Saturday, 28 April 2018

Actionable claim & society

Legislation are formulated for the benefit of society but when society is not aware of laws then how laws are benefitted to society : To concentrate the Data Protection laws which are originated in Europe through regulations but that were so effective without sanctity of law because European public was so vigilant to their rights and now it has come to legally embedded from 25 th May 2018 when the date of enforcement of law is announced : UDPR  regulation become effective as law in Europe: Every country has its own characteristic they have sovereignty and peoples also have liberty :The subject of privacy is not debatable because privacy is always subject to laws not above laws and liberty is also have same limitations : we are not authorised to do an act which is against the law in the grab of privacy or liberty : The contention is that your attitude and philosophy although have the right of privacy but not beyond the laws &
limitations are always prescribed by law which always supported in the interest of society and in broad sense national security:  Data protection laws are evolution of our fundamental right of privacy or some may call it liberty in views : valtaire said that you have right to express your views : In the advent of nationality you have right but you don’t have right or express views against your nationality  this is in the interest of our sovereign nation : Data protection laws in India are enforced from the formulation of Information Technology Act 2000 further it was amended in 2008 and rules were framed in 2011 : Data protection where a people submits their data to social site and to restrict these data for unlawful meanse or disclosing to third party so they may use it in unauthorised manner then actionable claim arises : Social sites now making agreements for lawfully publications and they are bound  for not disclosing to third parties in any manner the so called data’s : In European countries peoples are very vigilant to their rights and judiciary watches these laws which abridges the law of privacy and liberty and gives pecuniary punishment when actionable claim arises but we don’t care about our privacy laws and also we don’t go in court for damages : There is a necessity of laws which   are still not enacted enabling for high amount of damages by judiciary :  Indian penal
Code and Information technology act are more relevant for ciber crimes but not sufficient for breach of privacy right 

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Google & individual right of privacy

Google knows every thing but it doesn’t mean that our freedom being curtailed : Google respect the individual right of freedom but we are checked by google we are feared because we are under surviallance of google and so many opinions are adhered but true picture is that we love google in our  daily activity: Helping nature of google represented a new path of skill in every walk of life : No stone unturned: Is google supreme in his activity : As a multinational company it has its values : who rules the world : The utilisation of science in our daily life day today life is so much influenced that we have become its salves : failure of internet gives us very much depression loss of our working capacity : Banks are fully guided by internet when server doesn’t responding we wait to respond quickly and we became helpless :science created developed techniques and every thing has its merits and demerits : Every country has its own laws and google respects all laws conventions and their traditions also : The Question arises the misuse of google company record by any country : Every country gives direction to work within the sphere of laws and infringement of security gives actionable claim against the company : it works within the national interest abiding The all laws of every nation :and data protection laws of every country 

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Ruined Fort & spirituality

It was morning when I saw that the fort was standing in it’s ruined condition : It was time when the fort remained the collection of art work & enjoyment place :Now it’s neither having art work nor it’s  a place of enjoyment :I saw my newly constructed bungalow which is still in process with beautiful paintings and modern aminities : I viewed in past the ruins of fort and also in present of my bungalow  I thought when every thing is to be diminished then why should take care of the new bungalow:it’s surely to be diminished in future when I would not be on earth : There is nothing in world which can give us the unlimited pleasure because our age is short and pleasure is endless :then why we love it : The Question again arose that there is a life where person don’t have any physical world people say it’s a lovely world where spiritual temptation goes :spiritual world where age is also determined and spirituality meant by to love God by any process where we can see God through easiest process  : what's easiest process no body can say that easiest process of spirituality is totally rest in enchanting spiritual words or to do help others by way of donation or through any means with the motto of help : to other people and all creatures: The fundamental of spirituality shows pleasure to see God in the form of religion with their principles ; There are so many religion and their principles but all are united upon this point that help to needy person and every creature is a product of God and God
resides in them but how you detect it’s a devotion of understanding : I am remembering a person from western country told me that he is doing practice to see God in animals :really it was a service rendering to animals and they don’t speak but to understand their language it was a matter of research  it’s a kind of service which is we say service to nonspeaking creature and blessing comes from
their heart : it’s a blessing that gives you a new strength and it comes no doubt from God : there are number of sects in religion and philosophy and also in particular  activity :In Hindu religion to know God by two means first they believe that God has some image and other sect says that their is no image of God : one sect says that God is sakar and other sect believe in nirakar :nirakar and sakar both sect believer says that the believer of Ganesha believe in both sect : where nirakar we see the believer have pleasure in Hath yoga and see brahm in their yogic activity and feel pleasure to watch brahm and they used to go in samadhi activity in last for this pleasure :they used to do extraordinary activities by winning five element air water earth fire and sky : these activities although very secret but it’s true that they do these magical activity which an ordinary man can’t do : we heard from
Very immorial time that a Hindu saint rided upon water from bare foot and also we heard that a Hindu saint fly’s in air  :we also heard that a Hindu saint stopped the fire with a water in his palm


