Sunday, 23 August 2020

To know the date of death

 Title of article somewhat attracts to person who are in old age and want to complete the work and duties which are in the interest of successors with regard to properties whether it’s are movable or immovable : it’s a like when station comes in rail journey and passenger used to lift their beg and baggage and come at the door of compartment:   The question is relevant for those who want  to complete their half work for the betterment of their family : it’s a good if you know the time of death enabling them to complete their work :Actually we never think about death because we don’t want to die and we don’t do even imagination for death but end of life is a natural phenomenon and fear of death if any one is having then he should pray to almighty God or a hidden power to help :  There is no solution to restrain death it’s a universal truth that death is a occurrence which is to be happened sure and sure no body stop the death , only a hath yogi can stop the death for a time period they know the way of extending life span : How to know the age of a person or the time of death : Ancient Hindu Astrology shows the method of calculation for occurring death : In birth chart the role of three houses are significant in the cause of death  .These houses are 2,7and 8th house . These houses becomes  active (Karak) when their lords period comes in life ; Period traditionally period of vinsotry period where human life being calculated 120 years and nine stars run in 120 years and these nine stars have their specific period and in vinsotry they run in serial like aa ,ch, bho,ra,ji,Sa,bu, k, shu ( sun ,moon,mars ,rahu,Jupiter,Saturn ,murcury ,Ketu Venus ):  These planet run after birth :  it is calculated how much period of planet being already run and remaining period yet to be now run :vinsotry period of star play a role showing bad days good days and showing the period of death : 2,7 & 8 house play a vital role for the age of people and year birth chart to be corroborated when muntha placement is in 8 house and vinsotry star is also going to marak :sometime house of 8 house do not become marak if lord of 8 house is well in own sign and well occupied in well house it enhances age and not become marak Thus conclusion is this that house lord of 8 th house posited in 6 th house its period would not cause death similarly the role of marak is very important its conjunction to ascendent lord and aspect of marakesh lord gives death and in yearly chart placement of muntha in 8 th house to be seen : The wisdom of astrologer gives a finality on the basis of navansh :

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Positivity of Gemstones

 Myth ,that Gemstone creates positivity:  Astrology governs the myth : How stones effects the human behaviour but it is something that compel us to wear Gemstone either it’s our manifestation or it’s a faith in astrological science : we don’t have any endeavour to discuss the same , whatever be ,wearing of Gemstone having positivity are of major demand and wearing Gemstone became part of life with our deep faith for getting the best result in day today life through Gemstone : there are precious and semiprecious Gems are available in market of various quality : Gemstone becomes precious when its effect are tremendous and jewellers know better and we believe the price what he calculate : it depends upon the skill of jewellers :so far as laymen is concerned , the particular Gem would be high quality when 1 it’s a stone 2 it has  good flow of water 3 ,bright looking to eye : Hardness also determines the value of Gemstone : Laboratory report of Gemstone support the quality of Gems : Eyes are the best detectors of Gemstone : Traditional way along with certification from laboratory makes our faith in Gems purity : The question is this how effects the Gem stone and how we should adjudicate the positivity or effect after wearing it :Changes in better life shows that it made so , and it is good Gem stone : it may be happened that precious stone may gave the adverse result : we can’t say any thing about any happenings : However we hope always bette our thoughts and imagination is governed by positivity : whatever be we search in precious Gem stone that would make our life without worries and make life prosperous : Ruby is a king of Gems and related to Sun in astrology: Best Ruby can be compared with pomegranate : Number of Gems which can be compared naturally : Emerald can be compared with dark green leaf or parrot :

