it may be that your cause of facts is good but your means to adopt is wrong then it would come in the sphere of bad deeds : this secret should not be disclosed but if it disclosed it would affect the reputation 

Friday, 7 June 2019

Amazing Effect

The things where the effects are miraculous are really worthy and we should take note of these categories we may call sometime amazing: In Ayurveda Triphla amazing In Homiopathy Nuxvomica and Alopathy number of drugs one of Avil used in allergy but there effect are not permanent they effect temporarily : Amazing effect require permanency in cure : Amazing effect in our daily life : Human nature in itself has an amazing effect some time some persons personality attracts us bodily Some time mentally Also A person has an amazing nature in the sense that his behaviour really loved by person who comes in their sphere and attracts their personality in a whole :Hypnotism has an effect
In temporarily nature it’s amazing for time period Amazing that changes a particular facts permanently : mazic  is an  amazing effect for the time period  : Action with reaction Principle applies upon earth : if we give someone to some things without any consideration it’s a donation ,gift
 to show love and affection to other: which reactions can be noted  through his service of   touching with heart :
Amazing in humans shows their effect mentally in permanent nature : Remedies are in permanent nature To cure is an amazing method of it cured :Tantra mantra in Hindu myth are  also
have an amazing effect  Go seva ( cow service) amazing it helps us in our development : If some persons wait you bonafidely Help him : voice which comes from heart if you feel it’s an amazing : Yogi feel the light of knowledge it’s an amazing :To awaken the kundalini it’s an amazing effect of our control of body : yoga Asan amazing exercise : Sun Pooja amazing : this is the only realty that we  see God in appearance : There are number of factors that have amazing effect in our daily life

Monday, 3 June 2019

Bring to Book

The role of opposition is very pious in democracy: To show the mirror what actually are going in public interest : If there are lack of opposition public would have to suffer : In democracy opposition should have a say so as to ruling party work efficiently : there should be a direction shower : what public requires and what should be : we hear that Our judiciary took cognigence of a particular act and directed to govt to give a reply : Thus when no opposition it’s a era of silent but it’s against the principles of democracy : Opposition have a role which if adopted judiciously it’s a role that would attract the people :opposition are catalyst of democracy :
It would be most negative point if opposition remains without the voice : The Principle of to the people for the people and by the people lies in democracy: opposition works as a path
Shower for the people and to the people and one single word
has relevancy by the people : thus by the people relates only with ruling party who is in
majority :

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Life Package

Life package meant in two fold way  one is for life survival and other one for securing means for betterment of life : The most difficult position arises for any humans when old age begins : We are unable to fight the natural retardation of our human growth in the sense of deficiency : Then the question arises whether we are able to secure what we have ? Security keeps the body ailment for the period we live in happy and without any desease :  Our body parts have time period of working and we can run by applying skill in a living style so they may work smoothly : In old age a man should have necessarily happiness and happiness is a boon of nature that can be purchased without any consideration and it’s a only gift of God : Peace Prosperity and happiness are words interlinked to humans life and works an Engine in life train : Second element required in old age how we run our body to keep healthy ; we should know our body system and for keeping healthy mind and body : understanding the essence of old age package is ncessary for the people entering in such age : Earlier element of happiness peace and prosperity are prime and others are balanced diet and control upon mechinary of body : To know the function of our organs many tests are scientifically operated but in common sense what we eat is digested and what we eat is fruitful to us and deficiencies are controlled by us through necessary vitamin enriched food : deficiency of calcium in old age most commonly found and mussels pain and bone weakness generally we found and natural food milk white sesame powder are source of vitamins .To identify appetite and eat timely :not for whole day but fix time of lunch and dinner and eat when you find appetite: stomach is a source of desease when it’s  not functioning proper : To check in and out of body signifies its proper function : To check with a doctor whom you faith : cure of disease rests upon your faith with actual faith not blind faith : Our India  is a guru of world :  our yoga became part of education in western countries:   Adopting yoga in daily life gives a new life changes life stops age to go for decrease : Run Moon in day and sun in night your age would be over 100 year believe me I
Stopped the age my age is 70 but My appearances not above 45 what is this ;, it’s yoga and I say to adopt the philosophy of sawar sastra :

