Thursday, 26 September 2019

Sharaddh days

Sharaddah days in Hindu mythology have a place to honour  Pitra : Hindu mythology in
belief that our family members after their death becomes pitra when they are unsatisfied and  sharradh period gives us to satisfy them and blessings are obtained to giving them proper invitation through preparing food and calling Brahmin to give Tarpan : Some person believes and some may not in the belief of Pitra : The theory of pleasing Pitra is very amazing : It’s a belief that nonperformance of ritual process gives a problem in family : It’s my experience that if you love to demised family member then always do tarpan in sharradh it would give you prosperity: remember your family member in sharradh paksh on their death of Vikram savat Date (tithi) they will help you definitely : I had an occasion when I forget tithi of death of my mother : my mother came in my dream and I weaped a lot and in morning I asked to my family members that what is the tithi of death then I amazed to note that it was the same day of morning and I realised that sharradh should be performed to receive the blessings of Pitra : it’s an amazing and it’s a truth that Pitra always help the person :

Sunday, 22 September 2019

Hytech technology & old laws

We have changed but our laws are still traditional: Aadhar is a product of human natural thumb impression where no parallel proof in strict sense being evolved : World is changing but laws are still traditional : Hytech technology brought us that we can work without Human Resource’s , Men power : Govt using hytech technology for saving fund while avoiding wages to beaurocacy : Mechines are working in place of men power : whether it’s a Bank sector or other sector but still requires changes in law where we are waisting fund upon unnecessary workings which mechines can detect : In western countries there means being changed: Motor vehicle act provision are still old : The panel provisions are still the same as earlier except the quantum being changed : Method of vehicle checking with regard to Custody of document and their panel
Provisions for not having vehicle document is also a traditional way of checking : A thumb impression and numbers lying upon engines can easily tallied and  requirement of possession of document can also be completed through photographs in mobile phones : Digital India requires the complete change in our traditional laws : In western countries there are consonance to laws with Hytech technology :


Saturday, 21 September 2019

Role of Media in democracy

Media is called in democracy A representative of freedom of expression: Freedom of expression is meant expression within the four corners of constitutional limitation or constutional framework : There is a pitfall in freedom of expression out of sphere of limitations : we practically feel
the sword of media which can change the views of masses : There is a law for spreading false information and it has punishment : Democratic govt uses some time sword of media for taking confidence of people in right manner but some time media expresses wrong statics to show good administration : The role of media in democratic countries some time happens to be tool of administration :Media should act as a responsible agency for showing real picture of freedom of  expression within the constitutional limit : A political party requires strength from media when workings of institution are fair and without fear .they reflect the public consciousness : what fair is or
What favoured by them really reflect the real picture of masses under democratic rule : The scale of measurement fits to public when public has good conscience for democratic set up and in absence of it , there can not be a good experience of democracy : Media has ample and wide effect upon good conscience it generates good conscience when work for the people by the people :

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Professional // Buisness morality

Professional & Buisness morality are the subject where customer being handled  by businessmen or professional in a manner that it’s effect goes to morality of these people : False advertisement publishers , publishes their content to attract the traffic : here is the motto for more earning  : Some advt  of medicines  gives  a note that use of medicine should be taken as directed by registered medical practitioner : Here is  last resort comes in the hand of practitioner : If the medical practitioner supports the medicine  with a view  to earn more and more he used to  support  despite of  patients undue desire in cure  In USA there are laws to control to  immorality  of these technilties  it’s a like a Vigilence  in the interest of public : Doctors prescribed costly medicine so as to earn more commission: it’s against the moral values but how to check : use of medicines have equally beneficial to low cost medicine but role of immorality persuade them to sell costly medicine so as to receive high commissions provided by medicine suppliers : In the same sense Fees of Doctor a private practitioner is not fixed he may charge at rests totally upon his sweet will :!They use their intelligences in their profession : thus they charge fees accordingly :The Question is not of higher or lower fee but how we keep morality when we see that cure of people is not possible despite we do experiment : there is no scale to know a people working with morality or immorality: Technality is medical science only provide presumption but still the duty of doctor is guided by morality :No body wants to play with human body in risk factor : despite of morality plays a big role in cure :Patients should have their own decision after experiencing effect of medicine and also to understand the results of tests : Dicision of two doctors are also fruitful for making an independent dicision :


Saturday, 7 September 2019

Danger of Radioactivity

World is crossing in the fear of radioactivity nuclear war : countries are making these  nuclars so as to show powerful and making balance of power in union of countries : An insane country can demolish the whole world despite of that countries are expanding fund upon this strategy : To creat fear in state it’s a policy of the sovergion states : No body thinks about that how to deactivate these nuclear weapons for the protection of humans :  Researches required to deactivate this danger of radiation effect in advance : It was said that allovera plant was the only plant which was survived during II nd world war : it may be untrue but there should be a effort by our world scientist so as to protect our nature and living peoples from the nuclear world :

Fear to humans started since the invention of nuclear material :A modal
house to be constructed equipped with all aminities and having no effect of radioactivity : we are going to Moon but the nuclear world would creat a world of distraction : we are not applied our mind to protect such nuclear world : When we will remain in world then who would go to moon

Friday, 6 September 2019

Googal a best friend for innovation

Days although not gone when there were a saying that books are best friend : Pattern changed when we have all collection and information upon a desk where all information available : scope of learning much changed : We can say that these collection not lasting and science has given  us friendly a wide field in every branch of study : What a great imagination with support of google : Books of google are ready for learning writing ✍️ and expressing your thoughts : Google is a best friend for those who have deep innovation and devoted for learning : Life is settled but money is not last resort : your peace in mind is so valuable comparatively to bare money : All person can leave you  but google would not leave you : my nights are devoted to google when my sleep becomes disturbed and google is my pious book when I learn from guru google : Cool
atmosphere in summer and my search upon google gives results update thoughts : my thoughts changes when vibration becomes changes : who guide us no body but google catches our vibration in the midnight , The word midnight its an amazing time when poets loves their poetry and writer loves with full moon : some time no full moon but imagination of full moon can be invented :