Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Comparative study of Govts & its performances

Citizen of democratic country like rule of law : Montesquieu framed principle balance of power among executive leslative and judiciary and democratic countries adopted principle and constitution obeys the principle and in terms of principle laws are framed: these three institution works in their sphere and they don't intervenes in others sphere
: this is called peace in country when these three organ works in their sphere: when executive,Legislative: organ of democratic country abridges their powers then judiciary interpret the law and declare as per law: some say supremacy of judiciary : now doubt when their is rule of law then a free institution requires to interpret the law: what law is ?  To build a democratic country the role of political parties have a unique place : Comparative study of govt :Present and earlier govt's comparison in the sense their workings how much benefitted to public belonging to all sectors The
Homogeneous development without any impartiality of any sector : There may arise problems in those countries where caste creed problem arises and justification in diversity requires in framing law and it's priority use : if constitution bases Some provision for down trodden class : constitution supports and laws are implemented in terms of constitutional provisions : we are comparing here only govt : how they followed the constitution and how the govt did the best to forming peace and better administration and development in domestic and abroad affairs : it requires data of both govt and to educate people for better functioning of democracy it requires demonstration by govt so as to enabling public what they have experienced or they experiencing now : comparative study of govt by present govt is a very hard task but for the better democracy it's s right step and also it's a beneficial for coming of party in next election : this is a proper appraisal for evaluating the function of party and  their manifesto  This has been the history of various countries when your govt becomes failed to rule then for getting the faith of public govt uses the philosophy to divert the minds of public by diverting mind upon Defense ; we don't go in diplomacy which is good up to coming on power by political party but after coming in power Public don't believe in diplomacy in their administration  : There are number of factors which the public experiencing say the better govt in compassion to earlier govt and the assessment overall requires a peaceful administration : Public feel unhappy when the prices of every day used commodity goes in steep rise : eradication of corruption helps better administration :
Comparative study of govt helps to public to decide the ruling party for next election :To win the faith  of public media have a unbeatable role because some time we forget our bad exiprience and media changes the minds of peoples ;if a political party rules with the help of media its a diplomacy to
Rule the country but its effect are not far reaching unless govt shows the real benefit for public : Statics of development definitely pick up the confidence of public :





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