Friday, 31 May 2019

Gems wearing & weight of human

Wearing of Gems as per weight of a person is nowadays presumed to have a good effect : A person having weight of 50 kg 5 carrot & up to 60 kg 6 carrot and so on ; Philosophy whatever be but it has some truth : The ratio of wearing Gems as per degree of planet posited in horoscope now no longer existing : So as to make effective every body putrchases and wears of 5 carrots or more : Venus is posited in 7th house of his own sign does not give speedy result then substitute of diamond is recommended Piroja is its substitute and can be weared : it is practical experience that substitute works better then original Gems

Effect of shadow planet

Time immorial planets are subject of study observation in the field of predictive astrology : Sphere of observation was seven stars and shadow planets were told that their effect comes as per conjunction of other stars but the totally different are result from  outcome in the field of observation when shadow planets are ruling the seven star in the field of technology : time become changed we are having old method of observation : The independent study that requires to be studied : The way of human living changed due to scientific revolution and still our scale in predictive astrology are old : this is the time to change the method of observation keeping in view the effect of shadow planet 

Question of similar series of transitory planet

Astrology is based upon mathematics and its principles are based upon past effect of their conjunction of planet and we presume that similar series of conjunction would have same impact : but in fact Transitory planet does not have same impact in future ;A single prediction in this connection not became successful and inspire of that we are applying the  same method  : there should  be a novel method while  adopting new technique  in the era of electronics : There is a totally different role of stars of earlier who became in position of leading effect upon humans  ; we should learn these impact of shadow planet

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Power of the planet in horoscope

The foremost thing is to know the power of planet : When a planet occupied in good house but is power less then there would be no effect and predictions are different due to power less planet : Thus the first rule is that in essence power of star have place for adjudication in predictions : we can’t assess a horoscope only being occupied in good house : secondly any planet if conjoined with two or more star then power less star would have no effect and their sight would be none: and ruled by that star who is powerful effective and decision of powerful star would be final : we can say that powerless star like a neutral star : Rahu and Ketu are only signifactor shadow planet and gives result of that star whose sign they are occupied and if they are powerless their effect would be none : these Principle seems to be simple but are most important principles in the field of accuracy

Saturday, 25 May 2019

India blessed by God

Our nation is supreme we believe in God fearing people and God always help
us in maintaining our peace unity and integrity : Demicracy is a means for getting peace right rule and God helped a lot for electing right people : we need a such people who is full of nationality : we are super in our good sense : our policies are full of welfare in general public : thanks to.God who helped us in choosing right peoples

mars & Moon of Scorpio

Mars & Moon occupied in ascendent of Scorpio becomes more powerful and gives result in vishotary.period : mars gives neech bhang Rajya yoga : yoga prevails when ascendent lord with lord of ninth house combines in ascendent: self confidence braveness became supreme even Moon debilated : king requires qualities of king and we people accepted a people of this extraordinary  combination in horoscope and rule would be appreciated due to bold step in policies : Policies would attract public and Public would remember for his bold step : Internationaly renowned person who have this combination 

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Role of Faith

Faith happens when a person acts upon other person belief : There may be negative or positive consequences when acted upon that belief but some time our negative thought makes us to immune the positive effect : thus the role of faith is very significant : But when we do faith upon person and his faith become totally false then we suffer from his false belief: A doctor understands your cause of illness and diogonise through drugs and safely cured the disease but some time our faith upon doctor is not available and we take medicine but we don’t take medicine thus here we don’t have faith and we couldn’t take the fruits of diogonsis : Point is this we take fruits of faith when we acknowledge the effects in reality : Blind faith is adverse to our knowledge: knowledge enhances the role of faith and we do faith upon activities when we take appraisals of thoughts and feel the factual substance ;

