A Happy New Year , this massage shows that the value of happiness is so prominent that the treasure lies in happiness , we invest money for getting happiness , We search happiness in money but this is not the station of treasure :The very essence of happiness lies in our mind which keeps the bodily taste in accordance to positive way of thinking : The question lies that our saints don't search happiness in money , they say that the real truth lies for getting happiness are how we avoid the money ,wealth or the tools of pleasure where our means of pleasure are related to physical wealth : Scientist researched that happiness is our sole purpose of life and happiness can be received without money : Nature has given happiness free of cost and happiness lies in our thoughts and inside our mind and not outside but we fail to search the flow of happiness and we search it outside of our mind in those things which we have created :
Friday, 31 December 2021
Sunday, 28 November 2021
Talking with soul
Soul knows what is wrong and right :what is just or unjust : word :The word introspection defines how a people thinks about him introverted:To think introverted means thereby that people repeatedly thinks about their deeds (karma) and analysis the wrong or right ,just or unjust : :The crux of the problem is deeds (karma) , When people lives in society he can not be absolved from any liability :Saints are absolved from liability they don’t take interest in social life : To talk with soul is not easy task : How to clean soul it would be cleaned when we used to act ourselves in a positive manner :The best way to make powerful our soul :firstly we should understand the activity of animals birds those don’t speak but they understand our voice and activities and to understand their soul by virtue of rendering service ,love affection to them : To humans who are helpless and seeks help , we must do help to needy persons in the Parameter of justification: Happiness always reverts and it stores in our account of karma : These activities finally prepare us to see in soul and to see soul out of body is a different process : we are only concerned here to know soul and knowing soul would facilitate further happiness in life which we used to search in life
Sunday, 14 November 2021
Longevity & Yoga
To do work in accordance to flow of Nadi in nostril : The first and prime success vests to identify the flow of Nadi and thereafter to make your mind to act according to mechanism of Nadi : The first tactics is to know the flow of Nadi in disciplined manner and thereafter to be acted by mind in accordance to disciplined flow of Nadi and third is to prepare Nadi to work in disciplined manner This is a formula of Longevity : Flow of Surya Nadi in nostril is identified through flow of air through right Nostril and Chandra Nadi identified through flow of air through left nostril and flow of air in both nostril called flow of Susmana Nadi : Years of years ends in understanding the mechanism of Nadi and thereafter the five elements running in flow of air : It is very simple to say about the mechanism of identification but it takes time to grasp the mechanism by your mind
Monday, 1 November 2021
Blessings and Gift
Blessings and Gift are so lovely that touches our heart but there is a difference of feelings :Effect of Blessings is universal permanent and no comparison of it ,on the other side gift has effect of temporary nature although it touches the heart for timely period : Both are lovely precious when we think it’s a lovely :The question always goes with our feelings and feelings only amounts to happiness when it has been created through act of some obligation : Blessings first come out of the blessings of our divine power which we do in the service of mankind ,those are weak , there sound of heart beating is so effective that breaks the stone ,Animal birds spread their blessings in atmosphere when you call them at a particular place their blessings become powerful and you can reach to their heart : Trees don’t speak but they used to give blessings in the shape of fruits ,flower and in revoking your bad elements if used in medicinal purpose : The way of blessings is different but every particle of earth gives blessings but we have to understand the source of blessings and way to obtain blessings
Thursday, 29 July 2021
Philosophy of wearing Gemstone
Gemstones are suggested by experts for remedial measures for the purpose of enhancing power or making favourable of the star posited in horoscope : The question related to star & its position in horoscope are seen : what makes controversial to us where in the position of star by way of its occupation ,ruler of bad houses and lastly the effect of star in its occupation in low degree : Natural law and Lal Kitab speaks in general which says that if your words of speech are not clear it shows that your lord of 2nd house is afflicted and to make voice clear the remedy of mercury meaning thereby it is suggested to wear emerald : The universal star of brain is mercury but knowledge is supreme : The lord of knowledge is Jupiter and to make favourable Yellow sapphire (Pukhraj)is suggested : Various experts don’t recognise the rulership of Jupiter of bad houses in horoscope : Every house in horoscope contains good and bad effects as the principle is excess of every thing is bad : Here is a general principal that to promote knowledge Yellow sapphire is to be wearied whatever be the ruler ship or position of Jupiter in horoscope and ,emerald is to be worn with Yellow Sapphire as it controls the mind and people wearing the Gemstone works with sharp knowledge : Sharpness also comes when a people wears emerald ,yellow sapphire with cates eye stone in different finger :The cates eye stone is a stone which should be worn after its study in horoscope and general principal does not apply
