These questions needs reply which was asked by a unknown writer : These questions are not replied up till after a long decade what was the reason , what is the reason and what would be reason in future we don’t understand and if we try to understand we don’t want to reply : these questions are neither uncivilised nor making any falsehood in society but these questions are so emotional that we don’t know the effect of it : These questions are real and reality some time tend to effect society because our society laws are super but can’t have power of dominating upon state law and some time state legislation has either fear of elected body or masses or don’t want to change the voice of society : this is an equilibrium between theory and practical : An unknown writer said that hundreds and thousands year would go run but some laws would not be in practical aspect neither would be made nor to be interpreted: The question was very simple but no body said about : Why name of both father and mother are not used to written after a name of a person or why name of father is used to written only after the name of person or why name of mother are not used to written : we don't make the authority of father and mother higher or lower but both are our maker and both are to be most respected dignified authority for us :
Friday, 26 March 2021
Sunday, 7 March 2021
Application & Acceptance
The human world is guided by these two factors : Application like examination and positive result synonyms to acceptance : so far luck or bad luck is concerned it’s a our imagination that turns in positive or negative manifestation:In every walk of life role of application & acceptance works totally : The role of mind for submission and acceptance limited to our own area and outer area where things are controlled by other mind ,have no tie except dominating factor of our mind that crosses the barriers of one mind to other mind : Rules are fundamental : Natural rules are those where you apply nature would accept or neglect it : Our body is a combination of 5 element and these elements are equal in body and excess of element tends to invite disease: these elements by which body being made up ; these are air ,fire water earth & sky : Doing activity against the element would make your function of body decrease: thus the requirement is that your body is not accepting application which is moved not in accordance to rules :