Sunday, 23 July 2017

Surprising Indian Texts

Subjects which attracts to the people in reading generally which is of like collecting power and to become superior to other humans is most attracting science : Indian old texts  which are about this subject comes from dialogue between Lord shiva and Godessa Parwati : Yoga ,Tantra Hath yoga are originated from dialogue and written or reproduced by authors The subject which is mysterious : How systematically reproduced its a surprise and we are unable to understand the secret how texts were written : it has been also said that the misuse of Tantra caused and Lord shiva deactivated the Tantra Mantra : The science which is still survive ,that is Hath yoga and Hath yogi controls Nadis through Pranayama yoga and understanding the rotation of five elements in body and judging  through air flowing in nostril :Shiv savarodaya is a basic text upon subject : Charandass also wrote upon subject guru gorakhnath also shown the similar path : The subject of Swara is not only the subject of super power but it also shows to hath yogi to receive the ultimate Merging in Brahma ,A jap chanting  called soaham to Inihilate the air through  nostril and assembling yoga and getting fast result through Swara sastra : The most desirable period for yoga is Moon nadi and when Sky element known when there is a air flowing in both nostril : this is a period when meditation is required to understand the Brahma : Jain philosophy takes help of yoga meditation and also five element transiting in body but jain philosophy keeps very vigilant about cleaning nadies and practically leave affection towards all material things and keeps away from soul 

To merge in Brahma and Moksha are the same thing but the way of understanding is different

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