Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Theory of Moksha

Moksha word denotes that after death human body not returns in any way :in any form of living people  :soul mixes  with universal  God : So far as Moksha is concerned when individual gets rid from traffic of birth  and death which runs for number of years . Our Hindu texts shows that there are number of ways for getting rescue from our repeatedly birth and death of human system : Principle says that we change our body according to our deeds : To believe this factor we experienced the number of peoples telling that in past they were and born in particular family and it has been tellyed and after Enquiry story proved right : reborn of soul
In other people it’s a like people born in other dress : we make changes our dresses :then what’s way to get rid of this traffic : Indian Hath yoga says unless you become Digambar you can’t get Moksha :we prepare for it but still it’s all depend upon fate when after becoming Digambar a person gets accident then death from accident Moksha can’t be possible due to unnatural death :Moksha can only be possible when a person dies with natural death and releases his body without any pain and without  any wishes :The procedure adopted in yoga stimulate the span of life years :but to increase the life span is not the way of Moksha : Moksha happens when people leaves every desire : when you have no desire then it’s a kind of Moksha from desires : thus the cause of bad deeds when goes to end it’s a kind of Moksha from bad deeds : To prepare human nature Ina way that individual smashes in any kind of wishes I’ll thoughts and believe in helping others Astrology says a human doesn’t return upon  earth in any form of body when all stars are posited between moon and Jupiter and 12 th house remains vacant : astrology says the Ketu is signifactor of Moksha : but it is not only one responsible for Moksha

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Submissive Nature of humans

Submissive nature is a characteristic of noble persons : It comes by birth or doing practise while adopting alike nature in life : submissive nature influences other individual , masses subordinates it gives a cult of high personality : submissive nature of a human brings another person very near and makes cordial relations affection and attraction : this is a high mental position above the understanding where people has a element of self confidence & self control in voice : self control where  mind directs to be cautious in aggressive nature and to ruin this nature it requires patience in human behaviour : Moral duties and ethics  becoming religious through adopting principles of religion ,hearing lactures of saints mould the nature of individual whatever be the religion : all religion don’t say to become aggressive in nature : submissive nature of an individual qualifies the individual in human relations : it gives respect from other persons and creat a place in society :

Saturday, 20 July 2019

Do Positive Mistake

positive mistake is a best exercise for brain and mistake are not done habitually it happens when we don’t know the whole working but we try to learn and it makes to understand the gateway it’s  a chapter of learning by a simple procedure : we know method but effective and efficiently we immune from the best method then we do some thing to get the best result and this makes us sometime mistakes and there after we used to avoid those mistakes for the best result : it’s a best method to develop the brain : Repeatation of mistakes shows your memory tissues are not grasping the technique and it requires repeatation of procedure where you need cure : curiosity makes cure : it develops brain power : scientist are born from element of curiosity if you don’t have this element you are being stopped by brain power  Thus the most amazing result of brain comes from curiosity : it’s a necessary element to absorb in our habit : The second element which support the curiosity is our planning  for observation: now it’s s wide area for scrutinising and learning : Speed in learning makes a person very fast in understanding the things : suppose you read book not for the purpose of reading only but for the purpose of grasping. and understanding and the time period for finishing the book for the purpose of understanding ends in one hour and other person do the same exercise in 30 minutes and qualifies the questions raised by observer , this is a speed of grasping which decides the power of brain :

Tuesday, 16 July 2019

Our living style

Healthy mind and body enhances age of a humans : Longivity also happens when desease remains very far from healthy body : Desease is enemy of longivity : To remain healthy A person adopt the way of living which includes eating : Our body is neither dustbin nor post office : we should understand the internal culture of body : A men not  becomes healthy while eating more  food it’s a energy that enhances the function of body To eat in discipline way while understanding the language of inner body through controlled mind makes body healthy and that immunes from deasease also :: we use plastics container and pesticides born wheat which generates cancer and that dreadly desease spoils health and wealth of a family : A member of family effects whole family :To search , the germs of cancer we should aware of pesticide wheat ,chemical born fruits that is root of desease we are aware but we ignoring the future consequences that are very horrible :Number of patients are increasing : No legislation being passed to curb the origin of cancer : Research says that our competition for earning more money by means of pesticides made the whole danger : if govt stops the use of pesticides then the growing statics may go down but of generation remains safe then there should  be an enacted legislation to prevent humans from use of pesticide in edible crop : Every body is not rich who can afford their own field for growing edible crop through without pesticide : thus there should be complete restraint upon field owner for using pesticides in their field :

