Sunday, 30 July 2017

Theory of deeds & distiny

Deeds and distiny are sometime gives the result as we bow as we reap but some time we couldn't get : what is miracle ? Some texts and mythology say our past deeds don't support whatever be ? A lay men still bases allegation upon distiny : The fact which is not known by ours with regard to result of our deeds we rely upon distiny : This subject more or less depends upon universal power : In astrology Taurus is only ascendant where Saturn rules deeds (karma ) and  luck (distiny) it does not mean that your luck and deeds are supportive and merged in one : they are two distinct entity and can't be unified : The question still remains unanswered that when Saturn is ruler of luck and deeds in Taurus ascendant then the result should be in your favour when deeds and distiny ruler is one and the same : still nature of Saturn is what you have acted in past you would entitle :The second theory which is : In Taurus ascendant tenth house lord is also twelth lord from tenth house thus the result is your karma is supportive or non supportive solely depends upon luck if luck favours deeds would be favourable : Saturn stars ruling ninth and tenth house in Taurus ascendant is not says that deeds and distiny are one but keeping in view the tenth house lord is also ruler of ninth house which is twelth to tenth suggest that you make strong your distiny and the result sill rests upon luck and better result can be obtained of deeds while making strong to ninth house through prayer donations in temple or by helping to needy persons : role of aspects of benific stars towards ninth house is also helping to make strong to distiny

Monday, 24 July 2017

Beauty of Morning

Good Morning : These words are suggesting that your beginning of day have a good start of your day Morning is good all day would remain good : Why we begin our start of our day with good : A good start would remain good : There is a period which is called transitional period of rising sun : Usha kal when darkness goes and brightness comes : Air becomes full of Oxigion (O2) and we think about our beautiful day: In yoga you can predict your good or bad day when you awaken after your sleep : when you get awaken your air flowing in which nostril : you judge it : if there is Sunday Tuesday Saturday air flowing in right side of nostril desirable for the good morning and if there is other day leaving these days air flowing in left nostril is desirable: In case your air flowing in nostril is adverse then try to change the flow of air in nostril and after changing you leave your bed and down your leg of that side upon earth which side your air flow in nostril is indicating

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Surprising Indian Texts

Subjects which attracts to the people in reading generally which is of like collecting power and to become superior to other humans is most attracting science : Indian old texts  which are about this subject comes from dialogue between Lord shiva and Godessa Parwati : Yoga ,Tantra Hath yoga are originated from dialogue and written or reproduced by authors The subject which is mysterious : How systematically reproduced its a surprise and we are unable to understand the secret how texts were written : it has been also said that the misuse of Tantra caused and Lord shiva deactivated the Tantra Mantra : The science which is still survive ,that is Hath yoga and Hath yogi controls Nadis through Pranayama yoga and understanding the rotation of five elements in body and judging  through air flowing in nostril :Shiv savarodaya is a basic text upon subject : Charandass also wrote upon subject guru gorakhnath also shown the similar path : The subject of Swara is not only the subject of super power but it also shows to hath yogi to receive the ultimate Merging in Brahma ,A jap chanting  called soaham to Inihilate the air through  nostril and assembling yoga and getting fast result through Swara sastra : The most desirable period for yoga is Moon nadi and when Sky element known when there is a air flowing in both nostril : this is a period when meditation is required to understand the Brahma : Jain philosophy takes help of yoga meditation and also five element transiting in body but jain philosophy keeps very vigilant about cleaning nadies and practically leave affection towards all material things and keeps away from soul 

To merge in Brahma and Moksha are the same thing but the way of understanding is different

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Susmana nadi

When the air flowing in both nostril ,susmana nadi awakning and element of Akash (sky) is flowing :this particular time is for retention of your body with Universal power: any type of work is prohibited and meditation is recommended : Meditation gives best result and in this particular period success would be received in search of universal power: this is the only nadi that gives all types of siddhi but its period is very short as Akash element flows four minutes: yogis tries to expand this period through asana pranayama and making bandh though yogic activities : To know what is not known is the element of Akash and susmana nadi . When longer period avails a yogi he gets various type of siddhi : like rising from earth and swimming in air and so on. This subject become secret in Indian texts but inspite  of that way of yoga always remained interesting for mind and for getting superpower

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Theory of support

The word support is indicative of some kind of help from your self help or from other source who are helpful due to friendship relatives or blessed through your services rendered to others: Issue in this article related to support or link,support generally shows the power or force behind any
person : we discuss this point in our daily life : we principally very sound but practically we don't act upon our sound principles :thus who restrain us to follow principles :this is our soul power which is not strong to implement the so called principles: thus we are not getting support from our power: we read books and have wide spheres of knowledge in any subject but when we told by others to describe or interpret the version we failed to speech on stage :here we are not getting support of our will power :To have the support of will power what to do? So as to enabling the fruits of our thoughts for interpreting at stage :this is a kind of example :support requires at every stage of life in the daily workings: so as to understand what kind of support or link requires it's our article :An astrologer predict only keeping in view of exalted friendly or self occupied position of stars but fails to see the support :his reading with regard to prediction may become failure due to non support of other stars : similarly aspects of stars also help but the most helpful always remains with self determination: Moon is star of imagination but if murcury don't support you would not speak as a speaker speaking thoroughly non stop: thus the role of support or link have a unique role in our daily life



The subject of intution is related to us when we predict or feel
at Pri stage of any occurance or happening which have to be occurred later on . This subject is totally related to our personal knowledge : various text are silent about evolution
of intution but some texts shows the way of evolution: we make here the appraisal : Hatha yoga will
Show you the way of evolution of your intution through yoga and also
Practising through clearing pure your nadies through yoga for a period of three month: The first way for clearing or washing your nadies that person should be vegetarian
To wash nadies through making fast and adopting particular yogic exercise,a
Person can clean nadies : The originator of intution is to
Clean your nadies living in your body : The first and foremost lesson for evolution
Of intution is to clean your nadies and adopting to understand the flow of air from nostril and also understanding the flow of five elements in particular nostril through flow of air wave in nostril: The most partinent question is whether intution can only be received through when kundlini rises : No doubt it has wide and ample power but We see that intution can be a source in dream when we don't adhere the complicated procure of Hatha yoga : The subject of intution lives in truth and a procedure to see every person with a eye in justified manner :Jain philosophy shows the path of ahinsha and also shows the merits of soul and how soul
can be purified : Purification of soul is necessary to reach at the point of intution : Intution
and prediction are two different things Intution donot have base of any methodical calculation ,in the contrary astrological prediction have methodical base :Intution is a super power evolved in humans

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Search of Right & wrong

Every body is searching right answer as we know there can be wrong answer many but right answer is only one : this right answer is also called truth but the right answer should be universally acknowledged if we think the right answer is what we think : our thinking is connected with selfishness this our answer can't be right :we are measured by truth and truth is right: there is a object and to fulfill object there are two means one is from fair means and other way is from illegal or unfair means The right answer is to fulfill object through fair means . Why fair is universally recognised answer ? Fair means why approved by ours :either we live in a family or society ,group all are governed by answer of majority : If base of majority founded upon unfair means it can't be right answer and we are guided by negativity .thus we are in our daily life wants right answer and we take help of our family members ,society and even state :if we denied right answer from our family we seek help of society and if we deprived of we take help of state who believes in truth : state makes its constitution and constitution gives authority to balance of power to provide right answer through from a separate wing :we can't become judge of our own wrong this is determined through without fear or favour