Monday, 19 July 2021
Theory of attraction
Never show what you are ? Go your opposite side ,your opposite people and talk about him in a praiseworthy manner every people wants his praise : To praise somebody is a Magic which goes to heart in person recipient :some people don’t want to hear praise about them :then divert his mind to Morality and God fearing talks : These talks are non effective to peoples living in negativity working in negativity and their brain has been totally controlled by negativity : make distance about those people ,you are not supposed to do what is wrong and your bounded duty is not to cure them : you can’t change the fate of others : you are not saint by which palm would change the lines of others :You are simply a men living in society : if you talk a people and narrate his demerits then he would provoked and it might result in quarrel: voice and words are when talked should be sweet :words are also taste and before speaking there taste should be inhaled whether words are not going to sour, poisonous or not tasty :this mode would make you a person of different personality: A men is known by his workings :High peoples talk in few words and they don’t talk unnecessarily and think about themselves not about others : This is knowledge and it comes from your reading and grasping good thoughts : Make rule of knowledge upon your mind : Talks are generally made comfortable when you talk to people according to his status of mind :When your status of mind becomes so high no body would dare to come in your circle except who know your brain status : In astrology you are having house of tenth in good position or its lord occupied in trikona and Gaj Keshri yoga would place your brain status in high category :
Fear : Cloud of negative energy
Fear lower downs the efficiency of people : Fear destroy the man power it’s working and keeps in the position of like somebody have created Black Magic upon him ; Fear is an activity that is unbalanced by effected mind ; that mind lives in fearful state and mind produces fear nothing else :Fear how relegated from its effect upon mind , In Astrology we see that fear is known by Ketu : It gives effect in his major period of Vimsotri : The position of Ketu associated with ascendent lord and also with Mars enhances its power of fear :.People having this conjunction should avoid bad society and bad habits : Ketu a planet that gives result as associated : if a people becomes very religious Ketu makes him a wonderful man of extra ordinary powers ,meaning thereby when fear is attacked upon mind : Hanuman Would be helpful to avoid black magic : Ketu has no effect to people who believe in Lord Ganesha Saraswati and Hanuman ; Ketu synonyms to negative energy that attacks upon mind ; Our mind is very sophisticated tool by which you can be as you feel : Feelings are changed by Ketu ; Feelings changes when a person comes in the negative sphere : eyes becomes fearful due to mental state of person : Peacocks feathers air changes the circle of fear : Lord Krishna Lord Ganesha wears in head feather of peacock :This is a really powerful generator of power which relegates the fear of black magic : it’s air is so powerful for creating positive energy : Burn cloves in fire after rounding upon head by anti clock wise it would relieve in feeling of fear :
Sunday, 18 July 2021
Illusion A critical stage of Mind
Illusion comes in our life when we failed to take any step : In astrology it comes when sphere of negative stars and positive stars makes impact upon mind and people failed to take any positive step :The decision making power snatched by negative stars : If a person is having good exalted stars or its their own sign or occupied friendly but sphere of negative stars are so powerful that makes a people helpless in making decisions : This makes damaging to your whole horoscope and some time decisions are taken halfheartedly or in hurry that creates many difficulties : The point for determination is that our illusion is so powerful that makes cloud upon our right decision : it all makes that our mind should be free from illusion :The combination of 4 or 5 stars in Horoscope makes a people full of illusion and decision power some time goes in illusion and that creates problem : If these stars are aspected by exalted or friendly star to the house where 4 or 5 stars are occupied :it controls the illusion : Jupiter is most powerful star for positive and right decision but that should be posited exalted or its own sign or friendly sign The aspect of debilitating star enhances the illusion in person : Moon is also star when posited in Scorpio it creates down side vibration and their decision unless helped by other people creates difficulty in life
Saturday, 17 July 2021
Right Direction