Monday, 15 July 2019

Effect of Eclipse upon Earth

We people living upon earth :   Eclips happens when sun or moon partly or wholly shadowed : There are number of versions about impact of Eclips but nothing seems to be accurate : this is only manifestations that compel to believe idiology : there are number of factors responsible for any event or occurances : only one factor of Eclips does not affect the humans but position of stars along with vinsotry period ,transit of signifactors running stars and their impact determine the occurances : To minimise the bad effect of Eclips Hindu mythology suggests some donations like giving wheat to shudra : whatever be reasons but it’s true that it effects to pregnant ladies if they comes in the sphere of Eclips rays : When humans don’t come in touch of rays there is nothing which can harm humans life and Hindu texts advices not to go outside of shelter house :Sun is atma and moon is mind : there are number of factors gives rise to struggle but single one factor has no longer effect but it effects upon wombs child and effected  child in woman womb borns with some ailment : Some texts describes that Eclips time is very much important for collecting mantra power and siddhi :

How experience edited in Books

Experience is universal it’s a matter of debate because how we feel is an experience and feelings changes as per thoughts : my hard core subject is here with regard to those books written about medicines when writer cum scientist doctors Vaidhya homiopatician used to write after collecting experience : This large experience codification became the verdict of experience applicable universally :  condition of patient is a matter of observation and a medicine can be used after observing the condition of patient : However what the writer composed it was really a great for humans use : it’s right when we take it according to symptoms : Symptoms are the basis of using medicine Thus the connectivity for a medicine is symptom : Like an observer medicinal books were
Written with the great experience it was not a one day task it was work of day and night : several time  written and omitted and lastly with the several experience books were edited it was a traditional way now the time being changed : Symptoms of desease are now changed  its due to use of chemicals and
Medicines are in effective upon these symptoms: Nature of people became changed how we can win upon chemical addiction : we should think over it : way of living and eating become changed : addicted food is now part of our lunch and dinner : searching of medicine which could encounter
With unhealthy food is necessary

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Our do’s & don’ts

The whole life of human is depends upon do’s and dont’s : What kind of do’s and dont’s are :Which are outcome of our  knowledge:  knowledge is common sense provided by nature and it’s a simple device in life but how we can use common sense : some time common sense wins the high race of life : A person develops his common sense through learning process : Scientist develops their common sense while keeping observation:and applying principles of why : How : When : A simple villagers make invention by the method of developing common sense : Number of books are edited for the education but a villager who even donot read and write learns from the environment and techniques prevailing : This technology of understanding things is not written in texts : this is the feeding and developing  of common sense : we know how to eat food and how our hands  help to eat food  this is common sense provided by nature but what is helpful for nutration food it’s a developed common sense we learn it from our taste and through practical experimenting about food giving us energy : thus energy is basic factor for developing common sense : villagers use engines in cart and use as tractor : this is the development of common sense :

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Pleasure can be defined

The question of quantum of pleasure generally related with how we spend money and against the expenses how we fetch and bring the pleasure for our mental  satisfication  : Money what ever be the currency of country it’s value for exchanging pleasure for our mental satisfication varies from the taste of an individual : it’s a universal fact that our organs of body are natural and function of healthy body are similar and there is  no dependency upon any Curran you : so far as taste is concern we purchase pleasure while purchasing through currency a variety of pleasure and this makes the difference of people rich or poor : The developing the ratio of rich peoples generally shows that peoples are happy because their mental level of happiness became rise and their capacity of expenditure in their daily life became more then earlier they had : The people who are won the mental status and they don’t believe in pleasure of organs of body like saint : their feelings about poor  or rich don’t comes in their path and way of living don’t effects their pleasure and their feeling are somewhat same in both condition : this is the condition where definition or experience of pleasure make people generating  a different thoughts : where no kind of money wealth effects the mental status of people

Law relating to attraction

Attraction word scientifically says that attraction occurs when opposite poles are
there : magnet attract iron due to evolution of megnatic energy : Astrology says person of same zoadic sign have similar mind and they make friends and they attract each other as a friend in common thoughts : so far as Hath yoga is concerned: it says that opposite person attracts :  Sun attracts Moon and element of earth keep attraction :Humans attracts to human through their voice ,eyes and activities of organs :Tantra and Mantra attracts through human organs activities : Hynotism
Is an activity of eyes :

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Venus only one star of luxurious life

Venus in this modern era gives experience of modern things : it’s habit is not traditional it gives luxurious life bestowed by modern house vehicle touring taste of hotels : living life with all emenities   It affects the thoughts of people who is having Venus lord in CENTER PLACE whether it’s freindly  zoadic sign or exalted or its own zoadic sign and ruler of houses except 6,8,: The best position
It should be in Center and ruler of Center houses : it’s only star which gives good marital life when occupies in Center : Moon if occupies in adjacent house in horoscope it’s most affected star would be moon and quashes if moon is affected by Saturn :this is the only star who diminishes the negative effects of horoscope : so far as Jupiter is concerned it has been said that the only star that diminishes the bad effects of horoscope whrn occupied in Center it’s right but role of Venus is equally same whrn  Jupiter in earlier period gives difficulty but Venus is contrary in this version it always gives good result when posited in Center or trikona with own ,friendly or ,exalted  zoadic sign : it should not be upon child degree or old degrees which effects in saxual life only and does not effect in other activities :

