Sunday 30 June 2019

To evade astrological assumption

Some thing very hot in current affair and peace of international community is in peril : Some people don’t have faith in Astrology where human civilisation is afraid of war then we should keep out of these  Astrological aspects: No war required and all states are with majority in peace and UNO also make efforts to develop peace : Stars are meeting in one sign saggatarious These stars conjunction are against the peace and astrologers far casting circumstances for war : In this connection no body is in favour for war situations, Actually peoples don’t require war: and in the eye of diplomatic relations no situation would arise and UNO would make peace all members have the treaty and binding natural law of balance of power : The imminent danger of war fills the fear of end of civilisation : However whatever be no body wants to be go on death whether it’s individual or state : To say war would be its imagination is very dangerous and it’s conclusion is much fearful and dangerous: it is true we can farcast the fear of iii rd world war but astrologically we should remain away for conclusion it’s not in our hand it’s all upon nature and we are unable to farcast upon these issues : These stars which are in conjunction at a saggatatious sign is a sign of Jupiter and Jupiter makes peace and there situation would arise where balance of power would make peace in states and universe also

To write upon dancing knowledge

Knowledge couple with experience is purified knowledge and to teach such knowledge is exemplary: whereas knowledge based upon imagination is not practical knowledge and it’s logic may be true or not to be true it’s your fate that decides much : Our analysis hard core related to astrological thoughts principles presumptions based upon earlier circumstances and we conclude that similar conjunction of star would give the same result : I think it’s a still not surity : The occurance May be or may not be :why certainty not come with the astrologers : Dancing 💃 knowledge meant by that wrong or write both : Astrological aspect are calculated through similar occurances upon stars retrograde conjunction    While keeping in view inimical or friendly positions : Some logic bases their theories that a debilated planet can be made exalted : it seems that we can overturn the astrological effect : there are two aspect that we conquer upon our bad fate through making exalatation of planet by some actions with the help of Tantra : All theories goes to a simple way that if you overturn your bad fate then you leave upon your good deeds and good deeds are the source of good luck 

Saturday 29 June 2019

Nothing impossible but act positive

Theories may not possible but practical doing gives always result : this world is not only tool of entertainment but it’s a more then that : imagination are theories whereas practical are the actions that goes to result : Manifestations are hurdles for an actions : work when implemented it gives result : Hard labour with honestly either mentally or physically:gives the same result it may be that it’s result are physically minimum in the return and more in mentally : The weight of mental people are heavy in the sense of money and in comprasion to phisical work people : The Question is not for comparity how mentally people look like vip of society and  people always guided by strong people who have brain and called brain people : this extraordinary quality of brain gives command to organise people and gives status also : Influence is not outcome of any mazic but it’s a brain quality that controls the peoples who comes in sphere of voice emerging from brain  :


Tuesday 25 June 2019

Pri knowledge of future incidents

The captioned subject is very difficult subject : Neither it’s a course for students in reading nor it’s a science disclosed: its a secret science and felt by person who make efforts for knowing it through knowledge of five elements : It’s. a sixth sense or awakening of Kundlini : it’s a subject not based upon any astrological science it’s a quite different and based upon inherent power when your inherent power makes a path to bring knowledge of things which are not happened till today but would happen in future: This is so exact who take you very near to future incidents : some say that to
Tell about future incidents is to decrease the power : There are two things 1 when person gets knowledge but never tells to other regarding future incidents and one tells this may
be called as Bhavisya vani : astrology may become failure but bhavisya vani said by sixth sense is quite different it’s basis is not any arithmetic calculation : There were a science developed in ancient Hindu texts and JAIN texts where they used to caste bhavisya vani from
Ecological changes: Bhadrabhau sahita have chapters with regard to changes in nature : suddenly changing nature of animals and changing colours of cloud and even the statues changing colours or
tears from stone statues :were some future symptoms : But the other science which had a hard labour for obtaining knowledge from self knowledge:Hath yogi were not magician but they had a knowledge from working of body : Hindu texts particularly Lord shiva directed many texts but they are shown through dialogue between Shiva & Parwati  and these texts namely shiv savrodaya gives a comprensive guide for this secret science for the excellence of inherent power ;

