The foremost house in horoscope is 5,9 houses :if these houses are occupied upon own sign of planet or lord of trikona occupies in trikona house for example 9 th lord occupies in 5 th house or 5th house lord occupies in 9 th house it’s a yoga if trikona lord occupies upon friendly sign it’s a yoga : trikona is a place which has been boosted by godessa Lakshmi : godessa Lakshmi would not leave that person : trikona position of a star having lordship of 9th occupies in 5th house t gives a high position in life: There are number of example when it’s unique position : trikona lords occupation in trikona it’s a highly beneficial position and best result are obtained in the vishotari period of ascendent lord which is a starting point of trikona : three points in trikona 1,5,9 and when it’s added through line Trikona formed : A text says that debilated planet in 9 th house not good : trikona good the horoscope is good and godessa LAXMI will not leave you it’s a sign of happiness pleasure free flow of finance : Tajik Neel Kanthi a text of yearly chart says if in a year ninth house is occupied by debilated star then Indra can’t stop to becoming a person without finance it’s so negative function of debilated star in ninth house
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
Saturday, 25 August 2018
Overcoming the bad yoga in astrology
There is a way to overcome the bad yoga prevailing in your horoscopes: From time immemorial text has been written such as Lal kitab and other texts suggesting the method to negate the negative effect of bad yoga : The basis of negation of these yoga are that if we donate the particular goods to particular person then the effect of bad yoga could be minimised or relieved but there are some yoga that works till life and whole life is totally effected and there cure is required : Nothing about written for eradicating these yoga : My article is totally written in originality on the basis of principles behind these yoga : it’s a thought which comes out after a long internal discussion with the truth which can be called an eternal : it’s a priniciple that when we donate some thing our intention is not to take return of that goods it’s without consideration :In Astrology donation have very much
Place for eradicating the bad effects of stars but when yoga is there it’s very difficult for curing the star or effected house : suppose a person is having Saturn + Moon yoga in horoscope this yoga creates trouble for that particular house where yoga created or planets are occupied : In astrological remedy it has been said that Lord shiva Pooja on Monday through milk
and Black til is desired it’s so right but it requires more :This is more effective when Saturn +Moon yoga presents in ninth house it’s totally effective and in other houses it’s less effective : when there is no remedy then the temple is a last resort for curing the bad effects of star : To donate in temple gives the remedy : LAL Kitab chooses the things for throwing in dirty water for 41 days : This is a mental
exercise that bad things are thrown by us There is a difference between throwing or to donate some thing :Useless things are thrown or if they are useful but are harmful pshyilogically : Dinations are useful to others and it’s return back every donation returns 10 times Thus the point of discusssion is that donations of particular goods of particular star if given in temple or religious place where person take shelter in bad luck or bad time : Saturn + Moon yoga eradicated or cured through a particular way : first the person who belong to which religion and if he donate the particular goods to preaching prayer house where he believes that there is the only means to cure the yoga : Saturn +Moon
Yoga which is called vish yoga or poison yoga Lord shiva is the only way for remedy but if this yoga has been created in 2nd house it creates obstacle in marriage and the best procedure to overcome this yoga is donate the blue cloth with Swastik along with rice in particular temple or preaching house and it would be more effective when it’s all ceremonies are solamenised in temple ; Believe in God nothing is impossible in world
Place for eradicating the bad effects of stars but when yoga is there it’s very difficult for curing the star or effected house : suppose a person is having Saturn + Moon yoga in horoscope this yoga creates trouble for that particular house where yoga created or planets are occupied : In astrological remedy it has been said that Lord shiva Pooja on Monday through milk
and Black til is desired it’s so right but it requires more :This is more effective when Saturn +Moon yoga presents in ninth house it’s totally effective and in other houses it’s less effective : when there is no remedy then the temple is a last resort for curing the bad effects of star : To donate in temple gives the remedy : LAL Kitab chooses the things for throwing in dirty water for 41 days : This is a mental
exercise that bad things are thrown by us There is a difference between throwing or to donate some thing :Useless things are thrown or if they are useful but are harmful pshyilogically : Dinations are useful to others and it’s return back every donation returns 10 times Thus the point of discusssion is that donations of particular goods of particular star if given in temple or religious place where person take shelter in bad luck or bad time : Saturn + Moon yoga eradicated or cured through a particular way : first the person who belong to which religion and if he donate the particular goods to preaching prayer house where he believes that there is the only means to cure the yoga : Saturn +Moon