Friday, 6 April 2018

Life secrats

Our deeds are some time appear to others and some time disappeared ; what we do only God knows meaning thereby we tend to do a secret work and that the only judge is God who knows every second of our life what we act and what we do : we act always in a manner that no body knows what we are doing but it’s our misconception : The best evidence noted by almighty Universal God :it may be that we don’t believe in God and this is a very reason that we act without any string without any fear : The  strong fear of God suggests that you have a faith in God and you can’t work against the will of God you love God and God would love always it’s a scientific truth that fear some time changes the identity of personality here you are not doing wrong deeds because you are having fear of God and this fear protect you from dangerous occurances : Fear is for your goodness not for your badness: Role of fear from God makes us to do rightful activity : if we think that no body seen what we have done  it’s due to our lack of knowledge and it’s a darkness where mind goes to sleep or did not work because in darkness we are unable to see the things what they are: Tragic point of life is we think that no body see us or nobody knows what we do : some time we use the tool of sinister motive we used to give logic that we acted in rightful manner for a particular people but it was his or her luck that occurances appeared and it was not their intention here no evidence and logically we like to prove that we are good in all sense but actually our act was not good and the God knows the inner conscience and the punishment would be reserved by God and this punishment gives God and realises when the last moment of life comes : our beliefs are not true we used to give false statement and take benefits from others it’s we used to say it a diplomacy 

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Pleasure of thoughts

We have love of reading novel but it takes time to read and our life is so busy that some time we read novel in holidays or just to kill time of holidays : If the theme of novel produced in short way not in numbers of Padge but in single padge then you would get number of novels in your holidays :It’s a thought that a writer wants to present not for your entertainment but more then that to awake your mind and heart : message inherent in novel can be produced similarly in one or two padges :This technique  is not new but has been used from immorial days : Thoughts are provoking emotional and changing your way of life : it’s positive it’s charachter it’s theme are attracting in the sense it touches your heart and it’s not boring :it’s so suggestive that it shows the ways how to conquer struggles and how to wins people : it’s realistic in nature it gives high standard of emotions it’s creation and it’s implementation also : creation of emotions in a character it’s a cardinal principle of story poetry and also  a blog : Beautiful people say beautiful thoughts and everything reflects from your thoughts and views what makes you a different people when your thoughts are different to your workings : how thoughts assembling of ideas becomes only in books when that are not utilised:  Emotional books and emotional people are only take pleasure of their own but in practical world we have no place of attached dream we need realty and that is only possible how we implement our plannings

View of SunSet Point

Nature blessed us a lot to see it’s originality :Every body loves to nature and what he searches it’s view in origin : origin meant by where we feel a feelings that what we didn’t find anywhere :it’s a evening  very close to hills I used to go there but one evening I found that it was sun set very near to us :actually sun set point reflecting rarely and those feel sun set point while admitting the fact that sun sets behind the hills very close to earth : I saw sunset point at mount Abu and also saw at kanya Kumari where sun sets in water it reflects that sun touches the surface of sea water and disappear : I saw similarly sun rise where sun rising from earth point and it seems that sun is rising very near to me I am remembering that place and I would like to say tourist friends to watch the sun rise point : This is not a story where I pick up the point to just to write something to attract the reader :Really it’s feeling that I felt there when sun rise happened : When there is sun set then sun rise also :  without sun  rise there cannot be sun set and when sun disappear in earth then it would be appeared from earth also ;it’s so pleasing when birds relieves from tweeting each other when sun rises from
earth :so beautiful envioronment I never saw but I want to see sun rise every weekend

Human Life & Protection

Laws are formulated to protect to all creatures :we especially here deal with the word protection which gives shelter to us due to our right to live as a civilised person : ours are member of society  where we search love friendship passion and even more where no limitation goes : There are some our duties and duties some time rival each other and what’s right in this struggle is also called duty in their eye we sometime help logic and what logically is right it’s our duty: Laws protects minor ,womens and people insane and gives right through next friend ,guardian in case of minority :Majority when comes people have their own control  : In our Hindu society every member of Hindu family is protected by every family member whether he is minor or major :women’s are protected also by their Hindu families: The concept of protection all is treated well it’s human nature to seek protection and to have protection : Fear of non protection becomes weighty when in our Hindu family  girl become major and family persons searches partner for her :she have her views in selection but despite that the fear of non protection after marriage still persists : It is true that modern values prepares women’s to stand on their foot in the field of self dependency but the fear which comes before marriage and ends after if marriage becomes harmonious but when the result are negative then question of protection by her family or in laws becomes a demarcation of boundaries in life :