Sunday, 26 June 2022

To climb Everest

People who make adventure in climbing peak of hill and very adventurous when we talk about Everest hill : We when measure the height as calculated by winners it appears that it would be a difficult task even to think about climbing Everest; Peoples who make their mission how they get success : Practically every task has solution : The mode of handling task is important so as to reach at the point of solution :  Don’t measure the whole height : divide height  in four division and think about 1/4 th share when you get success in1/4 th share you would also clear the remaining height in part wise :In the same way the syllabus of every examination have very lengthy course : Divide the book in 1/4 th share and first clear 1/4 th share   , Winning upon 1/4 of the total prescribed chapter , would give you courage to clear every 1/4 part and the large syllabus would  seem minor in your eyes : It is our thoughts that feels the lengthy material or  minimum material  : The lengthy material when divided 4 it goes down : Thus keep the sword of divide not of sword of multiplication : Every puzzle can be handled by divination  : our sight of seeing as goes to lower when divination took place by 1/4 th , success are achieved through lowering down the whole problem by dividing by 1/4 th : 

Saturday, 25 June 2022

Writings for remembering or changing mind

 Art of Writings a script either for our self or for the purpose of general public works in two ways : in individual sense remembering past or a guideline for future or to check whether we wrote a script was  how much of in correct version in the sense it was written in right manner with good sense : I wrote an article but it was not for general information  I read after a few years so as to check whether  it was written in proper way : It was generally in a nature when  some thing should be made in public but  it is not necessary that would prevail as per your script but when we write something for not the purpose of our praise for ourself it  would happen , Writings of a script ,written without any desire works more then we desire for the expectation of praise : it does not mean that our object is to write some thing for our self only or to maintain personal diary or memorandum and not to write for a subject universally known : We can’t reform to any one , every person has their own choice of thoughts and it would be prevailed as per their karma : what is the meaning to write for a people who reads for some time and forget it , there is no compulsion of writing , it has just information to be energises the mind , Good script of Writings are meant for those people who are not guided by bad script of writings : The difference between these are what you needed : How your passions would prevail and controlled by right script : The question of passions always remain dominant upon us  ,religious writings or other writings would not help us  for the purpose to change our mind : The scientific truth lies in the fact that how  to change our  passions :we are searching ways to change our passions : if we forget bad habits then passion would automatic change but to divert our mind from bad habits it’s a procedure to be adopted by mind in this activity  : when we used to divert our mind from bad activity we have to place a different activity in the place ,which we have interest or going to make interest  : The vacant mind forces us to go with bad habits 

Sunday, 19 June 2022

Your Will Power

Strong  Will power makes a people successful in life : Will power not only show your mode of working , but in result will power shows the path of success : Elaborately it has a power to see inherently : Will power has dimension of doing work with constant determination  , it has some aim objective with foresight ness , Will power  develops  from devotion , blessings, right thoughts and creativity in  a line of action , The negative thoughts are damaging in our life :  wrong Full Will power  & its motivation creat bundle of negative effects in our  life :identify whether others Will power persuade or dominating your Will power : Don't be dominated by others in case others Will power has a bad intentions and doing such act with their selfish ness ; Actually human thoughts are such type that they inspire from selfishness and with the help of this selfishness they used to get victory while dominating others : fear makes in humans loosing will power and braveness strengthen the Will power : There is a formula when superior dominates upon Will power of subordinate: whether if any bad intention making him to dominate then do what ever law permits :Moral compulsion makes Will power strong 

you to do a work which is not desirable : it’s a weighting of your Will power and others power :

