Sunday, 10 July 2022


 To remain in up date condition meaning thereby the adopting nature of our mind should have nature of learning in right manner while keeping the facts alive to till date : To remain UPDATE  has very beneficial factor in every field whether it’s a profession , business ,service or any kind of act working required for our lively hood . So far in our daily activity it has a great source of understanding people and it has also impact upon of our behaviour in social life : The collection of learning material so as to enable our mind in active position is a source of becoming update : Doctors , Lawyers , Judges  , Engineers scientists , businessmen , philosopher , writer and every people remain update in life regarding their field of activity so as to get more and more efficient result  in their particular field , our mind is like a book and to remember every page of mind at a glance is a difficult process and to revise the chapter is also not possible unless we know the particular page of mind ; Hobbies an activity play a vital role in life : Collection of art , collection of religious books , collection of thoughts of ideology , collection of those material which you have interest : if the collection is related to your profession , business or any kind of activity it would enlarge the scope of  thought of your mind and would keep fresh or clear in concept so as to take decision in the subject intended by mind : A scientist collect research material in systematic way ; Thus first way of becoming up date is to become systematic in life : The collection of systematic material gives material to mind to learn and think about research in further line of action ; Jurist , Lawyers keeps collection of judgement to become up date : second way of becoming up date is to revise what you have collected and if any collection require more material then this phase helps to think more deeply upon subject : Research starts when you have proper material for bringing you in a systematic state and application of mind upon the material you have collected results in becoming update : To maintain a personal digest containing 1000 pages or more and to  write these pages is like a treasure of knowledge and to  revise these pages after completing enhances memory and keep young : 

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