Sunday, 11 August 2019

Impact of Rise of Sun

Earth living humans receive a common reaction from rays of rising sun : Sun
rays gives sprit of courage in humans as well as all occupier of earth in which plant animal and small
 creatures are also altogether involved : what is the time period when humans obtain common feature of reaction from sun rays :It has been said in texts that 48 minutes from sun rise humans heat developes in stomach that is called Jathar Agni which which digest food and eating this time would digest the food: I remember that a person went to doctor and said that my appetite for. food not developed then doctor advised that you take meal in morning not breakfast :then patient did so and after a short period patient become cured by this tactise : Time of 48 minutes from sun rise is very important for the purpose of digesting food : if we link this period from hatyoga then it appears that sun rise transforms energy in all creatures and humans feel its presence through rise of sun nadi in right nostril when flow of air begins : if a person feel air of nostril in left nostril then it would be presumed that human is not healthy and he has deasease rising from stomach :If we keep body in according to these natural phenomenon we would be healthy :

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