Saturday, 11 May 2019

Sun & Moon in yoga

Pleasure seeking in yoga , yoga gives pleasure when Ida and Pingla meets: this is a meeting of mind :with soul : sun is soul
and moon is mind
this is the stage when a magmatic attraction goes: When yogi runs sun and moon that is called susmana and this gives a extra ordinator pleasures: air running in both nostril of humans it is called susmana in awakening stage and how you make it perfect keeping exercise in stability of susmana it’s a best period for meditation:To know secret of attraction: you should know about susmana nadi : how much you spend time for running in susmana : this gives the meeting of soul and mind : Meditation in this period gives a full pleasure

Friday, 22 March 2019

Balance of isolation & Friendship

We people can’t leave Alone : lonely life is very difficult : Actually life without friend is like full of worries and friend clears the cloud of worries when we share worries with our friend : But some time negative things may occur when friendship like inviting worries when enemy wears the cloth of friendship : The difficulty arises when we fail to understand the behaviour of so called friend : The so called people should be on distance and Never call him it would accelerate the intensity of worries : On positive side friends are helping but try to understand the philosophy of friendship : it may happen  that you always become looser when friendship word comes in the front : friendship runs we don’t work with selfish motive and it’s a resiprocal in behaviour :Books are the best friend it’s a version coming from immorial time : why books are best friend because books are fountain of knowledge and knowledge gives  light which gives peace thus knowledge gives way for peace secondly friendship with knowledge strengthens the puller of friendship 

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Exchange of houses by enemy star

When exchange of houses by enemy stars exists in horoscope: It’s a kind of relation that exists with ownership of houses who are enemy but they fear that if one enemy ruins the house of other enemy house by sitting their then other enemy would also ruin : then a relation develops which is called compromise and mutual fear that turns in friendship: thus exchange of houses by enemy lord or upon inimical sign gives a relationship of practical approach : they are enemy but they are friends but it may happen they previous enemy becomes friend later on : exchange of lord of CENTER lord with even 6.8,12 lord don’t ruin the Center position but Center becomes powerful in the period of occupant enemy of 6.8,12 lord 

Sunday, 17 March 2019

How to creat yoga in astrology

Prediction runs with the position of stars in yogakarak stage in horoscope but when no yogkarak stars available then how to make them yogkarka : Principle is simple To assemble yogkarka stars to
Have particular benific effect  : lord of that houses conjunction required : for example when ascendent lord occupies in 6th house singly then to avoid delay in Marriage conjunction of ascendent lord with lord of seventh house required and it can be done while wearing of coral and phiroja : that would give early marriages : this philosophy can  be applied in case luck is not favouring then add ascendent lord with lord of luck and wear their stones jointly : Saturn &
Moon conjunction is a bad position and to remove this position wear moon with Jupiter jointly 

Friday, 8 March 2019

Peoples how becomes rich

Rich peoples are some born with silver spoon and some creat wealth by their own sources :,Rich peoples are not one day industry it’s a long procedure some peoples become overnight Mayor but so far stability is concerned in relation to wealth it’s a subject where we think in a long way : The
reason of success is not a chance but after a chance good patience
creat wealth : Wealth in itself is a process to make a huge wealth : we can’t creat wealth without wealth it’s not right : wealth is a creation of mind and some peoples creat wealth by skill work and it depends upon type of skill : there are number of branches of skill are whether it’s engineering or legal   Work by rendering their services but wealth is created in immence way
When number of peoples attaches with the work it’s a then turns in a industry : it’s a true  fact that wealth is created through unity of peoples association and their work their honesty for their aim and objectives : 1+1 +1 and so on creat infinity of wealth : thus it’s a true fact wealth is developed when number of peoples are associated with single work or number of work :The power of association of people enlarge the scope of earning : How people attract and follow to you whether it’s a small entrepreneur or middle or a  big entrepreneur: How after following they become surrender to pay money : if you are professional people attract with your wisdom how peoples are benefitted from your working : The role of act attracts to the people they earn from their product , working by which peoples are benefitted : This working attracts to people and as a merchant or rendering services to other people earns money ;The whole scope of earning goes to whether your act is valuable to other people and that attracts the money : When a people associates with number of people and number of people supports in earning , the people who controls these people becomes rich as these industrialists don’t want individually but thousands of people in group of industries support them and this is a process of becoming rich  