Right direction who directs in our life when we fail to think about any issue : we search in our meditating mind and repeat the issue number of times : We are guided by stars in general our mind relates to moon and braveness related to Mars Knowledge is related to Jupiter and mercury related to our education & voice Venus is our taste Saturn relates to our bone sun is our soul : whatever be your ascendent we have to see what we feel deficiency and to cure through remedial stones by way of wearing particular stones : If your father is not favouring it shows your sun is not good and for remedial measures Sun Pooja would be a right action : There are number of things which changes your bad luck : You can change your bad luck from doing good deeds in your life : What is the reason you are facing bad luck think over it and you would find that the mistakes formulated our bad luck :If your family is well settled that shows you are blessed by God and to have power more in your pleasing life : enhance the power of God which is your ninth house in Horoscope: A circle runs upon your head which is not visible but it runs and people works as you desire : To make it favourable make prayer with almighty God : The circle would be strengthen and work without any hassles: There are number of principles in life and knowledge gives us a right direction : Thus to have right direction you needed the help of Jupiter : Jupiter is our likings with God :
Friday, 16 July 2021
Happy Life & successful Life
The issue of Happy Life & Successful Life brings our attention to define the whole life :The first Happy Life is a matter of our own and we are Assessor ourself and in contrary issue of successful life related to others who assess us whether our life was successful or not : The difference is like in one case we are master and in other case Valuer are others : In Astro science particularly in horoscope the ascendent occupied by malefic star gives bad image and public assess like Valuer that the life was not successful and good planet gives good appearance and good impact upon public whereas happy life reckoned from house of 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,11: The occupation of good star in Center no doubt gives a better life and happy life but successful life would be ,where public image has to be counted ; The person what did for others and what extent he got success in helping others :The criterion of meaning happy and successful life are quite different one is related to himself and other related to others. :Rahu or Ketu occupied in ascendent neither make successful life nor happy life : Successful and also happy life becomes when benefice star are exalted or in own sign and occupied in Center :
Thursday, 15 July 2021
Peace is Your achievement
I read Ganesh Atharva Shrisha : The beginning of stotra is inviting peace with Om : Om Shanti words are source of peace : Peace is so pious that it takes place before chanting any mantra : your achievement of any kind would be fruitless in absence of peace : It’s like a seed developing in proper climate : it’s a magic of universe your brain requires peace to understand and also to write and solving the way of any kind of puzzle: The waves of peace grasped by our mind when we hear the sound of temple bells , sound of river and lastly in remote area where no sound enters when we go in meditation Peace is existing where no disturbances occur :Some peoples are so active they work in disturbances but they don’t get satisfaction from their work ,meaning thereby that peace gives satisfaction and satisfaction gives peace : It is vice versa : if you are searching satisfaction in your work it requires peace ,so as to achieve desired goal
Source of peace
How peace is originated and stored with a view to receive the fruits of peace in our daily work : Peace is a subject where every people like it for enjoying life : Peace is a only way where our mind feels a better life and forgets past and work in present : How peace comes to our mind what are the sources : Firstly we take up the sources of peace : Peace is originated from our mind :To think deep to centralise work which we do but the work should be done in a manner that we reach at the conclusion that we did utmost care and we did best which ever be the work : work is worship :This proverb is said that our work is resultant of our desire and it is a source of peace : In horoscope tenth house deals with our karma our profession and our peace also : when the house of 10th becomes bad by virtue of occupation of bad lord in tenth house or company of number of enemy star or debilitated star further moons placement in 6,8,12 house or combination with malefic star gives rise to unrest :The beauty of horoscope is how your stars are occupied in peaceful manner if they are occupied in the state of unrest by their occupation ,inimical sign or in bad association or bad aspected by other stars : it would result in breach of peace : To make peace which is our aim of life ,if you are wealthy but peace is rare then your wealth is of no use : Thus peace makes a people practically wealthy :it has been said that the first pleasure is that you must physically healthy :If health is triggered your mental peace also would go unrest due to health ailment : In horoscope Center requires occupation of subh Grah which creates peace through health wealth wife and Influence in State (govt) work that related to 1,4,7,10 houses: We are searching peace ,peace we can search in a yoga which is against Bhogi they totally do with their nadi and win upon nadi precailing in human body : This is also peace but it is a indifferent way to us : their taste of peace and feelings evolved from control of mind through concentrating mind ;
