Friday, 31 May 2019

Gems wearing & weight of human

Wearing of Gems as per weight of a person is nowadays presumed to have a good effect : A person having weight of 50 kg 5 carrot & up to 60 kg 6 carrot and so on ; Philosophy whatever be but it has some truth : The ratio of wearing Gems as per degree of planet posited in horoscope now no longer existing : So as to make effective every body putrchases and wears of 5 carrots or more : Venus is posited in 7th house of his own sign does not give speedy result then substitute of diamond is recommended Piroja is its substitute and can be weared : it is practical experience that substitute works better then original Gems

Effect of shadow planet

Time immorial planets are subject of study observation in the field of predictive astrology : Sphere of observation was seven stars and shadow planets were told that their effect comes as per conjunction of other stars but the totally different are result from  outcome in the field of observation when shadow planets are ruling the seven star in the field of technology : time become changed we are having old method of observation : The independent study that requires to be studied : The way of human living changed due to scientific revolution and still our scale in predictive astrology are old : this is the time to change the method of observation keeping in view the effect of shadow planet 

Question of similar series of transitory planet

Astrology is based upon mathematics and its principles are based upon past effect of their conjunction of planet and we presume that similar series of conjunction would have same impact : but in fact Transitory planet does not have same impact in future ;A single prediction in this connection not became successful and inspire of that we are applying the  same method  : there should  be a novel method while  adopting new technique  in the era of electronics : There is a totally different role of stars of earlier who became in position of leading effect upon humans  ; we should learn these impact of shadow planet

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Power of the planet in horoscope

The foremost thing is to know the power of planet : When a planet occupied in good house but is power less then there would be no effect and predictions are different due to power less planet : Thus the first rule is that in essence power of star have place for adjudication in predictions : we can’t assess a horoscope only being occupied in good house : secondly any planet if conjoined with two or more star then power less star would have no effect and their sight would be none: and ruled by that star who is powerful effective and decision of powerful star would be final : we can say that powerless star like a neutral star : Rahu and Ketu are only signifactor shadow planet and gives result of that star whose sign they are occupied and if they are powerless their effect would be none : these Principle seems to be simple but are most important principles in the field of accuracy

Saturday, 25 May 2019

India blessed by God

Our nation is supreme we believe in God fearing people and God always help
us in maintaining our peace unity and integrity : Demicracy is a means for getting peace right rule and God helped a lot for electing right people : we need a such people who is full of nationality : we are super in our good sense : our policies are full of welfare in general public : thanks to.God who helped us in choosing right peoples

mars & Moon of Scorpio

Mars & Moon occupied in ascendent of Scorpio becomes more powerful and gives result in vishotary.period : mars gives neech bhang Rajya yoga : yoga prevails when ascendent lord with lord of ninth house combines in ascendent: self confidence braveness became supreme even Moon debilated : king requires qualities of king and we people accepted a people of this extraordinary  combination in horoscope and rule would be appreciated due to bold step in policies : Policies would attract public and Public would remember for his bold step : Internationaly renowned person who have this combination 

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Role of Faith

Faith happens when a person acts upon other person belief : There may be negative or positive consequences when acted upon that belief but some time our negative thought makes us to immune the positive effect : thus the role of faith is very significant : But when we do faith upon person and his faith become totally false then we suffer from his false belief: A doctor understands your cause of illness and diogonise through drugs and safely cured the disease but some time our faith upon doctor is not available and we take medicine but we don’t take medicine thus here we don’t have faith and we couldn’t take the fruits of diogonsis : Point is this we take fruits of faith when we acknowledge the effects in reality : Blind faith is adverse to our knowledge: knowledge enhances the role of faith and we do faith upon activities when we take appraisals of thoughts and feel the factual substance ;

Saturday, 11 May 2019

Sun & Moon in yoga

Pleasure seeking in yoga , yoga gives pleasure when Ida and Pingla meets: this is a meeting of mind :with soul : sun is soul
and moon is mind
this is the stage when a magmatic attraction goes: When yogi runs sun and moon that is called susmana and this gives a extra ordinator pleasures: air running in both nostril of humans it is called susmana in awakening stage and how you make it perfect keeping exercise in stability of susmana it’s a best period for meditation:To know secret of attraction: you should know about susmana nadi : how much you spend time for running in susmana : this gives the meeting of soul and mind : Meditation in this period gives a full pleasure