Saturday, 18 June 2022

Pran element

 Pran (life ) element existing in a creature has a micro power and number of factors are responsible for their existence in life span : There are five elements air  ,  fire ,  water , earth and sky , these five elements are regulator of human body and composition of human body by five elements makes body in existence . The most pertinent or  in brief  element    is Pran which  goes out of body and that is  soul , When Pran leaves body , body becomes dead :  Pran element makes body alive Pran do not eat drink or do other activity : Pran can be controlled through Hath yoga without eating drinking : We see a people can live without eating and drinking while doing fasting or with other activity of samadhi : They control Pran : All activity of creature is depend upon  Pran : The relation of human with Pran is like age of the people : Pran or age is vice versa :  Pran vayu , Pran Agni , Pran Jal , Pran Dharti  Pran Akash these are micro element and Pran is a  unseen molecule not visible from naked eyes ; there is no shape of Pran it can only be feel and understood and Pran when goes from body it takes the shape of soul : Pran vayu runs in morning in Brahm Muhrat : Pran vayu means  that vayu full of oxygen helpful in meditation yoga and religious activity for devoting God and it runs in body for proper function of organs : Pran Agni that is Jathar Agni ,which is helpful in digesting our food , Pran jal that maintain body by proper controlling flow of blood in Nurves : Pran Akash  maintain air in both nostril : Pran Dharti where the body is monitored through brain : it has been said till heart is beating , body alive : Proper balance of these five element in body makes fit of body : Irregularity in function of these element in body makes body  ill : Hath yoga elaborately says about nadies present in body : The most useful nadies are Ida Pingla and Susmana : These nadies are also called by surya nadi , Chandra nadi and susmana nadi : surya Nadu runs in night and Chandra nadi in day : To regulate in such a manner that Chandra nadi might run in day and sun nadi in night , this activity  would enhance the age span of people doing such activity :so far it’s identification is concerned it can be easily identified through flow of air in right and left nostril : Air flowing from right nostril called flow of surya nadi whereas air flowing from left nostril called Chandra nadi : The process of changing nadi is very useful : first prepare yourself to make ready to identify flow of air flowing in nostril after some time with practise flow of nostril air would be known : In the night sleep by moulding left arm it would help you to run surya nadi in night : These exercise after sometime would change your life style  

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Story of understanding

 We like influence attraction dominance and hopes from others according to our style of working : This is not an art of hypnotism but I would say before saying something understand it what other people wants  from you , Every people wants to fulfil their desire : Understanding people make us competent to work either it’s way or in our way : This gives us time to brain to understand the people : Keep mind in understanding people : This working of brain bring us success in life : It helps to minimise quarrel , make harmonise relations and give us a personality cult where people give you due attention : 

Sunday, 12 June 2022

Keeping children in arm

 How intimacy ,affection , love shown and feel by an act , The deep thoughts where children thinks that there is an existing love   when parents took children in their arm , some time children insist from parent to live in arm : children’s feeling is very important , children understand the language of love although children does not express their love through voice but their insisting to have in arm of parent is a expression of love : This is a natural expression of language of love , children feel that to live in the arm of parent meant thereby  he is safe and parent also loves with children: This language of love is an extreme reciprocal understanding between children and parent : similarly animals used to behave to their children : these natural languages changes afterwards when children understands and act with their  own choice or comes in maturity : thus immaturity of children keeps parent to safeguard the children and children feel safe with parent who loves with children : This natural phenomena keeps world in love with own children or other children : God lives in children when you search love affection from him and if accepts your love , like to live in your arm which is a feeling of acceptance of love : similarly we expect from God to keep us in their arm and he accepts our feeling when we don’t pray through voice but insist from our mind : Mind is more powerful then voice : Silent insisting or chanting of mantra from mind not from voice has an effect of thousand time : 

