Thursday, 21 September 2017

Birds on Twitter

I saw in morning birds are chatting on trees : I imagined that how much time they would be in chatting : Birds are not having clock for indicating the time : Meanwhile very slight rays in sky  emerged : I saw Birds  left their shelter house How exact time runs from
Natural sun rays :I saw every morning : I
Saw punctuality of time in birds : I saw that before rising of sun all birds of tree made fly in gatherings: I saw that there was discipline: Time and Discipline made the birds their protection from outer world : I saw that the birds on tree were of same class : Next day I saw that there were other class of birds also associated :I saw that prioccupied birds on tree left the shelter house :I concluded that birds wants company

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

To know God

God : when we are helpless we pray God and God help us at every walk of life :we want to see God but he comes in various roles and helps us : we want to know the exact photo of God : we see it in the  various poses : some peoples belief in god might be different and they see in that God have no photo but he lives in our deeds and good deeds are source of God : Some people say god lives neither in temple nor Any holy place of prayer but lives in your heart: some people reach to god through meditation they say Braham is having Param Anand and to have Brahma they do Hath yogic exercise with the help of yogic exercise they lastly have God : Actually either we believe or not believe in shape of God but it's true when we are helpless we do prayer by words in any language of world :To pray and to receive help it's a act of God : we don't go in complicated theory but we are simply know that there is a universal power we pray in different mode and God help us :  There is a way to know God : when you call with positive thoughts he comes and help us by any via media : Positive thoughts have great connection with God : some person believe in renouncing in world leaving all material worldly things and they believe in welfare of their soul :they don't want to come again in material world and in persuit of this approach they adopt a procedure for welfare of soul : once you get the liberation of soul from worldly affair your soul would not come in any shape and would merge in God :

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Search of Happiness

It's not a new theme for us to feel happy and to have happiness , we like to be happy and also to become happy we do efforts and our whole life is spent in persuit of happiness : it's a feeling or a state of mind when we feel happy : The meaning of happiness some time told that it's all right when we are happy : constant desire of happiness is a nature of human who convey happiness and happiness are reflected from human face : We don't have scale of happiness to measure the quantum of happiness but it's a universally true that role of happiness in our life is very significant: What gives happiness it's a very crucial & debatable point : To determine the source of happiness is depend upon our likings and our likings changes as per circumstances :There are two field either we feel happiness  in our material world by desiring  in ending pleasure required for our body and state of mind feels pleasure when we require physical pleasure for example our needs which are raised from tiny to higher state and when we receive it :it's a happiness : so far our human relations are concerned they also creat  happiness when we like in relations There is second state of mind when we feel happiness when we leave physical world : To renounce the physical world is also crest happiness : Meaning thereby we feel pleasure in having pleasure and leaving pleasure it's a illusion : Eternal feelings or state of mind for renouncing physical world gives happiness. How a people leaves their wealth in multi millions or billions for the shake of eternal pleasure :some feel pleasure to donate the wealth to others needy persons : The point for determination is that happiness lives in our soul
And the property of soul is happiness Some people take happiness from source of renouncing the physical world and some people have a source from physical world : Story of happiness is not going to end as root of happiness or source of happiness is our deeds karma when we do good deeds we are happy and theory of positive and negative also runs here : Posiuive things gives happiness and negative always disappoint in last it's a universally fact

Friday, 15 September 2017

Misuse of Democracy

It's a unpleasant experience when elections are held and candidates are elected as per choice of public through a democratic constitutional way but elected candidates do work either in their personal motive or work for a lobby or pressure group but not other peoples :The indifference being caused by the elected peoples : he takes the help of administrative mechimary for fulfilling his object :.When administrative mechimary becomes the tool of the Leader or elected person then the person  with administratively associated takes undue benefit from government and this causes no proper application of law and it's uses : The discretion of policies formulated by govt if used by a particular elected person it gives a very sad experience in Democracy with the association of beaurocracy : Every govt is run by beautocracy and beaurocracy works under leadership of elected person who is having support of govt : No doubt Govt policies are applied universally but if any partiality appears it hampers the puller of Democracy : Legislation are required in case the govt policies are appled in a partial manner due to beaurocrates  :Independent cell under judicial authority should be formed to redress the grievances and media should take note of these things to protect the interest of masses :

