Thursday, 3 March 2022

Source of divine power

 Divine power , a different power which a ordinary prudent people does not even think or act thereupon : Source of accomplishment originated from Divine Power : That power when received and act upon feeling makes the people on receiving divine power ,a kind of pleasure : The accumulation of power shows that the people has some divine power otherwise it would have very difficult: Power in any field   A men becomes very rich it is due to Divine power , These are some field that shows that some body is having a divine power : A political Men like Our Modiji , Yogiji, A Rich people , Tata , Birla , and like so Many people where the accomplishments of work in particular sector shows they have divine power: It is not a one day exercise but it is a number of years exercise , Thus the power when is stored and day by day enhancement in power creates a automatic function : The process of accomplishment in a particular sector begins when supreme knowledge commands the mind  : Source of supreme power generates when you try to understand your work without fear and favour : Every people doesn’t have supreme power it is only developed when your knowledge develops at a extent and direct you where to work and where to act : The source of accomplishment is to work in a proper and right way :when accumulation of your accomplishment are stored it gives that you are guided by divine power : There are process of enhancement of divine power and source of divine power lies in our mind : Every people has different mind and a way of doing of their act are different it shows that their accomplishments in particular act are result of their control of their brain upon proper act : Meditation is a power where brain thinks in proper way :Yoga activities would give you enhancement in your power of mind  There are several things that makes a person  a fit person to receive the divine power  : The divine power only comes when your adopter of mind being selected for a fit person : Thus preparation of mind for a fit person for divine power requires an adopter which can receive selected and analytical things and to act thereupon : 

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