The whole universe is controlled by balance of power , when balance of power deteriorated, upon the earth from any cause created whether natural or from the living creatures , calamities appears ; In the same way balance of power when goes to deterioration whole earth being affected : Two powers are regulated upon earth : 1 magnetic power in universe which regulates the system 2 ecological balance of power that regulates balance of power in earth when unbalanced it becomes danger to living creatures : The same principle being applied to humans , animals , birds and small creatures humans are regulated by Five elements and whenever this composition becomes irregular , body goes in illness and lastly if goes in serious condition ,death caused from such illness : The earth is also made of five element : unavailability creat the non survival of living peoples : We becomes ill whenever the regulation of five element goes to imbalance : Ayurveda says the imbalance of vat pitta cough creates illness in body ,the digestion power Jathar Agni (fire) has an independent role in body , when the element of fire retarded it creates illness in operation or regulation of organs : The working of air Fire , water , earth and sky are required for survival if humans : Whole body is controlled by super brain who controls Prana : when super brain becomes ill or uncontrolled , death being caused : Super brain has vibration of earth and it has quality of very sensation : Yogi is regulated by super brain and receives the signal of vibration from Braham : Peoples lives in longevity those understand the wisdom of five elements : People eat in fire element in surya nadi , drink water in Chandra nadi , sleep in night in surya nadi and regulated Chandra nadi in day : Those people who regulates Chandra nadi in day and sun nadi in night gains unlimited age : crossing 120 years :
Monday, 30 May 2022
Saturday, 28 May 2022
Philosophy of Time
Time runs and Time has age also , to illustrate ,time gone never comes : Time has a point of saturation that indicates the end of time : Time makes discipline in practical , to follow time meaning thereby that we are obeying time and adopted time as a indicator of pathway : There is a time of break fast lunch & dinner , office time and other relevant time for daily routine work : To change the time means changing life : some time disturbances appears upon change of time :we are helpless in old age whenever think about the working in youth : Thus time factor is most important we can’t do work of youth in old age or in childhood there is a time of eating sleeping preaching , Genius people always follow disciplined life and their life runs satisfactory : As our time fixed for sleeping and other activities : Our mind runs as per schedule of time fixed for a particular activity : Our life alive for fix age that has a scale of time : Peoples who gets life work in scheduled life time as work in youth and take fruits in old age who work in old age avoiding period of working in youth time they never fulfil their desire of rest : we heard that yogi peoples have a science of stopping the running time and when they live in a zone where time does not run and that causes their life longevity and when they comes in actual time zone it appears there was a long time already elapsed : This shows that time has some chemistry which we feel that it is running
Friday, 27 May 2022
Philosophy of death & birth
The main reason of birth is to complete the incomplete deeds of past life : These deeds are concerned with our desire which were not fulfilled in past life and that caused the birth : This cycle runs until the desires are satisfied : The suppression of desire is an act by which saint used to break the circle of rebirth : Two questions emerges that desires play a vital role in life and desires to be fulfilled second questions is related to curtailing these desires : Suppression of desire and curtailing of desire is another aspect : The way of Libration of soul through curtailing of senses is a science by which saint implements their control upon nadi through hath yoga & controls the human senses : The most scientific way of yoga by which Hath yogi controls visible and no visible things through identification of five elements flowing in Ida pingla & Susmana : we heard that Hath yogi enhances their age in pursuit of breaking the circle of rebirth : Their is a philosophy existing which says that complete your desire which makes unrest and don’t suppress : The point of discussion is how the soul is liberated and how people would break the cycle of the rebirth : Fulfilling desire don’t open the doors of Libration of soul , Source of libration of soul has no relevancy to fulfill the desire actually there is no end of desire and it has no limitation :
Thursday, 26 May 2022
Generation of good thoughts
The dawn period is the period where every people upon earth can easily receive good thoughts : To generate good thoughts meditation of thoughts is necessary : This time is fixed for generation of good thoughts : This is called Amrit vela : This short period where you can call to nature for generation of good thoughts : This time function of mind works a good adaptor from nature : In this period mind works in a free manner avoiding bad thoughts in this period and making habit to charge the mind for good thoughts would prepare the mind a healthy mind . The pleasure of good thoughts are like honey : This is a period when the all creatures living upon earth starts working ,and show their pleasure through their voice : Good thoughts in life have a place for success in life : These thoughts makes life very beautiful ,Once we made an habit in dawn period either writing reading or meditating : all are matter related to good thoughts and thoughts would originate but it is necessary before originating good thoughts to think upon good thoughts :
Wednesday, 25 May 2022
Story of change & Yoga
Yoga an activity by which humans can feel the magical impact of this exercise : Breathing exercise that takes number of years in understanding the activities of Nadi and number of years runs to follow the way : Understanding comes first like reading the chapter and grasping comes when we determine to act third phase comes when determined mind pressurise to follow the way adopted by grasping activities by mind : Yoga is a way where we can change our uncontrolled mind , Five element runs in nostril breath and Ida and Pingla runs I right and left nostril breath , These five element determine the activity of our mind by which we used to take positive or negative vibes : Act of fire is only to take digest the food and when act of fire is used in outside activities it changes the activity of mind :and anger comes that results in quarrel :this is one of element in five element :To change the mind from anger to cooling , the required yoga is to change the breath , through changing nadi : Some people say that drinking a glass of water can change anger into peace : this is an additional activity that helps in changing the thoughts : no doubt thoughts are resultant of our elements running in our nostrils breath : If you change the subject we can change the result of activity : Talks resulting anger takes place when the subject of anger persists : when the subject diverted to other subject it changes the mind : This is a yoga how you change the mind of others : In the same way when flow if nadi in breath are changed by us , we can feel an extraordinary result :this is to change the mind of others :
Thursday, 19 May 2022
Devotees of God
God is simplified an extra ordinary unknown power that helps the men who work with a justified manner ,what justified code is a different interpretation of each and every individual thought but justified way correlated with universal natural principles of law : There are some principles recognised by universal law : Karma theory shows that our deeds are final authority to give fruits in accordance to deeds Devotees of God always obeys the principles of karma and they travel upon path of truth : The post of devotee of God is higher and some times God helps in the colour of unknown helper : we can’t recognise at that time who helped us when all doors for help were closed : Devotee of God attracts the God through their truth ful means : Mantra tantra and yantra are another means of attracting the God :God some time appear as a Obedient people but so far as our son , Daughtor relatives are concerned they can leave us in critical time but God would do never ,and God may appear in difficult intolerable situations and can help
Sunday, 1 May 2022
Role of Imagination
Imagination has a perfect role in life , Poets writers scientist researcher engineers are the generators of imagination : The basis of research are evolution of logics : There are some fundamentals of every research which are based upon logical research ; The pleasure in imaginative thinking gives a different pleasure and keeps person happy : This is a free boon given by nature us alike water air fire earth open sky for shelter : This would be to mention here that a person can’t live with only imagination but so far as mental pleasure has concerned it has a deepest role in perfection of mind : Every imagination does not have a power of positivity : Perfection comes from positive thinking that gives a clue of success in life on the basis of that thinking :