Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Half knowledge is dangerous

Social sites are informatory but to adopt any guidance solely risk of adopter : Take for instances there are number of Video upon YouTube with regard to medicines of various kind beginning from Deshi nuska to hurbs and other way of remedy through local application :These are not conclusive and it is simply informatory : Thrre are number of factors applicable to a patient : Patients history and what he feels and test of body have important role and application of mind by doctors (trained registered medical practitioner ) their opinion are guidance for a patient :Every Doctor Vaidya or Hakim thinks through their own way and their treatment are also different : Our body doesn’t give guarantee for a treatment which being received through a particular doctor : Actually every doctor Vaidya or Halim gives their best effort to cure the patient and their prescription may be different but it doesn’t give guarantee to cure patient : Patient has right to initiate court proceedings until
and unless negligence in prescription or treatment being proved : There are different kind of human nature and medicines are some time useful or sometime ninapplicable due to gravity of desease :In social sites deshi nushka are prevalent for curing but it’s a like half knowledge because it’s effect depend upon position of patient : some time it may be effective but there is no guarantee : We may use keeping in mind that there is no side effect : The word side effect of medicines is very penetrating  for us we fear from side effects particularly of English medicines :we have a fear that the English treatment has side effects that can endanger our life but still we believe in English medicine treatment that gives instant result : we can’t wait for a longer period of treatment as happens in Himiopathic or auarvedic treatment : whateverbe we are in illusion that no medical science gives guarantee in treatment of patient: we want to live more and more in healthy way of life : Actudlly our body accepts treatment which is right cure and even deshi nuska might be good but it’s not universal and social sites afraid and directs that take medicines through the help of registered practitioner:

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Interpretation & Judgement

These two words carry a long history in the field of moral scientific and legal world : How we interpret things and make judgement by our own way : when we interpret the things and judgement is delivered by other person then the judgement might have effect of right or wrong upon your interpretation it depends upon Independancy if views and independancy of views may be effected if the person giving views is your friend , bias due to enemity , not fit in knowledge: The role of independent views carries very importance and supported by mass : The value of views becomes more waightage when the question of judgement comes : Time immemorial  the concept of views by one person two person and last five person were regarded better decision : In villages Panch Permeshwar (Company of five people) was called and decision delivered by them was regarded to be decision of Parmeshwar (God) : The role of Five People in decision making was a final decision : The concept of
Panch Parmeshwar being adopted in judiciary when association of more judges delivers judgement then has more weightage in interpretation in law and it’s a debate upon  views delivered by single division form of judgeship and it’s a like a deep opening of mind having supported base in law : Law is read as it is : not added or amended :The duty cast upon interpreter is very large and judgement over it shows the breivity in interpretation in law : This is the real wisdom of interpretation which take confidence of whole masses who read it hear it : 

Sunday, 6 October 2019

Necessity is mother of invention

Necessity is vital factor but it does not mean that we should only work out a plan to fulfill our necessity from ordinary thoughts : it requires a way for adopting the process which not coming in ordinary course : To think about residue it’s an great idea : Multi millineors always search the process   How to earn money from waist : Low investment & High earning gives a product which like invention in economic strategy: Why the intelligent scholar leave the  empire of service because they used to go further ahead and their thoughts are somewhat different to ordinary student : Residue calling the waiste material it’s a source of better earning : In the stream a scholar researched how to prepare a new product from waistage matetial : Flowers are waiste material after Pooja and used to become part of waiste material outside the place of temple but a scholar thought it that it can be used for making product : This is the only one example : To say more it would be true when how a method adopted when on line service for every thing became a part of business : solar energy was our necessity of alternate way of electricity: We are so lazy in our life that we need our electronic Servent  who can work beginning from awakening in morning to sleeping in night and researches would also come soon when our tools would do work under our direction and we would be only viewers :

Thursday, 3 October 2019


Mantra ,chanting Holi words originated from seed mantra : Time place number of time of repetition of mantra through  voice is a way for siddhi of mantra in a tradiditional way  with a complicated process of purity which in modern era is not possible but there is a method which shows the path of siddhi of particular mantra : First to understand the word mantra which logically shows that it’s a combination of  Mon +. Tantra our mind is the best tool of mantra siddhi not voice : Mantra should be chanted by mind not by voice : it’s a inner way for siddhi of particular mantra: It has very powerful way when mantra is chanted through mind without sprouting lips 👄 it’s effect transfers in 100 times : This is simple way for siddhi of mantra : Chanting of mantra through mind without sprouting lips day and night sitting or sleeping without counting number of mantra paves the way for siddhi of Mantra : Lord shiva dialogue with Parwati narrates Ajapa jap in yoga shastra which directs the same way : there is no time place for siddhi it should have place in your mind which is a like Brahmand and repetition of mantra through mind becomes after a period very powerful weapon in our arms :

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Attraction & Influence

Universe is totally running upon attraction and this principle also applies in every creature upon earth whether we are humans or other creatures : we humans are dependent upon breathing eating drinking and dependent to meet out our daily needs required for survival : All activities contains attraction and some time influence ; These two words plays a vital role in life of humans :these are the source bestowed from nature : Suppose the activity of mind is without the element of attraction and influence then what would be the result : Mind is like universe or. Brahmand and all activities are governed by mind like stars in universe : The philosophy of two element is so wide that philosophy becomes a true scientific fact at this point : Here we can presume that philosophy has no independent base and science governs the philosophy: However what ever be but it’s true fact that when attraction or influence  are flourished our life runs : 

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Sympathy & Empathy

Sympathy & Empathy have same meaning in dictionary but on experiencing it has different meaning one is related to emotions which are expressed not affected by affected person and other word empathy is related to adapting emotions : The process in which emotions are produced through sympathy by a person and not adapted but in empathy these are adopted whether it’s are negative : one are positive and other are negative : Clever people don’t adopt emotions they only express : sympathy practically feel up heart with positive thoughts :The controversial point between these two words are to  adopt or not  to adopt emotions : Effect of sympathy traversed to receipient and receipienr expresses his emotions but he don’t adopt but in other case receipient adopts the emotions while expressing his emotions : it’s a empathy: A poor men comes and he shows the relations among them  and person receipient  shows his sympathy and he helps by donating to other but the person comes  comes another day and  every day person donates to other and here is a case when person donating received negative energy and poor person being benefitted from reflecting negative energy : family members are so afraid that people shoring his poor ness being benefitted through symathay but  that being traversed in empathy due to use of this tool by that poor people : In India proples
are religious and are cheated in the name of religion by peoples who plays with their emotions and take sympathy as a tool :  False publication and message about some body don’t have money and require money for cure  : it is a impossible phenomenon to verify each and every task of this type of publication :
