Sunday, 24 June 2018

Honesty & Stability

Honesty meaning thereby how we act with good intentions in our human behaviour: This subject is more or less related with our legal framework assigned by national laws : our code of conduct should be fair in the preview of our national law : morally some things are not good  : laws are also framed to check the loop hole : Money earned through dishonesty have no stability : It would be checked by laws enacted to check dishonest peoples : People wants to become multimillionaire or become overnight mayor it’s a habit of people who are dominated by negative forces : Money earned through illegal means have no stability: Thief’s and decoits are not rich people : Stability comes from your good system which provides a definite right way : BIRLA and Bangers are Indian rich people known by their name as rich : Actually they followed the system of honesty and that they earned prestige in their commercial activity : honesty gives prestige and stability : money earned through illegal means doesn’t have prestige : Thus the corollary word honesty stability and prestige are in similar footings : State are told honest in international behaviour when they follow the treaty among them but if they are not honest and don’t follow international conventions they are not prestigious state and there can’t have stability in their relations with other state :It also affects the internal state of that type of nation who have no stand in international sphere and they do it upon the cost of that nation or their public : Diplomacy and honesty are two different words and their impact are also different : In international sphere its good to have good diplomacy in relation to other nations but dishonest diplomacy also can’t be said good diplomacy : The role of honesty are treated to be more pious in international sphere

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Saturn & Jupiter Major Planet for prediction

Saturn runs two and half year and Jupiter one year upon a sign : These are major planets and their effect upon humans are wide and enormous Their impact is recognised by us due to transit in particular sign for a long period and it’s more helpful for predictions : Those peoples have Jupiter and  Saturn upon good placement in horoscope are lucky peoples there prosperity would be enhanced as per good transit in year chart or it would be seen transit in particular sign that also seen position from horoscope suppose Jupiter placed in Pisces in 11 th house in birth chart presently transiting in Libra then it’s placement in 6th house keeping in view the ascendent of birth chart and the lord of 6,8,12 are treated to be  good when placed in trika house similarly Saturn placed in birth chart upon Virgo sign and in 5th house then in transit presently running upon sag sign that means Saturn running in 8th house keeping in view ascendant Taurus : then it would creat troubles in financial matters and delay would be caused in marriage of family members There is a permanent relationship of lord of house in birth chart and there transit in particular house : Predictions are based upon vinsotry period and transit of that planet in particular house and yearly chart position of muntha etc all predictions are based upon vision of astrologer further the positions of retrograde star, less degree child star .mudit star ,astagata star Mitra khestri stars satru khestri star ,judging their power we can arrive at conclusion: The role of other stars also shows occurances but it happens when Jupiter and Saturn helps in transit

Friday, 22 June 2018

Writers always go to heaven

Heaven is a most attractive word upon this earth and every body wants to know what is heaven :and also want to go Heaven : Heaven and sky word are mentioned in English dictionary as a same meaning : writers always love to heaven and poets always talk about imaginary things which is totally subject of sky :In astrology sixth house is related to sin and also is house of writer : who writes something about factual facts or imaginary world for the love of others it’s writing lies in your heartily voice and voice kills vice due to this house aspected by 12th house in horoscope: it is true that 12 th house should have vacant position so any obstacle in moksha or heaven may not arise Path of heaven is very clear to writers because they accept their sin in writing : How heart combines with mind  and they used to write for a better likings : Heart beats and mind works : sensitive touch in writing stimulate action like a cup of coffee stimulate the working :
Who goes to moksha it’s a philosophical and religious thoughts but it is no doubt when your temptation are no more you are supposed to move on the path of moksha or heaven : writer more or less
12 th house is related with moksha and  moksha and heaven is same thing thus sin are crushed due to they aspect 6th house : conjunction of sun and mercury is a best position in 6th house for a writer Peace comes when sin are  distroyed : writing of name of God upon plain  paper keeps the doors open in heaven :if there is a vacant house  of 12 th house :and all stars occupies between moon and Jupiter
It flourish the path of heaven : 