Death An unknown thing

Nobody wants to accept the realty of death and wishes to live more & more : Death is not pleasure and what happens when death comes it’s a very horrible occurances : Even sound of death fills the fear and people even last moment donot accept the realty of death and wants to overcome upon death Religion says it’s a last point whether cause of death would be natural or unnatural : Unnatural death is when unsatisfied person forcibly goes to accept : There are different category 1 both deaths is where one person complits the age while enjoying child hood young age and lastly old age and dies with the knowledge of death : secondly whereas in other death person goes to death when he don’t  know the sudden occurance : Time and force qualifies the phenomenon of death in the definition of death resulting natural or unnatural: accidental death comes in ambit of unnatural death which is forcefully untimely taken away by nature :

Friday 21 June 2019

Innovative thoughts

The value of innovative thoughts goes to multimillion : No body can think about the value of innovative thoughts but the real master who take it for grasping and use it for multimillion : These Innovative emerges from common sense and it doesn’t require any qualification it’s a pleasure received from by birth that ends in invention : How it generates it’s a origin where vibration of thoughts comes : You have noted that there is a very hot temperature in Rajasthan particularly : Did you think the use of hot temperature exceeding the limit : it’s a innovative thoughts and it’s use for humans in excessive hot conditions is a real innovative : How we can use nature acting in reverse : This basic thoughts gives a road going to inventions : There is a scope where you can get fuel free of charge : several industries can be run from the sun energy. There may be an other device of collecting
Solar energy : Number of essence of plants can be collected from direct sun light :This is a not invention but it’s a innovative thoughts that is a worth of multimillions

Saturday 8 June 2019

Brain food

The things required for the development of brain is learning exercise: we eat food for body
Growth but brain food is books primarily to read and learn some thing : Brain exercise is a : process of learning which gives strength while doing exercise through learning process : Lazyness is a enemy of  brain development: two things are : firstly we don’t want to learn and if we learn but we don’t have a capacity to store what we read :Brain has two quality one related to laziness and other we keep for learning but unable to grasp it :mind lives in body and what we eat that all goes to whole body system
Including brain still the exercise for body and brain is quite different : Repeatation of things for learning helps the brain like doing physical exercise:To keep memory young brain require  free from laziness and repeatation helps it for development: fear anxiety weaken the brain : writing habits develops the brain ; Meditation and yoga exercise keeps brain healthy :source of vitamins required for brain development like almond keeps the brain healthy: Almond is helpless when brain is affected by natural deformity or any kind of deficiency: this part of body most complicated part and very difficult to understand for scientist also : to know the efficient working of this part like the brain of Einstein : It’s a natural gift that comes from your way how you keep the brain after it’s develpment but in case of deformity there is nothing reformatory to change its parts :

Secret facts

secret facts if disclosed to any one it would be harmful to him ; two types of secrets are :  one is connected with good deeds and another connected with bad deeds : good deeds if being disclosed it has no impact to others reputation  but bad deeds if being disclosed it would hamper dignity prestige and lastly endanger the existence of a person : Chanakya said that secret facts should not be conveyed to others : but which secret he is silent :The question is deep and to be understood in terms of interrogation:  Every person has some secrets but so far as good deeds are concerned there is no fear if being disclosed thus the most pertinent question is this , that we always have fear about our secrets that some body will know it and it would affect their reputation : Good deeds never affect reputation : The definition of bad and good deed is very discriptive  but it may be that your cause of facts is good but your means to adopt is wrong then it would come in the sphere of bad deeds : this secret should not be disclosed but if it disclosed it would affect the reputation 

