Thursday, 12 October 2017

Astrological remedy

There is a desire of every people to know about change of life: Peoples became helpless when the astrological advises either not work or they don't rely it due to bundle of confusion arising among  several astrologers views : then person do experiment : experiment is a good process to know the realty but inspite of all the aim of remedy not satisfied due to calculation method of stars their power :Word power is a base of astrological calculation when your stars are weak they would not give result either good or bad : how to know the power of stars :Their placement in horoscope ,degrees ,their conjunction their aspect or they are aspected from good or bad star and their ownership of good or bad house : these are the ordinary method to know the power of star : these all depend upon ability of astrologer how he is having power of calculation and how he is having power of inttospecting in observation : Some time astrologer in remedial measures to know the bad or good power of the stars gives advises to wear some stone to minimise the effect of bad star or to accelerate the power of good star which is although good but sleeping in house : A person having vigour but always sleeps or helpless to work then to stimulate the power of sleeping star it's necessary to awake the sleepy star so as to have the better result: This subject is very wide and cannot be written in short article but it's a true that knowledge of astrologer begins when he sees proper appraisal of horoscope through power of star when your stars are very excellent but they are powerless due to their degree, their position their aspect or their conjunction with other stars /results of horoscope more or less depend upon this primary scrutiny :

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