Friday, 2 September 2022

Bhog shows richness

 Bhog starts from birth , people says a person has  born with silver spoon , The criteria of richness depend upon how much people acquired Bhog in life : if you are having food in Plate but you have no desire or doctor denied for taking food or any other restraint which makes you not to take the food , Although there is no scarcity of food but you have no competence to eat the food and taste is only determination of food regarding what kind of food is , thus the reality of food lies in taste and taste is related to your Bhog ;Life is full of Bhog , some people also says that their birth is not to come again upon earth and they avoid Bhog ,in the sense that they eat in more selected way , selected procedure and selected food item , The question is more or less is related to Bhog : People can’t survive without Bhog but it has limitation , waste of food is not good , it should be used properly and excess of food have to be distributed in other peoples actually Bhog is totally related to your destiny : if the luck don’t support with Bhog , you would not have Bhog of various kind : Positive guidance of soul gives success and luck is related to positive guidance : In astrology Venus has all the capabilities of Bhog and if the karaka of luck occupies in next house to Venus it gives support to Venus : Venus occupies in Center and makes combination to any Center lord it makes powerful to Venus : Venus is lord which has the power to creat the source of pleasure with the other lords conjunction : Venus gives its full effect in his major period :