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

You are your Doctor

Diognsis are given by Doctors after investigations : side effects of medicine are other source of disease : There are number of ways of curing a people :Every medical science shows that they cure people by their own methodology : which methodology is right in the sense of curing the people it’s a subject of feeling rather then understanding : our body shows by way of feeling that particular medicine is fit or unfit : there can be side effects of a particular medicine and it may give the result of worsing the desease rather to be cured a person : our subject is : our body is still a science in which the language of natural parts are not understood through science due to creation of Nature : Our parts of body when become ill or injured our full body used to go for preparing the parts in Reparing : The power of nature goes beyond our thoughts : Feelings say dome medicine makes me cured  : Some Doctors basis their theories of curing the people through asking the people their state of body and function of their organs : Best result in curing methodology are obtained when people take medicines through right feelings if your body feelings are right but you are not conveying the right things to your doctor : Doctors would be helpless instantly without carrying any investigations : Here are your feelings plays a vital role for the judgement of doctor :Doctor asks us what’s your difficulty and after your right narration proms facie comes to conclusion and gives short period medicine and waits for its result : if we narrate our desease in wrong way : Diogonsis becomes failure : it all depends upon our narration of desease : but when it becomes failure Doctors wishes to know the real cause of desease : when we ourself don’t conclude then how Doctor would conclude : we are our Doctor we should know what’s is the reason and which medicine gives relief : Books are narrated by people who  carried number of experiments : it doesn’t mean that it’s a universal there may be any side effects : It’s a long process where humans are best tool for experiments and every human should know the cause of desease and it can be done easily becoming a watch upon our daily activity by eating drinking sleeping and our other daily activity: Our activity becomes effected when there is a illness:

Monday, 28 January 2019

Object is similar but thoughts are different

Your thoughts are culmination of your identity: it’s very difficult to mould your thoughts : it has been said that a monkey can’t forget its way of jumping : we are really outcome of monkey race : it’s an originality and originality can’t be diminished it’s a law of nature that what we got in origin we can’t replace it : one people see an object and conclude a different version then others : why it so : it’s our particular human nature :  I am viewing God in animals poor peoples and lastly in those persons who deserve it : A poet ,A writer seeks Sheltor from outer world when his imagination flys : There are several factors which suggest for making a conclusion: Relations creat theories of love and passion : we love people and behind love there is no sinister motive : we love because of gender and further  good looking appearances or we love due to their individual activities in particular sphere  : We love
people from our selfish motive : A drinker drinks wine : A person thinks that wine is injurious to health but drinker drinks wine for his happiness he seeks a different kind of pleasure which is not available to others : what kind of pleasure is ? There is no definition of pleasure : Pleasure may be different in thoughts and experience: this is a difference what we see and what we feel : Aspect of  feel and view are two different feature

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

See with open eyes & think with close eyes

Activity between viewing & thinking over a subject requires some time and this gives us patience for think over do’s and don’ts : When we view with open eyes and think with close eyes it’s a miracle that we feel : now feelings is not conclusion but it helps us to reach at right conclusion: Activity of watch with open eyes upon a subject is related to see what a subject is? But when we fail to understand it then our close eyes help us to understand the subject matter : Reasoning becomes clear when our eyes becomes closed :The perfect meditation becomes when we close our ear ,nose,mouth eyes through both fingers it’s a great activity when we used to hear what is unknown:  Concentration of mind becomes upon a high peak to know what unknown and to see what is unseen : we in easy way exercise the activity with the help of our eyes while adopting method of “ to see with open eye and to think with close eyes it’s a principle that close eyes helps us to reach at the doors of right conclusion;  This is a scenario of when we do to close of only eyes but when we use to close our other doors then we found some views of other world : Peace is a way for reaching truth and truth is a  means for reaching the what God is : it shows a path of broad eyes & broad heart for mankind