Thursday, 29 November 2018

Democracy & liability of elected political Party

Elections are going on in states and after election who comes in majority would be ruling party : We have seen role of political parties since independence and comes to some conclusion  (1 )Political parties are elected as per their manifesto and how much they proved their menifesto as a successful and fulfilling the hopes of public it should be audited by independent auditor and if a political party doesn’t fulfill its menifesto that party should be stopped for fighting elections (2) Political parties should elect their candidate for eligiblity in contesting elections : that should be ,a social worker and having free time for doing social service  and also having knowledge of administrative policies and how he would serve public from a new policies : Elected members should have open talk with public and he should fulfill their menifesto along with new difficulties arrived from administration
Actually manifesto of political parties have no any kind of obligation:  The reply of political parties are that they worked in the national interest. and manifesto can be changed as per circumstance : there is no contract with voter and no obligation to fulfill the aim of manifesto: No voter reads the manifesto : Our courts don’t give verdict upon this point : legislation are framed by parliament not by political parties :Is it not a mockery in democracy:  To run democracy smoothly there is a need to understand what people likes and what would be beneficial to public at large : It’s not a industry to make money : Legislation should be framed but it’s a most impossible thing because every party who come in majority is brother of opposition party in the principle that they one time in power and other time opposition may come in power : Amendment in constitution may help with regard to qualifications of MLA and MPs : A social worker is a desirable person : Manifesto is an attraction for people they when peoples give their vote for an object in policy : what type of policies are liked by people: Thus the role of manifesto can’t be underestimated : Every winning party show what exactly they did in the interest or welfare of public : All sphere to be pressed by parties : Domestic and foreign affairs : This makes the more representations by public in democratic set up through their voting : More sharing by public in policies is a basic requirement in democracy :

Friday, 16 November 2018

Role of Emotions & Astrology

A persons called by us a stony heart who don’t have emotions, Sampathy ,pain for others ,feelings an : comes in the ambit of stony heart : The nature of person known from ascendent and it’s lord occupation ,aspected from other stars occupied in horoscope in other houses: Exalted ,or debilated or its own zoadic sign : two planets particularly Mars or Saturn gives people of stony heart they have no place of emotions : they make selfish nature : In astrology two yoga are Roochak yoga when mars acts as exalted or its own zoadic sign and sass yoga
is created when Saturn occupies as exalted or its own zoadic sign occupied in center while counting from ascendent or from moon : these two yoga makes a person very selfish in nature and they don’t believe in emotions : Emotions are media by which a emotional people can be made foolish and they are the people who make tools of emotions for their benefit : that peoples have other qualities according to their occupation upon particular house and conjunction and their aspect upon particular house and aspected from other house lord :  emotional people are those people who fear from God and don’t do such an act opposed to morality : when moon conjunction of Saturn with moon follows
Or mars with moon follows it creates emotions : feelings, in essence emotions that make a really person : up and downs make people full of emotions : without emotions persons may be called a stony or even animal who don’t know relations : Emotions creat obligations : without obligation no emotions : it’s a viceversa fact : Emotions are fountain when person thinks about other person : it’s a moon in astrology which creat emotions in persons :They express their emotions in particular way if they failed to express through voice Animals express their emotions through particular activity : thus feature of emotions are not neglected in animals but the difference is that they don’t control or they don’t know what’s good or bad : we people are having mind for thinking what is good or bad but the philosophy of good or bad are not expressed due to speechless it does not mean that they don’t know the fear of death but they are helpless :

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Philosophy of stars & Human life

Human development beginning from childhood youth and old age ; these three stage of life have peculiar activities of humans and every stage when transits to other stage : previous stage feelings goes to end in practically as childhood ends and entry in youth period :Humans use to follow youth activity and in the same way youth stage ends human do activity of old people and feel old ness it’s a practical phenomenon however it’s an another thing that we still fill child or youth in old age but activities of human organs goes to stop as per age of humans : This is universal we can’t compare the extraordinary people and here is not this subject : this is general : Mars and Venus two planets are quite young stars and there activities are related to youth activities for the human organ thus they are active in youth age and placement in horoscope gives better result in youth as per their aspect upon houses conjunction and their power but they are not effective in old age with regard to particular activity :if the period runs in old age it would be ineffective for a particular activity: Sun ,Saturn Jupiter are more effective in old age and it gives effect as per their placement in horoscope: In old age we can’t do for the strength of mars and Venus they are helpless in old age :Mercury is child star but it changes with the company of sun : it’s peculiarity for quick witty it runs till Moon is awakening : moon is mind and sun is soul which runs till our life runs 

