Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Time is essence

Time is essence of our efficiency,progress,happiness,gain and so many concept evolved when our activity are based upon punctuality of time :its way of working in a diciplined manner : punctuality makes perfect in time : whether it's our office work or our daily routine work it's role makes a men perfect :we are not only person punctual but scientifically sun Moon earth also run timely it creates magnatic attraction also in our life :delay makes some time trouble and we feel no other chance some time we feel that chance was rare and our laziness become fatal due to nonpunctaliy of time :Principle of timely attending the situation a rigid activity but its result are great when we do positive work

Character of writer

It has been asked by influenced people that what character a writer have in their life: The reason of this quarry is somewhat related with using different character in their novel :its right to understand a people who changes characters as per circumstances of the novel : Actually to understand a people is a difficult task :Definition of character also changes as per changing circumstances of life :A person what appears from outside does not become practically as usual :character is some what a shadow which becomes larger or smaller as sun light changes its turn as received from sun : character in novel thoroughly emerging from imagination and imagination does not creat character:  it's origin somewhat from soul and a person having strong character is also having strong principals 


Monday, 26 June 2017

Root cause

Food is essential for the nourishment of our body but if we go to root that if our desire of hunger not originated we would not like food and to restrain the root cause of hunger we would be able to live without food :This is the only one example and we have to search the root cause of any type of compulsion without which our body can't survive and if we search to control
the very cause we would be self controlled ,This is a true philosophy of our mind and to understand root cause of any happenings avoid it before happening

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Living in future

Word future related with our own desire not existing in present but for the future :we people love our future and to know future we act hard in our profession with some systematic planning :Some time we don't know our future and wants to know our future and this makes the role of astrologer very significant : people whose work are very sensitive and sensitive peoples always takes help of astrologer : We people are sensitive in the sense that we always think about our future and role of astrologer are more or less very significant:and how to judge the right role of astrologer in guidance and how to select an astrologicals guide it's a question which is totally related with extraordinary wisdom of an astrologer :if you are sensitive person and blindly faith upon astrology and you don't weight the advice from your soul it's guide line   might result in negative : Question of weighting astrologer future advice in your future planning you weight your future aspects from you want to have success and simply advice of an astrologer is imaginarory but your weighting of planning through your soul makes you confident