Friday, 9 August 2019

Preamble of constitution

The most unique feature of every constitution is related to state integrity ,sovereignty and welfare of the people :Time immemorial concept of Rule of law running upon the basic concept : In the monarchy King was supposed to rule in the welfare of state : Peace in kingdom was object and soverginity integrity of state was more important and to rule in kingdom every effort used to be prepared for making strong border : It was a concept that the state should be safeguarded from the invasion of outer states :These two responsibilities upon state ruler were significant and war was used when there were no alternative for the ruler :Policies were meant for the purpose to widespread the kingdom or to protect the enemy war : In the era of democratic state United Nations an organisation has far reaching effect and possibility of spreading the borders are minimum : However there are fields of occupation when country use there power to protect their borders using their aid to buffer states : The role of Balance of power of states still prevalent and this keeps away from war to states : it was a time when state experiencing crisis used to deviate mind of public and   centralise policies upon danger of neighbours invasion and to strengthen the borders public used to forget domestic crisis and sovereignty integrity of state always preferred : Concepts are same but the compulsion of democratic state and its obedience now rules the states and balance of power runs in the democratic way : People of democratic state still believe in the integrity and sovereignty of state : Protacting borders of state are still for survival and peace of state :Peace in state would be created when  borders of country are safe and if any state does it would be their national interest : Provisions which are temporary or transitory are always changes as per changing situations of a state : The object of constitution makers was for incorporating those provisions as teumporary shows that can be changed as per changing situations for the very purpose of preamble of constitution : Thus the place of temporary / transitory provisions takes place in constitution so as to made changes in future in consonance to soverginity and integrity of a nation

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