Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Fake world

We see around the world Fake items which are produced in the name of economic prosperity by humans :These product are both edible or non ediable :Humans are searching more money rather then peace :Laws are enacted to curb this fake world in every country for the shake of health of humans but inspite of that peoples are endangering the health of peoples by making fake product : Animals products are also in the grip of fake world : Many countries ,in this type of products are very advance :Edible products are very serious due to humans life making in peril: Fake world invited to serious desease that are not curable :Effective laws are needed and observation of fake world should be made from higher authorities whether laws are implemented properly :if proper laws are not implemented then the object of enactment goes to end and without implementation laws are none : Every things are  adulterated : There is no way for recue of this fake world :Humans are like tools of govt and no legislation strictly made for curbing adulteration :we feel even air is polluted : Unless we obey the rules our society would never survive : Govt is helpless when citizens don’t take responsibility:


Monday, 19 August 2019

Philosophy of Expenses

Earning by humans in the form of recognised state currency generally made for expenditure for livelihood but there might have causes of waisting the currency by virtue of negative thoughts which related to bad habits of humans : The classification of what habits are bad or good are wide :The subject of title has concerned with good habits : Expenses by humans are made sometime for not their livelihood but for others without thinking a business for return like investment: sometime expenses are incurred for the need of others or for the cause of betterment of life after death :  Donations are made for betterment of this world or other world : some believes that what they do expenditure for others help that returns back : some think it’s all our mental thoughts nothing returns back : All these understandings  are creation of thoughts but actually it all comes for experience of life when expenditure are incurred for others without any need  it’s a not any type of obligation and comes in the ambit of waiste of money : where obligation comes it would be pious duty of  people to render services without any selfishness : If a person or other creatures waits for you and without your help it would be impossible to survive then your help is very precious and you must do help it would be return surely : it has been said that if your earned money had a bad source then it would go for bad expenditure: there is no names of source upon currency inspite of that it goes in good or bad deeds expenditure : who controls this waive ? Or flow of money for the cause of good or bad deeds : I brought some seeds for growing plant : these seeds were obtained from a shopkeeper after paying value of seeds in currency and story begins here : shopkeeper earns money intentionally while giving low quality of seeds he does so for his livelihood : thus accumulating money through bad intention  makes a wrong expenses and it would have a wrong place of investment :

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Miracle of science

What we see it’s all miracle of science : whatever be the branch of science : all
Science attracts humans due to providing comfort which we feel in practical life : There is all about
Science based upon certain principles : so far as science about future incidents is concern e.g. ; science of farcasting : there is nothing true it’s a half truth :It might be happen or might not be : if it happens exactly we treat it real farcasting : there may be when we add some future incidents with some incidents from our imagination : Exact science of farcasting
still we are in search : Number of texts are written but still exact science is still missing : The famous text which was written by Brigu Rishi called Brighu sahinta : Original text is missing and if any body says he uses for his livelihood : whatever be but it’s true that who seen the texts they much influenced  from its farcasting : there is a lot of difference between old era and present modern era : The experience of  human life is not limited but so wide that people not presumed like
this when science made a revolution : The Question of developed farcasting  science is concerned  we have not touched the impact of shadow planet in broad terms : Rawan Sahinta which describes that a person born in particular month , tithe and ghari Would be of certain nature : The texts uses tools of month , particular time in tithi Paksha through lagna (ascendent )transit of sun moon and ascendent:
and calculating ascendent from time of rising sun  : We are living in modern era where we can reach one place to another place upon earth in few hours : we need new tools in farcasting science : we don’t have those Rishi who had the power of voice which on farcasting become true : We are enjoying old tools that requires to be read in modern era :



Sunday, 11 August 2019

Impact of Rise of Sun

Earth living humans receive a common reaction from rays of rising sun : Sun
rays gives sprit of courage in humans as well as all occupier of earth in which plant animal and small
 creatures are also altogether involved : what is the time period when humans obtain common feature of reaction from sun rays :It has been said in texts that 48 minutes from sun rise humans heat developes in stomach that is called Jathar Agni which which digest food and eating this time would digest the food: I remember that a person went to doctor and said that my appetite for. food not developed then doctor advised that you take meal in morning not breakfast :then patient did so and after a short period patient become cured by this tactise : Time of 48 minutes from sun rise is very important for the purpose of digesting food : if we link this period from hatyoga then it appears that sun rise transforms energy in all creatures and humans feel its presence through rise of sun nadi in right nostril when flow of air begins : if a person feel air of nostril in left nostril then it would be presumed that human is not healthy and he has deasease rising from stomach :If we keep body in according to these natural phenomenon we would be healthy :

