Thoughts and experience of thoughts are at variance in democracy : for the people ,of the people and by the people : what exactly is? This is the rule of majority and how majority is created in this democratic institution : The funda of voting : some people use vote or some not : There should be clear law that non use of vote would entitle that people from basic amenities provided by state : why required this restrain : Democracy would be called when all peoples uses the right of voting if they donot uses it's not a theme of democracy :The basic ground of democracy that all peoples having voting rights uses the power of vote : The ratio of non voting peoples some times major then the people who used the voting rights : Is this called the concept of democracy ? Several laws are formulated for fair voting but which laws prepare to understood the meaning of voting :The real issue lies in the fact that people should be so trained to understand the govt and it's policies , if the peoples are uneducated they can't understand the meaning of voting : simply to cast vote is not sufficient but it requires people more to understand to have a govt: for the people of the people by the people : Is western countries like USA is totally benefitted from the democracy ? Peoples of USA are more vigilant about policies of Govt about domestic and also foreign policies : Protection of National Interest is a prime necessity for a nation and role of govt no doubt assessed in this sphere :Domestic policies are superseded by foreign policies in case of protection of national interest : The majority of people needs the peace good administration without fear and favour development of people and providing basic amenities and use of fundamental rights by public without restraining by govt: If the majority of people who are winner in democracy rules the people who are not in majority and who used the negative voting or those people who not used the voting power : Majority rules : Is this is called democracy when people in power uses the power against the people who don't supported in election : it's a revenge and democracy donot support this idea : how to make foolish people in democracy through winning in election : there is no law formulated till date to assess the political menifesto of political parties: if political party failes to achieve the goal and peoples voted keeping in view its manifesto : Is this not fraud practicised in democracy : there are several issues which are pertinent in democracy: To follow the concept by the people for the people and of the people required
more interpretation To resolve these issues we require a trained voters