There are number of branches of astrology and we rely as per our knowledge and its accuracy of prediction .Here we are discussing the valuable role played by Indian Hat yoga in astrological science of predictions . Every astrologer like that his calculation might go to correct prediction so as to rise his name be known to others or his profession may rise for earning , Where the profession of astrology is adopted. For earning your words may not be so accurate because this science doesn't want earning this is a kind of science where you get the power of universe to tell the something about any occurance or happenings : The point of discussion is what to do or what not do for an astrologer but here is a science which you want to attract the world and this kind of empowerment is a representation of the nature snd you want to become truth in your voice : it's not a easy task and it's only possible when you take nature with you : The principles of accuracy bestowed in God and when we take implementation of these things we need a power sanctioned by our internal soul and the process have been mentioned in Indian Hat yoga This science is secret and it has been mentioned in Indian Text that the circulation of this science should be given to the person who is morally deserves Hat yoga by which the Nurvrs of body are restrained through yoga and to have the knowledge of day to day prediction. Are calculated from transit of sun and moon in body through air flowing in nostril of human body further to go in deep Astro science it is desirable to know the transit of five elements in body their span of time and it could be acknowledged through its length of wave flowing in nostril and its colour etc its avert interesting science and can be studied observed through proper Guru
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