Age & Astrology

Predictions from astrology are solely based from the age of person whose horoscope is placed for predictions:  stars works in particular time at particular period of age : How the age factor is relevant in the science of Astrology :A child when comes before pamist , then some say your lines of palm are yet to be developed :An astrologer say after scrutiny of horoscope that child before18 only to be studied with regard to his health and education other factors are not relevant at this age due to immaturity
 A child requires better education for better development of mind and better health also
requires for better physical development : A horoscope of old persons is not crucial for his further planning : old people when health is not allowed how other activities would be carried on : The point of determination is that the predictions for a child can’t be said the surprising things. of young age : In the same way an old person can’t do work as a young person do the same : Question relevant for us is that the person who seeks answer should have complete details of birth and planet works as per age of people : A person fails to do work due to old age or their deficiency of any physical workings inspite of  major period of exalted stars : it has been said that the period of ascendent lord when comes it is called the cream period of life but if it passes in child hood then it’s time passed when person was child and full enjoyment of period couldn’t received which it might have received in youth or old age :  Effect of cream period may have in child hood but it’s impact remains little but in
Youth period it has more and in old age it has the fruits which are already earned : In yearly chart a old person has a same yearly chart of another young people and that young people goes to marries and old person becomes helpless in sexual workings : it’s all the age of particular effects the horoscope whether it’s birth chart or yearly chart : Thus the role of age in predicting some about person should be of our importance and predictions should be said in accordance to age of person



Thursday, 8 November 2018

Importance of yearly horoscope

Tajik Neel Kanthi a beautiful text written upon yearly horoscope:  It’s falit (predictions) are very much accurate Particulary prediction upon which year marriage would have to be consumed or solaminized : It’s very practical and yoga karak planets when occupies in yearly horoscope : It would be definitely predicted : It’s predictions are perfect and to be relied : In this modern electronic era we have codified electronic app where we can search the yearly horoscope of next years and while drawing yearly horoscope of next years in advance we can predict the year of marriage it’s very simple : what are the yoakarka star : yogkaraka stars are which are qualified for creating yoga : ascendent lord in yearly horoscope have conjunction  with 7 th lord then it can be predicted that there would be marriage and what kind of marriage would be ? If these lord occupies in 4 th 2nd 7th or ascendent  it creates yoga but if they are upon inimical sign or Malifics and conjunction of third star or location in 6 th house then it’s a marriage not stable and it may be breaked there may be when temporily friendship May occurred : Bodily pleasure May occurred it can be observed through very sharp reading of planet : conjunction of ascendent lord and seventh house lord shows that there would be a company of opposite sex but it would have a stability or temporary : second it would creat a married life or simply a relation : This require a sharp mind of astrologer who takes all factors in mind : exalted and stars occupied upon its own Zodiac sign or friendly sign stars gives good result in yearly horoscope : conjunction with lord of 6 or yoga created in 6 th house does not solaminized marriage :

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Question of supremacy

There are set of principles in democracy which are called justified in the general public interest and what are justified in the public interest : This aspect if given to executive it would be interpreted its their own way or its own end : The interference of judiciary is a must for better democracy and Role of judiciary always remained with justice: we are very much proud of judiciary when timely quashes the tyranny of executive but democrates should be vigilant about their rights and also have a Vigilence look to place the material before judiciary for proper adjudication : There are number of incidents when wrong prejudial ordinances passes and after making public enlightment are quashed by judiciary similarly laws are interpreted and if found against its object that are quashed or deleted from our legislation : The role of judiciary is no doubt very pious and it’s like God when our voice reaches for seeking shelter :The observance of judiciary upon other wings of constitution is very much liked by democrates : Justice can’t be one sided because it has logical base and gives strength to democracy : Democratic constitution gives some autonomy in their workings : Now a days much hue and cry placed with regard to interference in reserve bank of india Act particualarly in sec 7 for having capital in the hands of RBI it has been said that ratio of fund should be enlarged with govt by transferring fund so as to making financial institutions powerful : it’s a policy matter and it requires direction from Judiciary: RBI is having status through statute and if statute don’t say the deciding factor would be our judicial decisions or an amendment in law would be a second alternative : It
might be that it’s essential for our growth in this financial crisis and it might be that banks become a handy tool for playing game by executive : if interference of govt is for the betterment of public it
should be proved through logical base :it may be that hue and cry is through opposite party and party power would like in the interest of public but when we do against the provisions we must clearify either from judiciary or an amendment through parliament can have better impact or better running upon democracy: Govt is supreme and it’s not necessary to have consultation with RBI governor : Govt can issue directions in the interest of general public :In India this is a central Bank and what extent it’s role should be independent to the govt :In USA the Fed is an independent agency : it’s accountability with public and govt also The Fed does not receive funding through congressional budgetary process and audit wing also have independent outsider auditor : The Bank of England is also answerable to public and parliament : When law is not clear then who would be responsible : In this situation who would decide accountability to public : Democratic institutions where central Bank has a independent role and accountability to public and govt both it shows that in whole accountability lies with govt and public both : that is people who are in power through their govt and also people who are in opposition : this is a like a issue of total public not differentiating who are in majority or not in majority thus this issue would be heard and decided by peoples in whole : This is a matter of pros and cons and protection of interest of all citizens would be a better idea : It may be when law is silent : The majority party may interpret in their own way and people of opposite become helpless : Judiciary would be armed when there is a law or judicial precedent: The role of supremacy now goes to judiciary keeping in view democracy and independent role of central Bank