Sunday, 7 July 2019


Logic is more then explanation although it’s a basis for judgement and the principles of logic are derived from positive thoughts : To say logically sound meant by a common men basis his thoughts upon common sense : If logic is based upon particular text then logic is limited to particular text : what text says it’s a logic : this is the logic based upon particular text but logic is independent and thoughts in universal not limited to particular texts : This logic must have identity of univarsility in thought and based upon solid principles where no reply of logic is found : logic coupled with law strengthen the logic and judgement passed upon makes the precedent of courts : Mischief  is adverse to logic and no place found for mischief in judgement and mischief can be challenged and it never become logic :

Where you find God

When ever I encounter difficulties I find some body come and helps me I always think that he comes in different way and different view either helps me directly or some time indirectly : I think that God is omnipresent and he is ready and willing at every time but why he comes for me either he is very kind keeping in view my service to others : Thrte are number of factors relevant for searching God : some search reveals that God is present when you serve to another who can’t express their voice: sudden help where no body reach if you make presence it’s all about God when you see presence of God in helpless person : some persons believes in good karma (good deeds). The story reaches at the same destination : it’s good deeds are itself shows the presence of God : Good deeds are facilitated by virtue of Gods  desire : In horoscope if your atma karak star is exalted or its own sign it would give you God blessings in the period of ascendent lord : Jupiter and moon are stars where all stars are posited between these stars in horoscope and ninth tenth lord occupies in trikona 5,9 upon friendly exalted or own zoadic sign it’s good yoga for getting blessings of God 

Prediction of Zodiac sign with Sun & Moon

East and west has two different arm of earth : People occupied in east are follower of the effect of moon upon Zodiac sign whereas in western countries effect of sun upon zodiac sign are  followed : whatever be reason but it’s true that people living upon earth in different region have are variance in culture language and way of life and rising of sun and moon are different: People born in western countries they have impact of particular running  zoadic sign of Sun called it’s zoadic sign of birth whereas in eastern countries moon have a place to say birth upon particular zoadic sign and name of individual pronounced on the basis of alphabat of particular zoadic sign but there is no relation between name and zodiac sign of sun : Bases of  prediction in Western countries are with the sun who at the birth time occupied upon the particular zoadic sign The point with western countries is relevant
Sun changes his zoadic sign after 30 days and moon changes his zodiac sign in two and half day :Hindu philosophy believe in moons theory :


Friday, 5 July 2019

Ruling star of horoscope

Mind rules upon body : it controls the organs of body : similarly planet having highest degree rules upon body : It’s called as an aaatma karak planet .This planet is high command in astrology :Evils of horoscope are cured by giving power to aatma karak star : The right decision can be obtained when aatma karak star is made powerful : Aatma karak star if occupied upon melefic zodiac sign or debilated then to cure its negative effect it is necessary to control through significance of donations of that star and by chanting mantra of that particular aatma karak star is required :aatma power is most powerful power in horoscope and by wearing of jawels of particular star help us to opine right decisions : our activity of  day today working is all dependant upon aarmakaeak star : aatma karak star of every one without going to depth of astrology and who don’t have right time of birth can do Pooja of sun and shiva : Life can be full of joy with the Pooja of sun and shiva for making and to genrate self power :

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Stars conjunction with number of stars

The difficulty arising in farcasting of particular events whether it’s your individual horroscope or regional national or international occurances : The point for determining the factor when which star have a controlling authority when there is a conjunction of more then single star in a house : The principles of farcasting are general and changes as per degrees of the planet : The most revolutionary principles are evolved by Krishnamurti Paddati
(K.P.Principles or theory) :Who are signifactors of houses in hortoscope : it’s all depend upon degrees of stars : Where sub lord consttilation lord are to be taken in consideration also :The relevant discussion neither related to principles nor it’s a novel as narrated but it’s a general & common principle which we don’t take much painfully : This is who rules the house and who have a say or commond upon house : Naturally a powerful star have a say in deciding the occurances of house : zero degree star or lower degree star has no place in decision and degrees after 25 to 30 have place as mature star but their views are not mandatorily obeyed by young stars : it depends upon their friendly nature and if they are enemy house would be view of tension :These all depends upon wisdom of an astrologer :

Moments Past and Present

Moments play a beautiful role in memory whether it was a sad occasion or happy occasion:  Sad occasions recalling the memory bring feelings touching emotions with heart : Both feelings have attachment with heart but in happy occasion it fills the pleasure and a freshness to heart whereas in sad occasion it feels with retardation to heart : Moments always becomes changed and to recall in memory the happy moments it’s a beauty of life and attaches more with the company had : Photographs vedio plays vital role in understanding the nature of people :Positive moments are very attractive to writers who wants to write upon moments : How the feeling  runs from moments : Life also is alike moment : when people alive it’s a moment and dies it’s end of moment : Poetry is also moment when a particular time idea begins to birth :Reading books are also an activity which has a particular moment : To recall moment upon books does not  go in depth due to elobrate subject but to remember natural moments gives us strength and spends time in learning : it also develops memory