Wednesday, 6 February 2019

You are your Doctor

Diognsis are given by Doctors after investigations : side effects of medicine are other source of disease : There are number of ways of curing a people :Every medical science shows that they cure people by their own methodology : which methodology is right in the sense of curing the people it’s a subject of feeling rather then understanding : our body shows by way of feeling that particular medicine is fit or unfit : there can be side effects of a particular medicine and it may give the result of worsing the desease rather to be cured a person : our subject is : our body is still a science in which the language of natural parts are not understood through science due to creation of Nature : Our parts of body when become ill or injured our full body used to go for preparing the parts in Reparing : The power of nature goes beyond our thoughts : Feelings say dome medicine makes me cured  : Some Doctors basis their theories of curing the people through asking the people their state of body and function of their organs : Best result in curing methodology are obtained when people take medicines through right feelings if your body feelings are right but you are not conveying the right things to your doctor : Doctors would be helpless instantly without carrying any investigations : Here are your feelings plays a vital role for the judgement of doctor :Doctor asks us what’s your difficulty and after your right narration proms facie comes to conclusion and gives short period medicine and waits for its result : if we narrate our desease in wrong way : Diogonsis becomes failure : it all depends upon our narration of desease : but when it becomes failure Doctors wishes to know the real cause of desease : when we ourself don’t conclude then how Doctor would conclude : we are our Doctor we should know what’s is the reason and which medicine gives relief : Books are narrated by people who  carried number of experiments : it doesn’t mean that it’s a universal there may be any side effects : It’s a long process where humans are best tool for experiments and every human should know the cause of desease and it can be done easily becoming a watch upon our daily activity by eating drinking sleeping and our other daily activity: Our activity becomes effected when there is a illness:

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