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Comparative study of Govts & its performances

Citizen of democratic country like rule of law : Montesquieu framed principle balance of power among executive leslative and judiciary and democratic countries adopted principle and constitution obeys the principle and in terms of principle laws are framed: these three institution works in their sphere and they don't intervenes in others sphere
: this is called peace in country when these three organ works in their sphere: when executive,Legislative: organ of democratic country abridges their powers then judiciary interpret the law and declare as per law: some say supremacy of judiciary : now doubt when their is rule of law then a free institution requires to interpret the law: what law is ?  To build a democratic country the role of political parties have a unique place : Comparative study of govt :Present and earlier govt's comparison in the sense their workings how much benefitted to public belonging to all sectors The
Homogeneous development without any impartiality of any sector : There may arise problems in those countries where caste creed problem arises and justification in diversity requires in framing law and it's priority use : if constitution bases Some provision for down trodden class : constitution supports and laws are implemented in terms of constitutional provisions : we are comparing here only govt : how they followed the constitution and how the govt did the best to forming peace and better administration and development in domestic and abroad affairs : it requires data of both govt and to educate people for better functioning of democracy it requires demonstration by govt so as to enabling public what they have experienced or they experiencing now : comparative study of govt by present govt is a very hard task but for the better democracy it's s right step and also it's a beneficial for coming of party in next election : this is a proper appraisal for evaluating the function of party and  their manifesto  This has been the history of various countries when your govt becomes failed to rule then for getting the faith of public govt uses the philosophy to divert the minds of public by diverting mind upon Defense ; we don't go in diplomacy which is good up to coming on power by political party but after coming in power Public don't believe in diplomacy in their administration  : There are number of factors which the public experiencing say the better govt in compassion to earlier govt and the assessment overall requires a peaceful administration : Public feel unhappy when the prices of every day used commodity goes in steep rise : eradication of corruption helps better administration :
Comparative study of govt helps to public to decide the ruling party for next election :To win the faith  of public media have a unbeatable role because some time we forget our bad exiprience and media changes the minds of peoples ;if a political party rules with the help of media its a diplomacy to
Rule the country but its effect are not far reaching unless govt shows the real benefit for public : Statics of development definitely pick up the confidence of public :





Monday, 11 September 2017

Real meaning of Democracy

Thoughts and experience of thoughts are at variance in democracy : for the people ,of the people and by the people : what exactly is? This is the rule of majority and how majority is created in this democratic institution : The funda of voting : some people use vote or some not : There should be clear law that non use of vote would entitle that people from basic amenities provided by state : why required this restrain :  Democracy would be called when all peoples uses the right of voting if they donot uses it's not a theme of democracy :The basic ground of democracy that all peoples having voting rights uses the power of vote : The ratio of non voting peoples some times major then the people who used the voting rights : Is this called the concept of democracy ? Several laws are formulated for fair voting but which laws prepare to understood the meaning of voting :The real issue lies in the fact that people should be so trained to understand the govt and it's policies , if the peoples are uneducated they can't understand the meaning of voting : simply to cast vote is not sufficient but it requires people more to understand to have a govt: for the people of the people by the people : Is western countries like USA is totally benefitted from the democracy ? Peoples of USA are more vigilant about policies of Govt about domestic and also foreign policies : Protection of National Interest is a prime necessity for a nation and role of govt no doubt assessed in this sphere :Domestic policies are superseded by foreign policies in case of protection of national interest : The majority of people needs the peace good administration without fear and favour development of people and providing basic amenities and use of fundamental rights by public without restraining by govt:  If the majority of people who are winner in democracy rules the people who are not in majority and who used the negative voting or those people who not used the voting power : Majority rules : Is this is called democracy when people in power uses the power against the people who don't supported in election : it's a revenge and democracy donot support this idea : how to make foolish people in democracy through winning in election : there is no law formulated till date to assess the political menifesto of political parties: if political party failes to achieve the goal and peoples voted keeping in view its manifesto : Is this not fraud practicised in democracy : there are several issues which are pertinent in democracy: To follow the concept by the people for the people and of the people required
more interpretation To resolve these issues we require a trained voters