Wednesday, 14 July 2021
I am not old
I never thought & felt that I am an old and I never made an impression that I am of old age : I used to mix in children’s company and also in young people : I don’t have company of peoples who appear old and feel old and work like old : I have a sprit of young men and I used to fit like a young people : I used to keep myself healthy , good looking and busy in work with a sprit of young people :I have been blessed by God that some people surprise that my age is written wrong in Aadhar then I used to show them old document of my early education that can’t be wrong :The most pertinent thing is that my way of thinking being stopped towards the acceleration of age ,some time I behave that my sons are still child.although they have crossed the age of 40 & 42 actually I don’t show my age in my working and I work as I did in earlier days : I don't know when I crossed childhood to young ness actually My age has become stopped in young ness : It does not mean that I am not matured ,actually to keep youngness required happiness and self working that made me a principal which is not to depend on others :
Saturday, 10 July 2021
To change negative forces
The most dangerous enemy is hidden with us which is our wisdom :When negative forces become heavy upon our wisdom it creates negative world : our self control only protects us and snatches the thread of wisdom going in negative circle : Give few minutes to meditation and think over the things ,what is going against you ,the real cause of irritation ,pray to Almighty God whom you used to prey : There would be clear of cloud :The only way to control of negative forces is meditation . Yoga : This is a God gifted property by which you can change negative forces into positive forces : Jupiter is a lord of yoga meditation who would show you what is justified or not : Mercury simple prepares for logic and logic may be of baseless but when mercury makes association with Jupiter it gives logically justified thoughts :It has been studied that shadow planet in association with ascendent lord gives bad forces and it goes to enhancement when they occupy upon inimical sign or bad exchange or bad aspect of other stars :Star in debilitating also gives worse result : The most pertinent question is whether negative forces can be ended by our act : The diversion of mind to yoga meditation gives right results for changing negative forces of stars :
Thursday, 8 July 2021
To define kind of pleasure in Horoscope
The word pleasure attracts people and peoples are running towards pleasure for receiving it : it’s a like fruit where we take pleasure :The main factor of fruit is a liquid that enhances our happiness : What type of liquid evolves from different activity which gives mental satisfaction after closing the activity : Planets which are responsible for generating happiness we try to differentiate here : Venus is a lord responsible for 7 th house activity and peoples whom Venus places with 7th lord or occupied with ascendent lord ,exchange with fourth lord or occupied in 4 th house aspect of Venus or Venus placement with malefic star or with shadow planet enhances this activity : Other source of pleasure is our interest in Yoga which gives pleasure of feeling in Braham ; The Sound of Brahms or Soaham to hear or see the source of pleasure it’s a more powerful pleasure where a meditator feels much happiness rather filling in the field of 7th house activity : The star which is related to this activity is Jupiter and Saturn : The shadow planet are very helpful for seeking Moksha : The essentials to become yogi ,the position of Jupiter and Saturn from Center position of moon , exalted moon gives and placement of Jupiter and Saturn gives this kind of pleasure :Venus placed in debilitating position gives a thought against sexual desire :To stop the thoughts of sexual desire :,yoga makes a people different to Venus supported people : The point for determination is which pleasure makes for powerful pleasure where we can differentiate the pleasure : Yogi says that they take pleasure of Amrit that source is kundalini or Susmana nadi where sun and moon nadi usedto meet : The point of pleasure experienced by Bhogi and yogi are quite different : Bhogi age comparatively low then yogi :yogi enhances age span through yoga activity and Bhogi used to lower down age by involving in activity related to 7 th house
Monday, 5 July 2021
House of 6 th in horoscope A reality
