Thursday, 25 October 2018

Power of stars in horoscope

Power of star denotes the status of star in horoscope :  It’s a universal truth that capacity of old person & child are quite different to a person having young age : Similarly stars in old age & also in childhood fails to work due to decrease of power in old age or immaturity in childhood : their capacity somewhat not actionable in various actions of physical body or spirit : In exceptional cases a child becomes mature before the age of maturity and in the same way an old age person has a spirit of young person :  This universal principle being applied in astrological proposition : A star occupies in low degrees in horoscope called in child age and a star having degrees of last degrees called in old age : these star called inactive star : 0 degree to 10 degree child hood 11 to 24 young and last 25 to 30 called old age status : this principle has presumption only : Astrologer thinks at their extraordinary wisdom while taking other factors also : whether a star occupies upon inimical zoadic sign or friendly sign or exalted , debilated or its own zoadic sign : These stars occupation called upon inimical zoadic sign adversely effected  : friendly sign in laughing state : debilated giving bad result or ups and down : exalted and own zoadic sign gives good result keeping in view power of the planet and signifactor of good houses : these powers can be identified through particular calculation of planet : Digbali a star has good prominence in Navans chart :Thus the value of Navans chart is very much high in the sense to predict accurat upon any house and star :

Thursday, 11 October 2018

To define a person m

In our day today life we encounter the personalities of various cult and learn from their activities some time we understand the personalities ,their acts &
 how they attract to other person and win others confidence : actually before attraction we have to win the confidence of other and this creats faith by other person in the person who attracts : Attraction with motive and without motive no attraction is caused : when one person attracts to another it creats their ambitions primfacie and it may be both side desire for the attraction : actually this human attraction has number of desire and this is the motive behind  : Before creating attraction there exist a desire which matured in motive  : our world totally running upon theme of attraction : Yog develops when attraction of nadi develops : Sun always attracts moon and in yoga one person is running sun nadi or sun waive running in right nostril then person having moon nadi or air flowing in left nostril these persons when meet attraction would be caused :The great pleasure feels when a yogi does activity of susmana nadi meaning thereby meant that both sun and moon flows by way of right and left air flowing in nostril : This is mazic and amazing effect of susmana nadi : but this attraction feels yogi himself not for the purpose of other people :In our daily life we act with the selfish motive and to fulfill we do with the intention : some time we become failure to understand a men what he wants with us : there is a ingredient in attraction when any greed element exists there develops attraction when one side greed exists then it’s a persuasion by greedy person and ones authority becomes powerful upon other person who is innocent

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Your best choice

We love best in the sense that our taste always linked with the best: It might be scenario of nature or of human being but our taste always remains selected meaning by the best choice :our education choice remained  always top school our living standard remained top : this is ours mental status which defines the status : our thought of our best  choices made our status :this status theory makes a very difference to other status : we love 💖 best things beginning from personality and to make personality we make change our appearances through wearing highest type of  cloths and assossaries those gives good looking & glow to our appearances : Time has gone when traditional way of living was prevailed : if you have to live then enjoyment gives a life pleasure : As a waiv of pleasure started then we are searching pleasure in best hotels , best houses and best resorts: we are making our own place for enjoyment:  our way of thinking become changed we are unable to bear a bad mood : The Principle of charvak that eat drink and be marry  seems to a right concept:  This status theory created a competition and we are running in this lust for making status : The comfort attracted to us that we made a difference between a class : we feel and always act to become a super class : This has become a radical change in our thoughts : The word modern has quite resembling to our living eating and be marry behaving also : stars activity become totally changed what Jupiter used to show their moral lord now it has come in contact by rahu or Ketu by aspect or conjunction: earlier rules now changed due to change of life everybody is king in the sense a particular class of our society is fully flourish with regard to necessary aminities : This is physical world number of peoples live in high society : Earlier there was a shortage of finance and peoples used to believe in collection
Of fund but now people used to make expenditure upon their prosperious life : The way of thinking has totally changed and predictions are correlated with the modern era

Friday, 5 October 2018

Leo ascendent & Rahu in Leo sign

Leo ascendent shows that people is having extraordinary qualities as Leo is animal which has some extraordinary qualities of Leo : Thus this zodiac sign :contains braveness and enemies being afraid by Leo ascendent: It has been said in many astrological texts that Leo ascendent creats forcible effect to enemies and enemies of that people used to lower down of them : so far as Rahu is concered if rahu occupies in Leo ascendent it makes the person greedy and egoistic and if ascendent lord occupies in trikona with murcury it makes person very wisdomful : Leo peoples are egoistic people and there quarrel doesn’t end due to their honour & pride : They work for selfish motive and makes friendship for their aim of selfishness: they people also take shelter of state for their end ; if the third house occupies by melific planet then these peoples makes litigation and wins the cases fought against injustice :Leo peoples are generally rewarded by state in lifetime or after their death : Posthumous reward being awarded by state : they are prestigious people :if the Leo lord sun becomes debilated in fourth house it gives negative effects with regard to mother and land also :Sun upon Leo is a basic powerful effect that gives powerful force to people 

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Zodiac & sun or moon

Indian astrology bases prediction through moon where the moon occupies upon particular zodiac sign. : Western countries bases sun zodiac sign when sun runs in particular month upon particular zoadic sign : Indian astrology bases prediction upon which zodiac sign ascendent at the birth time runs and where moon occupies upon particular zoadic sign : The basic difference between Indian and western astrology is that Indian astrology take deep effect of ascendent birth chart and moon and in western astrology they solely depend upon sun and predict while assuming people born in particular month would be affected with that particular zodiac sign : Both traditional and western science rely upon transitory effect of planet :Transitory effect meant by that planets have effect upon peoples as they changes their zoadic sign : Sun changes it’s zoadic sign every month and moon two & half day other planet Jupiter changes zoadic sign in one year Saturn two & half year : murcury Venus mars changes their zoadic sign as per retrogradation and rising but their transit are more then month and between two and three month except marcury :Ketu and rahu runs one and half year each : Both tradional and western astrology belief are same with the transitory effect of planet :

Monday, 1 October 2018

Sun posited in Cancer Ascendent

I came in contact with two persons having identical sun posited in cancer ascendent: The same characteristic I found : These personalities are having a distinguished character of how to make fool
to other person : they used to take confidence of other in such a way that other becomes fool
They are not stupid but they have a quality how to persuade others : their industry runs without finance meaning thereby they know how to wear cap on others head : This we may call it clever person working with the motto of extreme selfishness : No body can understand them
because they expose sympathy to others and also expose love and affection to others : Peoples who are having Rahu in cancer can easily beat those person and they hesitate to meet these persons : The scientific and astrological truth behind is this : that these persons who are having sun in cancer ascendent are as like burning heat and we make it cold : the fusion state where a magic created it is a same character : If any person wishes to break their circle : The first requirement is to say roughly them with regard to their cleverness and avoid them while they have no interest them
Otherwise they used to make you tool in due course for any selfish motive :