Monday, 29 January 2018

Balancing our inherent power

Health is wealth we are hearing this from immorial days but how this treasure can be maintained or balanced :several books are written upon desease and their cure and several books are written upon naturopathy homeopathy elopathy and several branch of medicine but what attracts you that if you are your doctor then you are in the best decision but it’s limited to you not for others : To concentrate to our point when we come to our inherent power then first you should know about your inherent power and when you reach at this conclusion then you concentrate that how to balance this unique power : When your body organs are working well then our concentration goes yin stomach what we eat that digested well or not if it’s working is not good then all desease are the source from this very stomach This is the source of deasease and our inherent power much effected from this point : there are two ways to balance our power Our body requires balance elements :To mean here our body is a formation of five element 1 sky 2 air 3 fire 4 earth 5water:  Meaning here our stomach require balanced elements if it’s proportion are not balanced then
Any element may exceeds and it would deteriorate your function of stomach and to keep balanced it is essential to have balanced diet : there are some natural liquids as cow milk and butter in other form now cow milk is very digestive but butter is not digestive thus milk digestive to normal stomach but butter not digestive These things varies particular position of stomach : when your stomach works in satisfactory condition every thing would be good all material product from your stomach would enlarge function of body and would keep you healthy : Uddiyan yoga is a best exercise for the better function of stomach and this makes a men young : Pranayama and other yogic exercises makes function of body in a better position : The last point which is most important and a unique and extraordinary function which is also secret is how to know that which is the time of eating or drinking 
Water : it can be known when you know about the air flowing in your nostril : if the air is flowing in right nostril meaning thereby that sun nadi is awakened and you can eat and in sun nadi if fire element existing what would you eat all would be digested similarly when you drink your air flowing in  left nostril which is called moon nadi and this is a period when your drinking water digest the material lying in your stomach it all require regular identification of air flowing in your nostril : it has  been said that a person runs moon nadi in a day and runs surya nadi in night lives 100 years or more

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