Saturday, 11 June 2022

Our previous life and Ketu

 Ketu star shows your previous life : The role of Ketu is dual in nature : when our  desires are satisfied ,we would’ve out from the circle of desire : Actually our rebirth comes due to unsatisfied desires and we take birth for doing our unsatisfied desires : Ketu shows our  past unsatisfied desire when it is satisfied in present living that makes immune from discharge from that thoughts : desire lives in thoughts and physically thoughts complete the desire , the peace comes and peace is saturation of desire : Some thinkers says that don’t keep unfulfilled desire ,desires are the root cause of birth : Thus principle apply to positive human act and if it related to your organ it should be satisfied : Osho theory is also shows the happiness is a saturation point of desire : Thus Ketu works in horoscope like the actor of past desires and its satisfaction , Ketu after satisfaction gives you peace and discharge from that desire and removes the path of rebirth : Ketu if conjoined in ascendent lord along with lord of seventh house , this shows that birth was due to unsatisfied desire of the sexual activity or related to 7 th house and Ketu gives a way of discharge of soul after satisfaction of that desire : This was an example of conjoined star of Ketu and if it remains single in horoscope then their are number of desire to satisfy and the circle of rebirth never ends : The conjoining star with Ketu gives a way to satisfaction in this life 

Thrust of living

 We have a thrust of living ,& earning for survival , we don’t want to die and in the same way we don’t want to become earning less ; Earning and living runs parallel if earning of money becomes meagre it creates a huge problem in better living :  This is a physiological concept that happiness makes a desire for living and unhappy people invite number of disease and disease makes shorten to  their life : In essence happiness enlarge the scope of longevity: some people in disease becomes painful and makes prayer for uplifting their lives but sometimes body remains constant with pain and sufferings and don’t leave the crucial stage : What is this , some people wants to live in world and some people wants to left the world but it is not in their hand , some people forcible die from un natural way : Natural way of abode has a principle that people peacefully left the world : The concept of peace to be understood in the parlance of discharge of soul in peaceful manner : The last concept of discharge of body when a person wilfully leaves food water at the last time when he wants to  left the body : The process of santhara in some religion has a pious and scientific way to left the body when mind remains in the state of understanding and takes Sankalp ;  whatever be death is not in hand of people and fate decides it pain and sufferings for the people : The role of past and present deeds makes the people in the normal peaceful  state or in the state of pain and suffering at the last time of age as per their deeds,  The reliving factor from pain and sufferings  for a people remains in peace when sounds of prayer of God diverts his mind and he makes confession : The thrust of life living is a universal natural factor given by nature not differentiating to other creatures : 

in peace : 

Friday, 10 June 2022

Fear of God

 Justice every body prays for it , whether it’s your own life related to social life or if denied it’s court of law : The biggest court of law is our omnipresent God where every evidence is being dictate whether it has been concealed or it’s false or forged .Micro justice where punishment being given as per our deeds karma this accounts who is maintaining and electronically punishment being given sometime instant and some time become delayed , that means your case has given an opportunity to reform yourselves : The fear of God is most important factor for doing good deeds , fear has a restraining power to act in a honest and true manner : The whole justice is rooted in the word true in evidence : To understand trueness is a subject of evidence and our social relations are depending upon trueness its tie becomes strong when we are true in relations : Trueness binds and opens the doors of humanity while doing in justified manner :fear of God  that makes us to act in justified manner , what we don’t except from others that should not be done in our own side with others : This is a balance in life , we except love from others then we should do respect for it it’s a reciprocal phenomenon: same principles applies to our fame & dignity : To make it a object in life that an act with a wrong intention to injure others would be punishable by God , this fear would clean your soul 

Thursday, 9 June 2022

Pleasure connecting soul

 Pleasure that makes our feelings better : Pleasure in true sense not properly experienced, bodily pleasure has different aspect of experience whereas pleasure connecting soul has different taste : Actually test has different tools : bodily test ends after pleasure whereas test connected with soul where no body wants to return : one has temporary other has permanent in nature : one taste makes always thirsty other has drops of pious taste of Amrit that gives a param Anand : Ajapa jap written in yoga text : Ajapa jap of Soham (Om Shivoham ) that is pleasure for Hath yogi : Pran and  soul has different power and to understand the activity of Prana is subject of soul : soul has antenna  of god but Prana leaves the body with the instruction of soul : super power is soul and to activate or follow the instruction of soul would change your life : 