The house of 6th in horoscope is an amazing house :.No doubt Malefic planet gives good result in sixth house : Mercury quality is extra ordinary : Mercury becomes beneficial as per good conjunction in house :.Exalted sun along with mercury gives good result because malefic sun also made mercury a Malefic thus result of mercury would be similar to sun :Debilitating sun makes more powerful to mercury : The role of secret forces suggest the person to work accordingly : writers gets more pleasure in writing and source of writing comes from this conjunction:Peoples having debilitating sun with mercury are people of such type of nature where they want to attract to others and practically they gets success from god blessings ; They search in depth and used to get success by virtue of their deep thought : Mercury placement in 6 th while assuming Scorpio ascendent of Mukesh Ambani :What secret forces made them Kuber pati ;Some persons have secret forces that helps at every corner and blessings of Lakshmi through some mantra siddhi .we find from their sixth house :what we call siddhi its a debt that have to be paid ,as debt also reckoned from sixth house : There is nothing which makes a kuberpati except siddhi : This remains secret in all Kuber pati having secret forces : sixth house is second to Fifth house it gives wealth from mantra : Mercury makes wealthy in sitting sixth house
Sunday, 4 July 2021
Powers of Moon and Mercury in astrology
The root cause of our quarrel lies in our thoughts and in our voice : The stars related to thoughts and voice are moon and mercury : These stars are good but listeners are not good then it would result in quarrel : Listeners here are the association of bad stars with moon and mercury: Sometimes a person having vast knowledge comes in the grip of bad listeners who generates the quarrel :The point for determination is we are good but recipient are not good then it makes disturbances: To control mind and voice many saints don’t speak :they know the root cause of disturbances are mind and voice : The best remedy whom moon and mercury occupied in bad conjunction ,prepare himself to make good through this natural therapy by controlling mind and voice then duo motto your moon and mercury would have good effect
Saturday, 3 July 2021
Houses are not bad stars became bad
All houses are good but stars became bad due to their occupation :Here stars quality are same but they wrongly occupied that made the result of house bad for example our body like a horoscope and every organ works as per their systematic arrangement ,we are not required to change their position but imagine Doctor changes position of organ ,neither organ would survive nor body : this is a natural law : To understand body is very similar to understand horoscope and proper placement of star is like successful of operation : keeping this in our mind place the things where they should be : suppose a beneficial star requires to be occupied in good house but goes in bad house : The remedy is that natural to change your habits ,your behaviour with regard to uplifting that star : Surgical remedy here meant by disciplined work of a people : Unsystematic way of life gives number of disease and also makes a people in number of difficulties in real life : We see in real life some peoples are egoistic who invite troubles , similarly peoples are greedy they also invite troubles thus the habits causing trouble in life this is a effect of stars : Yoga and meditation are the best activity for changing bad stars in horoscope
Evil houses remedy
Some time difficult position arrives when the lords of houses except sun & moon have one house related to beneficial and other house of them relates to an anti for beneficial and its remedial measures brings us in dilemma when beneficial lord goes in 6,8,12 houses or beneficial lord get in exchange with 6,8,12 lord and how to cure when we would be able to receive only good houses result : When there is a issue creating problem this can be set aside through prayer to God and to keep your star in place of where it should be :there are places with us in house : one place of prayer ,other for keeping money gold etc of movable value for example Where second lord goes in sixth house or 8 th or 12 th house to make him good keep the related house lord things in your place of money collection :The Lal Kitab shows the remedial measures :we here come to our sharp point how to get good result of good house and avoid bad result of another house : The basic theory to avoid bad result of other house ,to give up by way of remedy of that house and this can only be done through making donation of goods related to that house : Malefic star when posited in malefic house its result are good thus the criteria to see the sitting position of star is one of the basic idea : Beneficial star when sits in malefic house it gives bad result of that house whom he relates and way is to make donation related goods : There is a saying that when benefices star falls in Trika houses it can only be uplifted by elephant star : To uplift the Beneficial star from pit requires help of another elephant star : it can be studied through an expert astrologer who would bring the favourable position of star by measures of uplifting the beneficial star sitting in trick house
Thursday, 1 July 2021
Power of controlling the house