Friday, 7 August 2020

Amazing peoples in world

 There are amazing peoples who are having ascendant of Taurus in birth chart : The only birth chart is which have commands of luck and karma in one chord : To enhance luck karma automatic would be enhanced and this is vice versa also :To travel religious places would also be beneficial for storing karma : Meaning is very centralised if a person is having Taurus ascendent he should travel holi places to have a benefit of  10 th house. : Philosophy says your deeds are good and you would be benefitted as per your deeds : Saturn lord of 9th&10th house he himself is decision maker : luck is purely conjoined with karma or vice versa : if the karma is wrong your luck would be accordingly: The decisive factor is that a person having ascendent of Taurus what should be heavy whether 9 or 10 house who would supersede: The lord is same that shows there cannot be dominating  of houses both are controlled by Saturn and diary is maintained of karma and Bhagya :karma house or Bhagya house are two different houses : if a thing is not in luck , the fruits cannot be achieved but it is also true that the accounts of karma can’t be deleted : The equilibrium decides Saturn ; Any help without any consideration would be considered : The principle is that  deeds would not be go waisted: There are two accounts : one is related to this birth and second is what he did in last birth : The accounts never closes : The fruits of good deeds can be achieved in this life : Taurus ascendent gives result at once no delay in deciding accounts : Some results are delayed if those deeds are secret : The secret work star keeps secret if it has been done with the consent of both parties with the nature of help in positive way : that also may be secret account of past life : The value of secret donation is also connected with 10 th house : if your deeds are secret the result you may get at once but the person is not in a position to clear the account that would be paid in next life : We have dealt the concept of birth and rebirth in the light of 9and 10th houses of birth chart : 

Monday, 3 August 2020

How to connect with occult science

Occult world 🌎 we invite for guiding us and to control our brain and soul for showing right path and to work accordingly : we have produced faith upon god and he does so in right manner ,through controlling our brain even soul : The procedure here is laid down through cats eye : it requires lab tested cats eye and it’s energy to be fit to your body : it takes time for setting up its energy in accordance to your body vibrations :This is antenna in stars but it requires catching power through it’s gem : Vaidurya mani ( cats eye stone) : it should be attached through feather of peacock and it would be placed before lord Ganesh : Vaidurya to be kept in green grass water before to use and request to be made lord Ganesh to guide in opposite situations and no indications only but should be implemented as per your seeet will of lord Ganesh :  The procedure is hand made but it is totally depend upon lord Ganesh who is the main controller of your activation and implementation of your workings : Cats eye indicates about placement of Ketu and with connected house whether it is lord of house where Ketu being occupied or if there is a conjunction of other stars with Ketu it would give you results of that stars mixed it aggravates the conjunction and shows the right path when good cats eye wearied

Sunday, 2 August 2020

A surprising stone cats eye

This is a stone having extraordinary power to guide in the sudden strategy : Instant decision and time consuming decision differs due to their result : Instant result some time are adopted due to blessing of god and cats eye is a like power house which compel us to have instant decision : we feel some time that if we would have delayed if instant decision was not taken by us : Thus. It’s power can be feel by us when we wear tested cats eye :it protect us from  sudden difficulties to be arrived and right decision are originated ;  Knowledge some time lagged behind and instant decision become forward champion : This is called occult science when we do from the power which we don’t know how our timely action prevented us to become none : this extra ordinary power rests in cats eye it gives wisdom : if stars conjunction with Ketu are shown then activity which other lord does then Ketu supports in activity and protection or Sheltor is created by Ketu : Philosophy of Ketu is quite different as people think that their presumption that if Ketu is made conjunction with debilited Star it would give wrong result : it is not such type of activity but it protect even stars are debilated : it help in bad days in positive manner not negative: it’s a fear of persons who wear it that cats eye gives bad result if associated with stars occupied upon inimical sign but that is not principle it protects in bad situations 

Saturday, 1 August 2020

Secret of positive energy

Positive energy received from environment and feelings are changed as per environment effects : Mind is a tool of grasping positive or negative energy : Some peoples have their own circle and no body can enter in the line of demarcation having positive energy : Positive energy if weighted in Comparison to negative energy then positive energy would restrain negative energy : Instrument for developing positive energy are hath yoga , tantra  which are self processed but one also instrument is which find in purification of soul : Pu  try indication of soul gives positive energy in tonnes ; It is very difficult task and path is very difficult : Buddha Mahaveer had a powerful means of generating positive energy and this process they achieved through purification of soul : People's not going in complicated process can generate positive energy by means through happiness and to prepare happiness mind activity goes in a circle where happiness generate : We in simple language speak about your good health would give you positive energy , keeping in view where you live or what environment you have , This particular environment is a radiator of positivity and this can be mechanised : Good decisions are the source of positive energy : People wears Rudraksha and also real Jams : which rays guides to people to creat positivity: water element is a source of positivity : some people for getting fruits of positivity drink water and keep a glass of water upon table :lemon , is most used for avoiding negativity and for generating positivity : this is a part of tantra : In astrology Moon is a creator of positivity it’s a Amrit and to make favourable moon in water element which knows hath yogi : they do for creation of positivity