Friday, 9 August 2019

Preamble of constitution

The most unique feature of every constitution is related to state integrity ,sovereignty and welfare of the people :Time immemorial concept of Rule of law running upon the basic concept : In the monarchy King was supposed to rule in the welfare of state : Peace in kingdom was object and soverginity integrity of state was more important and to rule in kingdom every effort used to be prepared for making strong border : It was a concept that the state should be safeguarded from the invasion of outer states :These two responsibilities upon state ruler were significant and war was used when there were no alternative for the ruler :Policies were meant for the purpose to widespread the kingdom or to protect the enemy war : In the era of democratic state United Nations an organisation has far reaching effect and possibility of spreading the borders are minimum : However there are fields of occupation when country use there power to protect their borders using their aid to buffer states : The role of Balance of power of states still prevalent and this keeps away from war to states : it was a time when state experiencing crisis used to deviate mind of public and   centralise policies upon danger of neighbours invasion and to strengthen the borders public used to forget domestic crisis and sovereignty integrity of state always preferred : Concepts are same but the compulsion of democratic state and its obedience now rules the states and balance of power runs in the democratic way : People of democratic state still believe in the integrity and sovereignty of state : Protacting borders of state are still for survival and peace of state :Peace in state would be created when  borders of country are safe and if any state does it would be their national interest : Provisions which are temporary or transitory are always changes as per changing situations of a state : The object of constitution makers was for incorporating those provisions as teumporary shows that can be changed as per changing situations for the very purpose of preamble of constitution : Thus the place of temporary / transitory provisions takes place in constitution so as to made changes in future in consonance to soverginity and integrity of a nation

Saturday, 3 August 2019

Anger v/s Patience

Anger is opposite to patience : we experience it in our daily life but inspite of that we are helpless to control anger : it’s a natural phenomenon of our mind : Evolution of anger scientifically it’s a change of hormones and science says number of harmones changes and it’s deficiency or exceeding the balance of harmones results the inbalance of mind : The theory of harmones help us to control the anger and to balance the particular harmones : Theory of balance of harmones makes a mind in perfect nature of wisdom : Yoga meditation are way for controlling imbalance of harmones : Inbalance of harmones gives imbalance of mind and it affects the blood flow and heart beating : Number of desease begins when inbalance of harmones exists :We can predict the nature of deasease a individual is having by way of noting the nature : When anger begins patience go far away and one part of mind losses in keeping fair judgement: When we keep anger we loose our patience for determining the real judgement : How to control anger its a natural but it’s also due to change of harmones and what’s a way to control these harmones it’s all in nature : To keep mind on rest and keeping mind with such an activity where mind gets relax : Morning walk ,Yoga Meditation:  Reading books where your taste of mind likes : writing articles also relaxes mind because it’s a kind of meditation : it gives peace : when an individual spends his time without any worries it
relaxes mind and it enhances patience and minimise anger : Holy places temples and doing religious activity for the Benifits of public it gives a patience and minimise the anger :surrender of mind gives relief from anger : To beg for excuse is. Surrender of mind ,it help us and rescues from anger


Law without implementation

Law is supreme but without implementation it’s a none : statutory duty of law framing body to watch
Whether the law enacted being rightly implemented or on implementation has serious flaws that makes the law nonest :The role of media and the role of legal correspondent and law agitators through bringing the flaws or implementation through judiciary while filing public interest litigation before our high courts and supreme courts are very vigilant in applying our rule of law existing in our democratic set up :Majority in democracy some times gives much power for enacting a law where some kind of abuse of power may occur: When there is no opposition then law enacting body may pass any type of legislation that may endanger fundamental right of an individual: there may be
a position when fundamental right would have no place in comparison to our safety : thus the question is debatable in the sense that our safty should be given priority :


Thursday, 1 August 2019

Benefits of comparative study & Observation

Comparative study of particular science is very important for the new Tecnique developed from
Comparative study and observation: We are here concerned with two
Medical sciences one is related to homoopathic and other ayervadic : The hard core question
Is a comparative study of medicine gives a new approach for curing the desease: experiments along with continued observation makes a line of perfect changes  in curing desease :Humans are tools what organ is effected from medical dose it can be noted from comparative study :This comparative study gives a new dimension in the field of inventions :It may be that Homiopathic medicine would have a good result then Ayarvadic or vice versa : we should have good practical approach for our conclusion: scientific methods are not static but become changes with the flux of time ;:
There are number of factors that helps to understand the analytical study of comparison and its benefits can’t be ignored :