Power of controlling a particular house is decided through power of planet , if a planet is weak then decision of controlling the particular house would be decided who controls the house : Signifactors of house are many but so far as decision of control is concerned it lies upon the planet who have friendly sign ,own house or exalted :good aspect or bad aspect of other planet has a role for enhancement or neutralising the effect of house which we want to say about the particular house but these aspect of bad stars might give some disturbance but if controller has power to control it would be finally controlled by his wishes : I read that Hath yogi has no effect of stars : The meaning is that they have power of soul ,Thus we conclude that power of soul is very important who controls your horoscope and it would be fruitful to try to enhance the power of soul : Your aatamakarka star in horoscope , if not fortified ,make him powerful through meditation: it would certainly help to minimise your disturbances of 6,8, 12 houses who used to disturbance in your happiness
Mysterious world of Planets
To know the mystery of planet it is essential to know the power of ascendent and fifth house who only can judge what is mystery and to get signals of mysterious incident it is linked with 6,8. & 12house and their lord : There are two eyes ,wicked ,bad greedy these eyes in humans appears when the person fails in life and every time thinks to get benefit from others : these eyes are bundle of negativity : To protect never get in touch of this circle : There are numbers of gems but what should be worn or not it’s our likings or some astrologer may guide and we can obey their advise : but all of others , There is a aatmakaraka planet who have high degree comparatively to all planets posited in horoscope : This is a planet who gives good direction it doesn’t matter aatmakarka planet belong to which house . : It helps and protect from negativity and sudden losses and sudden bad incidents : This is a protection like shield of body : so far as signals are concerned, This signals can be noted but despite you can’t overcome : This is a thing when you know it would happen but you can’t protect then it has no use : when mercury is linked with Jupiter it would help you certainly to get the signals and would protect you : How you do, to link these planet it depends upon how you establish in mind the knowledge of Jupiter and instant understanding with mercury or instant reply or quick witty of mercury through yellow sapphire and emerald : To wear these gems it’s a costly affair it may that you can have botanical remedy like turmeric for Jupiter and Vidhara root for mercury: Nothing would help you unless you help the people who are needy
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Rahu :works As Per House &Sign
Rahu makes A people Greedy and egoistic in cancer & Leo sign placed in ascendent: The best placement is 3rd,6th & 10th house when singly placed upon friendly sign it gives good results and also gives good result upon exalted Gemini & Taurus sign ; When occupied upon debilitating sign Scorpio & Sagittarius it gives bad result and if associated with bad stars it enhances the gravity of company with bad stars ; If posited in 5 th house with association of Venus in Taurus sign : its style of working through cunning ness gives lot of money : Taurus and Gemini are exalted sign for Rahu : this is a planet whose mind works due to having head :
Saturday, 26 June 2021
Ketu A Researcher
A planet conjoined with other beneficial star gives the enhancement of that stars and this is unique star called Ketu ; Ketu gives good result in their period after struggle if he is associated with beneficial stars and give result with the help of conjoined stars : Research with a view to study in depth , Ketu alone can’t work due to head less : it’s a shadowy planet and it’s like a transmitter who catches the vibration or rays : it helps in advance to show you real truth :some time show you coming unwanted situation and gives you signal to leave your place : Never take it easy :This is a super star when conjoined with your ascendent lord it gives you better result in period of ascendent lord :your ascendent lord should be well occupied to get the good result ; If you like that some body instruct you in right manner your soul should be connected and in this way you have exchange of sun with your ascendent lord and Ketu is associated with your ascendent lord : Ketu would instruct you and you would be protected some time from sudden dangers emerging in your daily life
Tuesday, 11 May 2021
Search of Heaven
Every thing is on earth : we can see heaven upon earth : Did you got any opportunity to see the heaven around you :Heaven is real picture of any place that bring you peace in your mind and place your mind in the state of pleasure :Heaven is a place where we don’t want to exit the place :your home where you live is like heaven : why rich people makes a home such type of heaven with all amusements : Place of worship is also heaven where mind get relaxed from negativity :Natural scenery makes the feelings of Heaven :where our mind becomes full of pleasure while seeing river sea fountains trees birds 🦅 in pleasing atmosphere with no crowd : We search heaven upon hill stations ,nearby resorts :whatever be this is an imagination to receive pleasure in mind : The pleasure of heaven we search from birth till to our life span : This pleasure every body wants to live peacefully with family :The source of heaven are nature where we can search heaven : Visit in a year where you find heaven : Peaceful mind gives a healthy body : if you have a peace in your mind you are very near to heaven
Sunday, 9 May 2021
Every thing within you
