Sunday, 28 November 2021

Talking with soul

 Soul knows what is wrong and right :what is just or unjust : word :The word introspection defines how a people thinks about him introverted:To think introverted means thereby that people repeatedly thinks about their deeds (karma) and analysis the wrong or right ,just or unjust : :The crux of the problem is deeds (karma) , When people lives in society he can not be absolved from any liability :Saints are absolved from liability they don’t take interest in social life : To talk with soul is not easy task :  How to clean soul it would be cleaned when we used to act  ourselves in a positive manner :The best way to make powerful our soul :firstly we should understand the activity of animals birds those don’t speak but they understand our voice and activities and to understand their soul by virtue of rendering service ,love affection to them : To humans who are helpless and seeks help , we must do help to needy persons in the Parameter of justification: Happiness always reverts and it stores in our account  of karma : These activities  finally prepare us to see in soul and to see soul out of body is a different process : we are only concerned here to know soul and knowing soul would facilitate further happiness in life which we used to search in life 

Sunday, 14 November 2021

Longevity & Yoga

To do work in accordance to flow of Nadi in nostril : The first and prime success vests to identify the flow of Nadi and thereafter to make your mind to act according to mechanism of Nadi : The first tactics is to know the flow of Nadi in disciplined manner and thereafter to be acted by mind in accordance to disciplined flow of Nadi and third is to prepare Nadi to work in disciplined manner This is a formula of Longevity : Flow of Surya Nadi in nostril is identified through flow of air through right Nostril and Chandra Nadi identified through flow of air through left nostril and flow of air in both nostril called flow of Susmana Nadi : Years of years ends in understanding the mechanism of Nadi and thereafter the five elements running in flow of air : It is very simple to say about the mechanism of identification but it takes time to grasp the mechanism by your mind 

Monday, 1 November 2021

Blessings and Gift

 Blessings and Gift are so lovely that touches our heart but there is a difference of feelings :Effect of Blessings is universal permanent and no comparison of it ,on the other side gift has effect of temporary nature although it touches the heart for timely period : Both are lovely precious when we think it’s a lovely :The question always goes with our feelings and feelings only amounts to happiness when it has been created through act of some obligation : Blessings first come out of  the blessings of our divine power which we do in the service of mankind ,those are weak , there sound of heart beating is so effective that breaks the stone ,Animal birds spread their blessings in atmosphere when you call them at a particular place their blessings become powerful and you can reach to their heart : Trees don’t speak but they used to give blessings in the shape of fruits ,flower and in revoking your bad elements if used in medicinal purpose : The way of blessings is different but every particle of earth gives blessings but we have to understand the source of blessings and way to obtain blessings