Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Search of Heaven

 Every thing is on earth : we can see heaven upon earth : Did you got any opportunity to see the heaven around you :Heaven is real picture of any place that bring you peace in your mind and place your mind in the state of pleasure :Heaven is a place where we don’t want to exit the place :your home where you live is like heaven : why rich people makes a home such type of heaven with all amusements : Place of worship is also heaven where mind get relaxed from negativity :Natural scenery makes the feelings of Heaven :where our mind becomes full of pleasure while seeing river sea fountains trees birds 🦅 in pleasing atmosphere with no crowd : We search heaven upon hill stations ,nearby resorts :whatever be this is an imagination to receive pleasure in mind : The pleasure of heaven we search from birth till to our life span : This pleasure every body wants to live peacefully with family :The source of heaven are nature where we can search heaven : Visit in a year where you find heaven : Peaceful mind gives a healthy body : if you have a peace in your mind you are very near to heaven 

Sunday, 9 May 2021

Every thing within you

Nature has given power of control to body & mind through natural way : some people understand it and some avoid it : In childhood the duty of control being given by nature to guardians who knows the birth of child and they are the care taker of body and mind of child : When child comes at a stage of understanding : Nature gave the button of controlling in his hand by end of child hood : What has created change from childhood ,we people are using technology and child also have a influence of technology: we are working in radiation : The question triggered us and we are now at stage where we can’t go back : whatever be :we come to the question that natural power has given the power to control our body and mind : Yoga is a way where we can understand about our button but there is no compulsory subject in our education if it is included but not practically applied in our life : The question is this that what is controlling button where we can come to know what are enemies in the form of bacteria and how to protect from those injurious bacteria: Pranayama thoroughly makes your body perfect :Poorak Kumbhak Raichak : Jain muni adopts the procedure we should learn lesson from them : this yogic Kirya takes time and it comes from child hood : Children can learn and prepare to understand when they changes life from child hood to youth :Your body can be protected through yogic method while understand the inner philosophy through yogic kirya : This can be understood at a later stage in guidance of  an expert yoga teacher: Number of yogic kirya shows that a follower can remain in cold without wearing cloth (Bhastrika pranayama): this should be all in guidance of yoga teacher :