Yoga which is called vish yoga or poison yoga Lord shiva is the only way for remedy but if this yoga has been created in 2nd house it creates obstacle in marriage and the best procedure to overcome this yoga is donate the blue cloth with Swastik along with rice in particular temple or preaching house and it would be more effective when it’s all ceremonies are solamenised in temple ; Believe in God nothing is impossible in world
Monday, 20 August 2018
Five elements and human body
Our human body is governed by five elements and to identify these elements is the precondition to know nostrils waive ,these five elements run in both nostril waive and these elements are air ,fire ,water, earth and sky :Sky element is only element that runs in both nostrils waive : amazing effect of these five elements are : our body is guided by these elements and any element disturbance in body gives the indication of deficiency of particular element:which can be cured by changing nostril air through sleeping and mouldings our left knee for that purpose: balance of elements are necessary for better health : when both nostril air runs in human body then avoid all activity and the only act desired which is concentration of mind and watch the activity of nostril ; How susmana nadi runs and watch the time limit in minutes when susmana runs its colour and flow of nostril air in the measurement of fingures for example four fingures eight fingures twelve fingures sixteen fingures : sky element runs four fingures ,air element eight fingures, fire element twelve fingures , earth element 16 fingures ,water element 20 fingures ; these last two element are most fruitful for success : if a work started during earth or water element in left nostril air flow : then success are assured : Hath yogi used to watch the activity of these five element : it’s all is not one day job : several year passes to identify these element but it’s not hard to learn : The first lesson to learn is to identify particular nostril air meaning thereby that which side flow of air is flowing suppose right nostril is running then it’s called sun nadi or sun is running and then you identify the element and it can be easily identified through flow of air in fingures measurement
Monday, 13 August 2018
Astrological Yoga
Yoga in astrology meaning thereby meeting of two or more stars to creat a particular event : Yoga occurs when meeting of mind is there : Friendship is a result of minimum two persons : single person can’t do friendship to own entity Thus two persons is a basic requirement for yoga :In astrology if there is no conjunction of star there is no yoga : Aspect upon star also creat yoga and exchange of houses by stars are also a yoga :if enemy exchange there houses then they don’t spoil there house and it’s a balancing their houses : A single man can’t expend the family : Scientific way in modern science is available through test tube baby but it’s also a help of science and it’s a meeting of two person one yourself and another scientific process of enhancing family : yoga in Astro science or other science is a factor where 1+1=2 and new formation or new occurances : when your stars are positive in horoscope but they are not yogakarka then it’s no use : yoga is a part of life ,a happy life can only be achieved through yoga karka stars ;
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
Bases of Predictions in Astrology
Prediction varies or non applicable when we are solely dependent upon Birth chart : There are many factors relevant for accuracy and true prediction : There are some guideline for accuracy in astrology:1 Burth chart 2 Navansh chart 3 yearly chart 4 Gochar 5 vinsotary : you take them parallel and Never base result upon one out of these : your stars are good in birth chart but in Navansh stars are debilated or bad stars are exalted in navansh : stars posited in their own house exalted in both chart or upon same sign called good due to vargotam : Birth chart and Navansh read them sharply : there are signifactors of predictions : Yearly prediction also a perfect way of prediction :The placement of Muntha in particular house : Suppose a person want the date of marriage : You draw year chart of regular of next up to 5 years : The Question of marriage soleminization is related to change in family and this would be when ascendent lord in yearly horoscope made conjunction with 7 th house lord in any house except in 6th which is 12th from 7th house :2nd house also shows increase of member in family : This factor can be identified through consecutive next 5 years horoscope : suppose you don’t find yoga in next 5 years : you can further draw next years yearly horoscope and when this conjunction of ascendant lord +seventh house lord found : Predictions would be perfect :Muntha in 7 th house also helpful in marriage :karak period of vishitary and sub period of Navansh star occupied in 7th house also gives positive result and it all depend upon wisdom Of astrologer : Gochar period transit of major stars that is of Jupiter and Saturn which are most predictive stars in transitory period :
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