Friday 7 June 2019

Amazing Effect

The things where the effects are miraculous are really worthy and we should take note of these categories we may call sometime amazing: In Ayurveda Triphla amazing In Homiopathy Nuxvomica and Alopathy number of drugs one of Avil used in allergy but there effect are not permanent they effect temporarily : Amazing effect require permanency in cure : Amazing effect in our daily life : Human nature in itself has an amazing effect some time some persons personality attracts us bodily Some time mentally Also A person has an amazing nature in the sense that his behaviour really loved by person who comes in their sphere and attracts their personality in a whole :Hypnotism has an effect
In temporarily nature it’s amazing for time period Amazing that changes a particular facts permanently : mazic  is an  amazing effect for the time period  : Action with reaction Principle applies upon earth : if we give someone to some things without any consideration it’s a donation ,gift
 to show love and affection to other: which reactions can be noted  through his service of   touching with heart :
Amazing in humans shows their effect mentally in permanent nature : Remedies are in permanent nature To cure is an amazing method of it cured :Tantra mantra in Hindu myth are  also
have an amazing effect  Go seva ( cow service) amazing it helps us in our development : If some persons wait you bonafidely Help him : voice which comes from heart if you feel it’s an amazing : Yogi feel the light of knowledge it’s an amazing :To awaken the kundalini it’s an amazing effect of our control of body : yoga Asan amazing exercise : Sun Pooja amazing : this is the only realty that we  see God in appearance : There are number of factors that have amazing effect in our daily life

Monday 3 June 2019

Bring to Book

The role of opposition is very pious in democracy: To show the mirror what actually are going in public interest : If there are lack of opposition public would have to suffer : In democracy opposition should have a say so as to ruling party work efficiently : there should be a direction shower : what public requires and what should be : we hear that Our judiciary took cognigence of a particular act and directed to govt to give a reply : Thus when no opposition it’s a era of silent but it’s against the principles of democracy : Opposition have a role which if adopted judiciously it’s a role that would attract the people :opposition are catalyst of democracy :
It would be most negative point if opposition remains without the voice : The Principle of to the people for the people and by the people lies in democracy: opposition works as a path
Shower for the people and to the people and one single word
has relevancy by the people : thus by the people relates only with ruling party who is in
majority :

Sunday 2 June 2019

Life Package

Life package meant in two fold way  one is for life survival and other one for securing means for betterment of life : The most difficult position arises for any humans when old age begins : We are unable to fight the natural retardation of our human growth in the sense of deficiency : Then the question arises whether we are able to secure what we have ? Security keeps the body ailment for the period we live in happy and without any desease :  Our body parts have time period of working and we can run by applying skill in a living style so they may work smoothly : In old age a man should have necessarily happiness and happiness is a boon of nature that can be purchased without any consideration and it’s a only gift of God : Peace Prosperity and happiness are words interlinked to humans life and works an Engine in life train : Second element required in old age how we run our body to keep healthy ; we should know our body system and for keeping healthy mind and body : understanding the essence of old age package is ncessary for the people entering in such age : Earlier element of happiness peace and prosperity are prime and others are balanced diet and control upon mechinary of body : To know the function of our organs many tests are scientifically operated but in common sense what we eat is digested and what we eat is fruitful to us and deficiencies are controlled by us through necessary vitamin enriched food : deficiency of calcium in old age most commonly found and mussels pain and bone weakness generally we found and natural food milk white sesame powder are source of vitamins .To identify appetite and eat timely :not for whole day but fix time of lunch and dinner and eat when you find appetite: stomach is a source of desease when it’s  not functioning proper : To check in and out of body signifies its proper function : To check with a doctor whom you faith : cure of disease rests upon your faith with actual faith not blind faith : Our India  is a guru of world :  our yoga became part of education in western countries:   Adopting yoga in daily life gives a new life changes life stops age to go for decrease : Run Moon in day and sun in night your age would be over 100 year believe me I
Stopped the age my age is 70 but My appearances not above 45 what is this ;, it’s yoga and I say to adopt the philosophy of sawar sastra :