Tuesday, 7 June 2022


 Worries makes a people bundle of disease , There is no medicine to prevent worries , Worries only cured through keeping mind in calm state : To make a mind free from worries we require our attention of mind far away from worries : Attention upon any incident past future or present which makes mind in the state of insecurity or creat fear of insecurity causes worries sometime it may be of our  illness  : How our mind can be diverted from worries : If any thing would have to happen in future and we are worried in presently  about this , then how to stop to happen , although it is true that some worries prepare us to strengthen and prepare us to make encounter to become self reliance , disciplined , struggling and self dependent : and that results to wipe out future miss happenings :worries are only setback to health it may deteriorate the function of stomach and its organ , it may cause your obstacle in daily routine : It may creat up set of mind : but when worries are handled with set mind it gives happiness in last by virtue of success in removing obstacles:

Monday, 6 June 2022

Two Triangle of Life

 This world is full of surprise mystery and knowledge: Knowledge rules over all surprise and mystery : Draw drawing of horoscope : we will find two triangles and these two triangles make the shape of YANTRA : These houses in horoscope are 1,5,9 (ist triangle) 3,7,11(2nd triangle) if any body is having only one star either exalted or in own house occupied in these triangle it would change their life with all blessings in a once in life : when this time comes it depends when period of ascendent lord in vinsotry runs and ascendent lord should have placement in centre : One triangle is connected with you and other triangle is connected with your wife if exalted or own house star is placed in IInd triangle meaning in 3,7,11 you would be benefitted by your wife , from her luck ,destiny , sons and so many support by your wife 

Saturday, 4 June 2022

Negativity enters from eyes

 Number of saints don’t see the eyes of other people , it does not mean that they don’t have courage to go inside of eyes of other peoples  but reality is  that the negativity enters from eyes it comes from opposite people : The function of eyes to see the view what is ? when  opposite people also see in your eyes : this function usually termed to hypnotise function  either of ; or to know what is running in the people , emotion kindness , ego , terror , threat , anger are seen in eyes that becomes strong when words are spoken further love affection blessings weeping happiness  also seen from eyes : Eyes is like sea where tide of emotions runs like swimming in sea : Negativity affects the mind and deteriorate the function of mind and mind becomes ill when negativity enters through eyes : Wicked eyes break the stone meaning it affects the mind so deeply that mind sometime becomes helpless : However when a people faced by wicked eyes , the best way is to remove through burning the seven cloves while moving anti-clockwise seven time upon head : this process would open the eyes of people who is affected with wicked eyes : Wicked eyes generally enters when opposite people  thinks and share your thoughts with entering a view in your eyes : 

Friday, 3 June 2022

Activation - A secret mystery

 Activation of a thing through a procedure followed by reading of text : mind is activated by reading books , although mind should have a capacity of grasping : The mechanism of grasping require the healthy mind : Healthy mind is pri- requisite of grasping of things : The power of chanting by which activation of idol is created through vastu and Pooja : The scientific truth lies in Pran Prathishta of idol : our Hindu philosophy and procedure mentioned in texts relating to this procedure : The idol when properly activated and there after Pooja followed with proper  time and proper procedure , after a long period , result comes of activation : Wrong chanting spoils person in reality : Purity requires in chanting of holi words : Activation is only does when acted words are pronounced in proper way : It requires proper Guru for learning the pronouncement of holi words ; Loss of memory shows that the position of brain for grasping is not fit or not healthy ; Activation if mind is very necessary and it can be done through repeating words or remembering words through alphabetically ; Proper Blood flow in nerves of brain makes it healthy : Sarvangaasna a healthy aasan for brain health ; Activation of brain can be done through yogic exercise and medicines :Parts of brain becomes deteriorated in old age and refreshing memory through happiness , proper sleep

& pleasure are other means of keeping healthy mind :