Nature has given power of control to body & mind through natural way : some people understand it and some avoid it : In childhood the duty of control being given by nature to guardians who knows the birth of child and they are the care taker of body and mind of child : When child comes at a stage of understanding : Nature gave the button of controlling in his hand by end of child hood : What has created change from childhood ,we people are using technology and child also have a influence of technology: we are working in radiation : The question triggered us and we are now at stage where we can’t go back : whatever be :we come to the question that natural power has given the power to control our body and mind : Yoga is a way where we can understand about our button but there is no compulsory subject in our education if it is included but not practically applied in our life : The question is this that what is controlling button where we can come to know what are enemies in the form of bacteria and how to protect from those injurious bacteria: Pranayama thoroughly makes your body perfect :Poorak Kumbhak Raichak : Jain muni adopts the procedure we should learn lesson from them : this yogic Kirya takes time and it comes from child hood : Children can learn and prepare to understand when they changes life from child hood to youth :Your body can be protected through yogic method while understand the inner philosophy through yogic kirya : This can be understood at a later stage in guidance of an expert yoga teacher: Number of yogic kirya shows that a follower can remain in cold without wearing cloth (Bhastrika pranayama): this should be all in guidance of yoga teacher :
Monday, 12 April 2021
Dominating natural law
Natural law ,the source of natural law comes from nature : who created natural law it’s a subject of science we give logic how nature disturbs lives of earth when it’s balance becomes disturbed by its own atmosphere or its magnetic disturbances occurs through different activities in universe : our laws are helpless to control the natural laws of earth ; United Nations framing guidelines for state to minimise pollution or other activity that are causing disturbances or imbalance upon earth despite the natural law we fail to understand or we understand we can’t control: Thus the natural law connected with earth & universe are uncontrolled by people of earth : The natural law prevailed in humans lives subject to their society in early Pre civilised era : Who were strong in society : The law and rules was with them : Law upon earth between a society which was never changed : That exists till today for better living : The law of sacrament: The difference of good or bad sacrament what we feel are connected with what type of nature of society is existing : Rule of good sacrament Never failed in society and it creates an attraction of love emotions brotherhood friendship and creates number of relations among society : In the contrary bad sacrament destroys our society
Friday, 26 March 2021
Question of unknown writer
These questions needs reply which was asked by a unknown writer : These questions are not replied up till after a long decade what was the reason , what is the reason and what would be reason in future we don’t understand and if we try to understand we don’t want to reply : these questions are neither uncivilised nor making any falsehood in society but these questions are so emotional that we don’t know the effect of it : These questions are real and reality some time tend to effect society because our society laws are super but can’t have power of dominating upon state law and some time state legislation has either fear of elected body or masses or don’t want to change the voice of society : this is an equilibrium between theory and practical : An unknown writer said that hundreds and thousands year would go run but some laws would not be in practical aspect neither would be made nor to be interpreted: The question was very simple but no body said about : Why name of both father and mother are not used to written after a name of a person or why name of father is used to written only after the name of person or why name of mother are not used to written : we don't make the authority of father and mother higher or lower but both are our maker and both are to be most respected dignified authority for us :
Sunday, 7 March 2021
Application & Acceptance
The human world is guided by these two factors : Application like examination and positive result synonyms to acceptance : so far luck or bad luck is concerned it’s a our imagination that turns in positive or negative manifestation:In every walk of life role of application & acceptance works totally : The role of mind for submission and acceptance limited to our own area and outer area where things are controlled by other mind ,have no tie except dominating factor of our mind that crosses the barriers of one mind to other mind : Rules are fundamental : Natural rules are those where you apply nature would accept or neglect it : Our body is a combination of 5 element and these elements are equal in body and excess of element tends to invite disease: these elements by which body being made up ; these are air ,fire water earth & sky : Doing activity against the element would make your function of body decrease: thus the requirement is that your body is not accepting application which is moved not in accordance to rules :