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Taming of tongue

Tongue lives in mouth similarly a person lives in a house :
To Control tongue is very difficult and cause of evil is tongue when tongue speaks negative words to any person then it might result In quarrel:  To purify tongue it’s a necessary to speak few words in
Conversation There are many ways to control the tongue but easiest way is ,you dedicate mind heart and tongue to God by prayer : anger makes no control on voice it’s a result in fight : These are some drawbacks which result in voice negative effect : In astrology lord of 2nd house when combines with debilated star then harsh voice indicated that some time is causes of fight & quarrels : further ascendent lord occupies in 7th house debilated or upon inimical sign it also makes argument in every aspect in behaviour: The remedial measures in Lal kitab whatever be :but principles of remedy is that tongue becomes uncontrollable when anger emerges and mind becomes helpless : Dog animal helps us when your food after eating if leaves some foods residue then drop it to black dog on Saturday : Meditation and closing door of mouth through piece of cloth for a few hours : In jain religion particularly in swetambar sect it’s a tradition in priests to control the tongue : Practically if we are affected by curse of bad stars and helpless then what makes it issue of debate that stars remedial measures should be adopted to make away from bad effect of melefic stars ; It is true that forgiveness is a practical remedy of bad speech rising from tongue but some time other person if ignores and does not accept forgiveness then the result ends in enormity ; sweet tongue makes people very near and people forget the animity : thus the role of sweet tongue have a important place in human life The value of tongue is very much appreciated in human life ;The lie and truth are source from
tongue and  if tongue becomes black then it has been told that words originated from black tongue it would become certainly occurred in future : this black tongue when becomes when it’s guided by Saturn and 2nd house lord combines with sun or ascendent lord occupies with exalted sign friendly or own sign in 2nd house Yoga has the best theory of restraining nadi that is called hat yoga. :To know the bad time from Swara shastras avoiding the bad time also helpful when some body provoke you for becoming anger

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Easy way of Prediction in Astrology

There are some peculiar events for example marriage ,birth of child ,source of earning ,illness ,accident etc some of these events makes changes in life : Way of astrologers for prediction are different keeping their practical experience : Predictions are totally based on long experience and experience has no last point but it grows day by day : so far as my exeperience is concerned I used to take these tools for predictions which are most authentic: Firstly birth time birth place and date of birth should be right so as to draw correct horoscope , You May adopt AstroSage app for ready made material :now see the vishotary period which is running : whether you are running benefic star period or benific house period its knowledge and after its sub period would help you to know the events : Thereafter go to yearly predictions Varsha Kundli and know the position of Muntha : The role of muntha in Varsha Kundli is very important and it shows the accuracy of events : Marriage follows when you are having vishotary period of benefic star and lord of benefic house further in Varsha Kundli you have a combination of lord of ascendent and seventh house at fourth house and muntha posited in 7!th house it gives marriage and lord of seventh house and ascendent lord combines in 6th house and some melefic star posited in 7th house then  : ist engagement would not be fruitful but after break of engagement,marriage would be fruitful : all decisions depends upon high skill of astrologer but it’s a simple proposition:  but it is a universal truth that marriage ceremony has a unique place in life either it makes life good or it spoils so astrologers suggest manglik or non manglik type of two Kundli and suggest marriage manglik to manglik persons and non manglik to no manglik : this type of categorisation helps them a happyand prosporious  life : Birth of child is second event after marriage and it happens when in yearly Kundli 2nd house becomes auspicious it shows the family becomes spread due to coming of new member : Varsha Kundli very much helpful to know these specific events Role of muntha in
Yearly Kundli also very much effective for predictions : illness and accident shows when birth lord of  ascendent falls in 6th 8th house and muntha also falls in these houses it gives bad results : these are simple points by which we can predict our peculiar events :Tajik  Neelkanthi
written by Ganesh davaghya it’s a complete and authoritative book upon yearly predictions through a scientific calculation and it also describes the number of yoga in yearly Kundli and basics of yoga in questionarry Kundli is that moons degree and conjunction with other stars degree gives predictions how moon runs fast and reaches to
Other star due to transit upon one Rashi
For a period of 2and 1/2 days : we donot go this aspect but it’s a fundamental that yearly Kundli depicts specific events : the cardinal principle is that when a karak star posited in birth chart and takes  same place in year chart : specific events would be followed surely